Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Year of Snake Prediction 2013 (Part 1)

As what I have presented in my recent feng shui seminars, I m going to start my posts about my prediction for the year of snake. 

There is a very accurate method to predict what is going to happen in the coming year. That is to use the annual flying star chart for 2013. These are what we are going to expect:-

  1. The worst star now, 5 yellow enters to the middle of the chart. The middle of the chart in the annual flying star chart is crucial to determine what is going to expect for that year. Thus, serious diseases like SARS will occur and there will be serious earthquake at Turkey. Also, there will be wars and serious demonstrations at the Middle East. You can actually see the sign and signal now as there has been war between the Israel and Palestine. Also, there is demonstration at Egypt http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/news/newsbyid.asp?idx=301651
  2. Also, because of that, I am going to predict a higher petroleum price in 2013.

3. The conflict between the Japan and Philippine with China will still unsolved as three killings and argument star 3 is at the East. The political situation at the East of Malaysia is going to be in a mess after the general election.

Please stay tuned for the Year of Snake Prediction 2013 (Part 2)

Going soon to Taiwan again from 15 Dec - 22 Dec 2012. Hence, for those who need my consultation, please contact me prior the date. Thanks. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

星期六3:00pm 不见不散

Please be informed that my feng shui talk at Mah Sing Sales Gallery, Batu Maung, Penang on this coming Saturday will start at 3pm instead. Thanks.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

See you at Mah Sing Sales Gallery Batu Maung Penang

See you at Mah Sing Sales Gallery Batu Maung Penang 24 Nov 2012 Saturday 3.30pm to 5.30pm

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Horoscope for Rooster 2013

可惜,流年命宫同时出现五鬼’, ‘官符’. ‘官符主有官非诉讼,代表流年与人合伙业不利,易有口舌和官非之灾。
地解解神是一颗贵人星,主逢凶化吉,但需要先见凶而后化吉. 你的事业将会更进一步。
For Rooster, you will find that there is an appearance of ‘San Tai’ and it is your powerful helper star, which means you can achieve what you aim for. ‘San Tai’ is good for career promotion and excellent achievement in the examination. Thus, this is a year that you will have the opportunity of promotion and getting flying colours result.
'Jin Kui’, represents there is a good opportunity to start a business. If you always dream of becoming a boss yourself, in this year you will have the opportunity to implement your plan. ‘Jin Kui’ is a wealth star. It is a businessman wealth star, also illustrates your business will run smoothly and turnover is steadily on the raise.
‘Jiang Xing’ is a star of authority and power. However it is a military general star, which means you have to fight in order to achieve the outstanding record.
‘Di Xie’ and ‘Xie Shen’ are in your life palace. They are to turn the ill luck into the good luck. But you have to see bad one first before you meet with the lucky one.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Why I have become a feng shui master since my background is an engineer by profession?

I often have to introduce myself prior to any of my feng shui talks to the public as if I do not do it, then I will always be asked the same question i.e. why you become a feng shui master since your background is an engineer by profession. I would like to say that I started to love feng shui and many oriental ancient beliefs after I really understand them.

As an engineer, I have been trained to think scientifically and systematically. Thus, initially, I thought there are no scientific facts in feng shui or any of the oriental ancient beliefs. I used to perceive the oriental ancient beliefs as a mysterious area which is lack of scientific basis. However, after many years of exposure on the subjects, I begun to find myself intrigued by its relevancy to our lives. This knowledge is such a great treasure that has been passed down by our ancestors.

In short, as an engineer, I find no conflict between ancient science and modern science, the approach might be different, but both are destined to find the nature ultimate truth.

You would find that human being has been arrogant to do whatever we like and our action has led us to the nature imbalance. Nowadays, people started to realize we have to pause and look back to learn the ancient knowledge to see what they wanted to tell us. That is the reason why ancient studies such as yoga, qi kung, feng shui, i-ching, Sun Tzi Art of War and etc have become more popular nowadays. As the matter of fact, if you really understand them, you would find that they are relevant.

As modern science begins to be enslaved by capitalism to serve human greed,  and creating side effect in it pathway to solve relevant problem, may be is time for us to look back to wisdom and "para science " which has been studied in decade of ancient civilization like feng shui, I ching...

I term the ancient wisdom or knowledge as as "para science" in strict modern science requirement as it may not fulfill the quantitative, statistical and comparative elements of modern science.

However, this ancient para science has given us the answer and solutions or even philosophical truth. The ultimatum of modern science is usually solved at philosophical end rather the equation or laboratory experiments.

I used to say that “The word I 易 in I-Ching is form from the Chinese words yin and Yang日 Sun and 月 Moon. 6,000 years ago Fuxi knew everything in the world is form by the positive and negative energy. Yang 日 Sun is positive energy and Yin 月 Moon is negative energy. Later scientists discovered that the distinction between yin and yang, everything in the world, by the smallest of the proton and electron in Atom to the largest in the solar system the Sun and the planets of the universe, are all made up of the Yin and Yang. Because of yin (female) and yang (male), there is reproduction in human being.”




那也是为什么古老研究例如瑜伽,气功,风水,周易, 子兵法等都变得越来越普遍。 如果您真正地了解他们,您发现他们是很实际的一门学问。我是在真正地了解风水和许多东方古老学问之后才开始爱上他们.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

The good water creates good fortune for Klang Valley 吉隆坡的好水就有好财富.

山管人丁水管财, 有好山就有好人才. 有好水就有好财富. 我曾说吉隆坡位于巴生谷, 它被茂盛肥沃的山脉包围着。巴生谷的山脉是玉带环抱着吉隆坡。所谓的玉带环抱是指中国的古老时代官员的腰间带着的玉带, 而巴生谷茂盛肥沃的山脉正是玉带环抱包围着,拥抱着并且保护着吉隆坡, ”山管人丁吉隆坡因此吸引了许多卓越的人才。 这些人才都从马来西亚其他地区勇往吉隆坡谋生。除此之外, 吉隆坡以前的因为锡矿而吸引我们的祖先从中国漂洋过海来谋生, 以前的锡矿现在已是矿湖了, 而形成吉隆坡的水, 水为龙的血, 有好水就有好财富.

As what I always said “In feng shui, we say mountain governs the people and water controls the wealth”. If there are lush and fertile mountains in a place, then there will be talented people from the place. Also, if there is good and clear water in a place, then there is a place with good fortune and wealth.

I have said that Kuala Lumpur is located in the Klang Valley which is formed by lush, fertile mountain. They surround Kuala Lumpur. The Valley of the mountains surrounds and protects the Kuala Lumpur. Therefore Kuala Lumpur is able to attract a number of remarkable talents. These people are from other parts of Malaysia. They rush to Kuala Lumpur for their living. In addition, the old tin mines in Kuala Lumpur are now become lakes. There are many lakes in Kuala Lumpur such as The Mine, Sunway Lagoon, and Puchong IOI Lake. These are the good water, which is dragon's blood in feng shui. The good water creates good fortune for Klang Valley.

Horoscope for Dog in 2013




In this year, the appearance of the ‘Hong Luan Xing’ illustrates there will be some happy events such as wedding and adding of new member to the family. If you are still single, you may look forward to find a suitable companion in this year.

The star of ‘Si Fu Xing’ represents you will may encounter some argument problem in work with other staffs. This will cause the delay in the completion of the tasks that assigned by your boss and will make your boss unsatisfied with your performance. Another condition is your colleague may try to strive for good performance and back-stab you and this causes every work that you have done ends up in a complete mess and your effort finally is irrevocability lost.