Sunday, October 27, 2013

Feng Shui : Zodiac Horoscope for Ox in 2014 生肖牛在2014马年的运气

今年肖牛很好, 要好好把握机会的向前冲. 流年有’紫微星’坐命的人士,事业上都会有明显的进步。今年你是才华没法挡,虽然你并没有刻意表现自己,但有榭自然香,你的工作能力大家有目共睹,所以被点名提拔是迟早的事,你将有很多发挥的机会,只要用点心机,便可以事半功倍,创造美好成绩,那么,升迁的日子自然不会远了。
也见’玉堂星’出现, ’玉堂星’是一颗一级吉星,主有贵人助运.
但小心凶星如暴败, 天厄, 六害, 一些是非星.
’紫微星’和‘龙德’的力量应比‘天厄’ 的力量来得強.
This is a very good year and hence please goes all out if you have any good opportunity. This is because of the star of ‘Zi Wei’. In this year nothing is going to block your talent. Although, you do not show self painstakingly, your working ability will be perfectly obvious and known by others. Thus, sooner or later there will be opportunity for promotion. You will have the opportunity of shining brightly this year.
Long De’ is your strong nobleman star. It can guide you to develop the wisdom and satisfactory solution during any difficult situation.
However, even with the help of ‘Zi Wei’ and ‘Long De’, you still have to be aware of the star of ‘Tian E’ as this is star that will come in and jeopardize your task when it is close to the time of success. There will be some blockage appear suddenly, the work that you have done will be completely vanishes and you have to start the work all over again. However, the power of ‘Zi Wei Xing’ and ‘Long De’ should be higher than ‘Tian E’.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Feng Shui is Science and Mathematics.

The more I understand about feng shui, the more I think that Feng Shui is Science and Mathematics.
As what I always said, the I-Ching or yi jing 易经 is a very scientific book and many of the scientific theories today are actually in-line with the theory of the I-Ching 易经 even though the I-Ching 易经 has existed in this world approximate 6000 years ago. It is the oldest book in the world and it is in fact like a 无字天书 (a book from the heaven that cannot be explained by words).
 As a matter of fact, bagua, a valuable product from I-Ching 易经, one of the great recovery of men, (Chinese: 八卦; literally "eight symbols") is an eight diagrams used to represent a range of interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each either "broken" or "unbroken," representing a yin line or a yang line, respectively. Yin is referring to the negative energy and the yang is the positive energy. Bagua is the result of the ancient Chinese binary system. Each of the Gua is consists of three little Yao symbols, which is equivalent to a bit in today's binary language. Each Yao (section) represents either Yin (0), female or Yang (1), male force of nature. Yin (0), female, is two short little hyphens with a gap in between. Yang, male, is one continuous hyphen-like line. Use some graphic imagination to help you remember the female and male symbols or you can fashionably call them "zero (Yin)" and "one (Yang)". Due to their tripartite structure, they are often referred to as "trigrams" in English.
 You will find that the numbers in the ‘later heaven bagua’ will add to become 15 whether you add the numbers vertically, horizontally or diagonally. The no 5 which is the 5 yellow is right at the centre of the bagua and hence it is the most powerful star as it controls all other numbers in order to add up to become 15. It is the King of the table which rule and control.
I said it repeatedly during my speech that there are a lot of valuable knowledge can be obtained from the bagua. The bagua has correspondences in astronomy, astrology, geography, geomancy, anatomy, the family, and elsewhere. The no 5 is the earth (yellow) which represents the piece of land (earth) of China 中国大陆 which was believed to be located at the centre of the world. The yellow color used to be the official color for the emperor. In the olden day’s 封建時代, normal citizens were not allowed to use the color except the King. It was believe that the whole piece of land was belonged to a person solely i.e. the King.
Therefore, we have to take good care of the 5 yellow. As our Earth does not stop revolving, the magnetic energy of the Earth will not be the same all the time. Every 20 years, there will be a change of period (yun) and 1984 – 2003 is the period 7 and the number star 7, 8 and 9 are good, especially the number 7. 2004 – 2023 is the period 8 and the number star 8, 9 and 1 are good, especially the number 8 and it is a star in power currently 得令星. My article explained the reason for the change scientifically and also its calculation mathematically.

If you define the number 8 as Najib (King) who is ruling, then number 5 is Mahathir (太上皇; a title assumed by an emperor's father) who used to be very power. The number 5 star is not in power presently 失令星. Mahathir is not in control now and in order to exercise his influence, he has to make a lot of noise in order to obtain the attention of others. Thus, wherever number 5 star appears in a place, it will create trouble to obtain the attention of others. This year, according to the annual flying star chart, the no 5 is at the centre of the chart, hence, it is not a good year with lots of disasters, typhoon, flood, , diseases, earthquake and there centre of the Earth, the Middle East is not the peaceful state anyway.
You will find that number 5 is a very important number in Chinese. Why are there 5 elements, 五行, (plant, fire, earth, gold and water) but not 4, 6 or 7 and etc elements because without 5 we cannot the relationship of 相生相克mutually reinforce and neutralize each other?
Also, with the five elements, we can have the relationship of the plant or wood produces the fire but counter the earth and so on. If there are 6 or 7 elements, it cannot form the links and relationship.
There are many examples to show the number five 5 is an important number as following:-
1. 五福临门的五福wu fu为长寿, 富贵, 康宁, 好德与善终longevity, prosperity, healthy and peaceful, passionate and good ending of lif
2. 三纲五常三纲君臣义父子亲夫妇顺五常 wu chang” kernel, righteousness, ritual, wisdom, reliability三纲五常(纲常)是中国儒家伦理文化中的架构Confucious thoughts.
3. 五谷wǔgǔ [the five cereals of rice,two kinds of millet, wheat and leans] 指粮食,五谷即稻、黍、稷、麦、豆
4. 五官wǔguān[facial features; five sense organs of ears, eyes, lips, nose and tongue] 指耳、眼、鼻、口、身,通常指脸部器官
5. 五戒 wǔjiè [Five Buddhist Disciplines] 佛教中在家的男女教徒所应遵守的五项戒律:不杀生,不偷盗,不邪淫,不妄语,不饮酒.
6. 五洲wǔzhōu [all over the world] 指世界各地.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Feng Shui : Zodiac Horoscope for Rat in 2014 生肖鼠在2014马年的运气

岁破阑干等凶星对你的事业伤害性最大。岁破主不安宁,代表公司里风风雨雨,是非多多,阑干主事停滞 ,兼逢大耗星,注定要破大财,不易积聚财富之外,偶一不慎,更容易跌入骗徒的圈套,以至破财损财。有投资的朋友必须加倍留神,切无误信朋友之言,胡乱购入没有实力的股票。囚獄代表失去自由, 可能被囚在医院. 踏入, 你冲太岁. 要在立春日前到太岁庙作福,有助驱散凶星的缠扰。

‘Sui Po’, the fearful stars such as ‘Lan Gan’ is bad stars. The Star of ‘Sui Po’ is a not peaceful star. It represents the hardships in company. Simultaneously, there is a star of ‘Da Hao Xing’, which indicating a leak of wealth and do not easy to gather wealth. You may suffer unexpected personal financial losses. You have to be careful in any investment. You may purchase carelessly the stock that has no potential to grow. Rat may lose your freedom and may have to stay in a hospital. In the year of horse, your luck may not be very promising. It is advisable for you to go to the temple or church in the beginning of spring to pray for good fortune and it is helpful to dispel the disturbance of the fearful star.

I would like to highlight to you that you should only take the zodiac horoscope as reference only because it is ONLY based on the year of birth to analyze what is going to expect for a person. It is not logical to have all those who are born in the year of rat to share the same fortune in 2014. To be more accurate, it is better to read your bazi as a whole as there will be more data to be obtained from the bazi which include the year, month, day and hour that you were born. It is similar to if you go for a doctor for diagnosing, for accuracy, the doctor will go for blood screening, CT scan, x-ray and etc to have a more precious information than just to check your body temperature solely, isn’t it?

Also, I shall post the post my readings for other zodiac horoscope for 2014 in sequence from time to time. Hence, please stay tuned. Thanks and please be patient for your turn!