Thursday, December 15, 2016

新年什么时候扫舍, 吊红采, 开市/开工? 一次过看完. When to clean up, hanging red clothes, resume work / operation of business during Chinese New Year? Know it one off from here.

扫舍吉 Auspicious Date to clean your house before Chinese New Year

3/1/17 but the day is against monkey zodiac
7/1/17 but the day is against rat zodiac
15/1/17 but the day is against monkey zodiac
22/1/17 but the day is against rabbit zodiac
27/1/17 but the day is against monkey zodiac

红采吉日 Auspicious Date to Hang Red Cloth.

22 Jan 17 Sunday 7am – 1pm rabbit to avoid. 
2017122 星期日 早上7 下午1, 忌兔.

21 Jan 17 Saturday 7am – 11am tiger to avoid. 
2017121 星期六 早上7 上午11 忌虎.

18 Jan 17 Wednesday 3pm – 7pm pig to avoid. 
2017118 星期三  下午3-7 忌猪.

开市/开工吉时吉日 Auspicious Dates to start business or resume work.

# 4 Feb 2017 Saturday 初八 9-11am Dragon should avoid.
6 Feb 2017 Monday 初十 7-9amm Horse should avoid.
8 Feb 2017 Wednesday 初十二 9am-11am Monkey should avoid.
# 12 Feb 2017 Sunday 初十六 9am-11am 忌鼠  Rat should avoid.
# best auspicious days

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Why the Qin dynasty could not last long? 为什么秦始皇建立的秦朝那么短命?

 Terra Cotta Warrier

                                Emperor Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum秦始皇帝陵

I always want to know why the Qin dynasty could not last long. 秦始皇Emperor Qin Shihuang has just ruled 37 years and he managed to unite the whole China which was actually formed by 7 smaller nations.  He conquered the rest in a relatively short time and managed to complete so many tasks in his short life. He built the Great Wall of China, his palace阿房and Terra Cotta Warrier. He formed one united measurement method, formed one national language and many more. However, his empire did not last long. It has gone into the end after his son 胡亥took over and became the emperor when秦始皇Emperor Qin Shihuang died at the age of 50.

It is amazing to see how during that time almost the whole population in China just lived and worked for a person i.e. 秦始皇。 They built his Palace 阿房, great Wall, and involved in wars. I guess nobody else can do it now except may be the Kim Jong-un of North Korea. 回到两千两百多年前的秦朝, 感受秦始皇怎么利用自己的影响力, 他如何运用全国的国力和力来建造自己想要的西, 在可能只有朝的金正恩可以做得到。


秦始皇帝(前259127日-前210810日),姓嬴,名政, 他十三即位,三十九時統一六國建立秦朝,五十出巡時駕崩,在位三十七年。

統一天下後推行多項政策如書同文,車同軌,統一度量衡等對后世影響深遠的政策,奠定了中国两千余年政治制度基本格局,秦始皇在位期間亦進行多項大型工程,包括修築長城、阿房宮、驪山陵, 俑等,但他的暴政令人民徭役甚重,這亦是秦朝在他死後速亡的其中一個原因。

If you go to the Emperor Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum秦始皇帝陵 where he was buried, you will find that the south of his mausoleum is the 骊山Lishan (Li Mountain) and its north is the Weihe River 渭河. By right with the mountain at the back is a good support 有靠山(玄武) and face the water is auspicious 有明堂(朱雀), 坐山看水. But, the Chinese’s belief is it should face the south with the mountain at the North as support  向南而得天下, 前天八卦南为乾为天.  

Please refer to my previoud write up about the feng shui of Forbidden City of Beijing to understand more about the concept.

日本人多信奉佛教而佛教是在唐朝传至日本,因此许多古老建筑物都保有中华文化色彩。许多建筑物都向南,根据前天八卦南为乾卦,乾为天,坤为地, 因此许多重要建筑物都向南方,之前我有说过许多中国的重要建筑物如北京紫禁地都向午门,午门在南方,孔子曰向南而得天下,日本深受唐朝的首府长安的影响,因此建筑物的形状也有很多相像之处。

Also, the Weihe River 渭河 actually forms the bow arrow water 反躬水 to the Emperor Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum. Please refer to the diagram attached.

I have written a lot about the impact of the bow arrow water 反躬水. Please refer to one of them about Bangkok 

During this time, for those who needs fire element as his or her desired element in bazi, it will be great if you can get a house with the main entrance faces the south. If you are getting a condominium, look for one that the balcony is facing the South. This is also because in period 9 (2024 – 2043), the flying star fire 9 purple is at the South.

The South Door of the City Wall of Xian also is the grandest door among the 4 doors (South, North, East and West doors). All the palaces in Xian faced the South. Therefore, we can see how important is South facing to the Chinese.

The South Door of the City Wall of Xian