Thursday, December 15, 2016

新年什么时候扫舍, 吊红采, 开市/开工? 一次过看完. When to clean up, hanging red clothes, resume work / operation of business during Chinese New Year? Know it one off from here.

扫舍吉 Auspicious Date to clean your house before Chinese New Year

3/1/17 but the day is against monkey zodiac
7/1/17 but the day is against rat zodiac
15/1/17 but the day is against monkey zodiac
22/1/17 but the day is against rabbit zodiac
27/1/17 but the day is against monkey zodiac

红采吉日 Auspicious Date to Hang Red Cloth.

22 Jan 17 Sunday 7am – 1pm rabbit to avoid. 
2017122 星期日 早上7 下午1, 忌兔.

21 Jan 17 Saturday 7am – 11am tiger to avoid. 
2017121 星期六 早上7 上午11 忌虎.

18 Jan 17 Wednesday 3pm – 7pm pig to avoid. 
2017118 星期三  下午3-7 忌猪.

开市/开工吉时吉日 Auspicious Dates to start business or resume work.

# 4 Feb 2017 Saturday 初八 9-11am Dragon should avoid.
6 Feb 2017 Monday 初十 7-9amm Horse should avoid.
8 Feb 2017 Wednesday 初十二 9am-11am Monkey should avoid.
# 12 Feb 2017 Sunday 初十六 9am-11am 忌鼠  Rat should avoid.
# best auspicious days

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Why the Qin dynasty could not last long? 为什么秦始皇建立的秦朝那么短命?

 Terra Cotta Warrier

                                Emperor Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum秦始皇帝陵

I always want to know why the Qin dynasty could not last long. 秦始皇Emperor Qin Shihuang has just ruled 37 years and he managed to unite the whole China which was actually formed by 7 smaller nations.  He conquered the rest in a relatively short time and managed to complete so many tasks in his short life. He built the Great Wall of China, his palace阿房and Terra Cotta Warrier. He formed one united measurement method, formed one national language and many more. However, his empire did not last long. It has gone into the end after his son 胡亥took over and became the emperor when秦始皇Emperor Qin Shihuang died at the age of 50.

It is amazing to see how during that time almost the whole population in China just lived and worked for a person i.e. 秦始皇。 They built his Palace 阿房, great Wall, and involved in wars. I guess nobody else can do it now except may be the Kim Jong-un of North Korea. 回到两千两百多年前的秦朝, 感受秦始皇怎么利用自己的影响力, 他如何运用全国的国力和力来建造自己想要的西, 在可能只有朝的金正恩可以做得到。


秦始皇帝(前259127日-前210810日),姓嬴,名政, 他十三即位,三十九時統一六國建立秦朝,五十出巡時駕崩,在位三十七年。

統一天下後推行多項政策如書同文,車同軌,統一度量衡等對后世影響深遠的政策,奠定了中国两千余年政治制度基本格局,秦始皇在位期間亦進行多項大型工程,包括修築長城、阿房宮、驪山陵, 俑等,但他的暴政令人民徭役甚重,這亦是秦朝在他死後速亡的其中一個原因。

If you go to the Emperor Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum秦始皇帝陵 where he was buried, you will find that the south of his mausoleum is the 骊山Lishan (Li Mountain) and its north is the Weihe River 渭河. By right with the mountain at the back is a good support 有靠山(玄武) and face the water is auspicious 有明堂(朱雀), 坐山看水. But, the Chinese’s belief is it should face the south with the mountain at the North as support  向南而得天下, 前天八卦南为乾为天.  

Please refer to my previoud write up about the feng shui of Forbidden City of Beijing to understand more about the concept.

日本人多信奉佛教而佛教是在唐朝传至日本,因此许多古老建筑物都保有中华文化色彩。许多建筑物都向南,根据前天八卦南为乾卦,乾为天,坤为地, 因此许多重要建筑物都向南方,之前我有说过许多中国的重要建筑物如北京紫禁地都向午门,午门在南方,孔子曰向南而得天下,日本深受唐朝的首府长安的影响,因此建筑物的形状也有很多相像之处。

Also, the Weihe River 渭河 actually forms the bow arrow water 反躬水 to the Emperor Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum. Please refer to the diagram attached.

I have written a lot about the impact of the bow arrow water 反躬水. Please refer to one of them about Bangkok 

During this time, for those who needs fire element as his or her desired element in bazi, it will be great if you can get a house with the main entrance faces the south. If you are getting a condominium, look for one that the balcony is facing the South. This is also because in period 9 (2024 – 2043), the flying star fire 9 purple is at the South.

The South Door of the City Wall of Xian also is the grandest door among the 4 doors (South, North, East and West doors). All the palaces in Xian faced the South. Therefore, we can see how important is South facing to the Chinese.

The South Door of the City Wall of Xian

Saturday, November 5, 2016

八字学说里怎么看”婆媳关系”, 为什么财多身子弱?


其实财多身子弱是八字里的一个学说, 它未必代表说那个人一定是身体比较衰弱, 在八字里我喜欢把它称为身轻, 代表八字比较轻, 但是一般人当很有钱了, 就会大吃大喝享受生活, 就忽略了身子所以也可以身子弱。

八字里如果男人日元本命是木, 生你的是水, 也就是正印, 也就是你的母亲。你的木克土, 土也就是财, 也就是你的女人.

八字里也代表女人财多也代表女人多 , 八字里我们有日元本命, 如一个人的日元本命是木, 木克土因为植物的根长进泥土里面会把泥土给破坏掉, 所以木克土, 土为他的因为如果我克的人就是我控制的人, 以前封建时代男人控制女人, 男人克女人, 女人就是男人的财, 所以一个本命木的人, 他的八字里面如果有很多土他就是财多, 也代表女人多, 他把他的木拿来克土了所以财多身子弱或者女人多身子弱”。

所以说一个人财多了, 女人也跟着来了, 但女人是克母亲的财克印因为母亲为生我者为印, 一个本命木的男人他的印为水, 水生木 , 但是土克水因为大水如果流着如果你丢一个大石头进水里, 水就流不过去, 所以一个人如果财太多了就要多做慈善的事情, 把金钱捐助有需要的人, 而保住母亲, 因此婆媳关系自古以来都是比较头痛的事情因为财克印, 妻子其实是克母亲的。

Thursday, November 3, 2016

小白脸的威力 Korean President crisis is caused by the ex-boyfriend of her female close friend

韩国总统最近发生的闺蜜干政事件让我联想到 2016年流年飞星的威力。
让我用流年飞星来解释这次的事件, 在韩国三星 Note 7 发生爆炸事情之后, 韩国又是多事之秋, 之前有说过今年的五黄凶星在东北在世界东北的韩国正是一波接一波, 而且后天八卦的东北宫是属于少男, 因此可以看到这次事件是由一个小白脸所引起。 小白脸就是少男.  之前我有预测今年会有很多不好的事件是由少男所引起。
这次事件是由韩国总统朴槿惠「密友」的崔順實之前的小白脸爆料所引起.  而且这个月11月飞星, 凶星五黄也在东北, 因此大家要特别小心在东北的地方。之前说猴年将会有很多丑闻, 包括美国总统选举丑闻都印证了.

The recent South Korean President crisis of her female close friend that has involved in the South Korean government administration reminds me of the power of the 2016 Flying Star.
Let me use the Flying Star theory to explain the incident. After the Samsung Note 7 explosion crisis, the South Korea is in troubled again. I said before this year the yellow fierce star is in the Northeast and South Korea in the Northeast of the world. Nevertheless, the Northeast Palace is belonging to young man and hence you can see the problem is caused by the ex-boyfriend of President’s female close friend. I have predicted before this year there will be a lot of bad events caused by young men.

Also have to aware that the most inauspicious monthly yellow star will be in northeastern this month, November as well. Therefore, we should be very careful of the northeast. I have said before the monkey will cause a lot of scandals, including the US presidential election scandals. They are all confirmed happening in the year of monkey 2016.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

学习孩子的天真吧, 不需要戴面具做人, 平凡没有什么大不了, 悲也不是罪.

在八字算命学说里为什么12地支第一个是“子”? 它就是我们熟悉的十二生肖的“老鼠”,而最后一个是“亥”,也就是我们熟悉的十二生肖的“猪”,因为两个合起是“孩”,它在提醒我们人生最真最快乐的时光是孩时。

人之初性本善 , 孩子快乐的时候就哈哈大笑, 不快乐的时候就哭泣, 就是那么的真, 他们没有隐瞒 , 没有那么多杂念, 慢慢的我们已经忘记了我们的本性, 我们需要戴面具做人, 我们不可以让别人看到我们的悲哀, 我们要常强颜欢笑, 我们要表现得比别人坚强。

 如果可以, 学习孩子的天真吧, 不需要戴面具做人, 平凡没有什么大不了, 悲也不是罪, 那么人生就不会那么苦了。这就是天机!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Feng Shui : Zodiac Horoscope in Rooster year 2017 十二生肖在2017丁酉鸡 年的运气

Feng Shui : Zodiac Horoscope in Rooster year 2017 十二生肖在2017丁酉鸡 年的运气

感谢CARI佳礼。 今年他们来采访了我关于2017鸡年的十二生肖运程。您只需点击链接 观看。

Thanks to CARI佳礼. This year they have come and interviewed me for half a day for the year of Rooster 2017. Just click on the link to watch it.

老鼠 Rat
吉星 Auspicious Star
今年有’天喜’星出现, ’天喜’星为快乐的星, 主有喜事和愉快事情发生.
‘太阴星’appears mean there is a strong female noblemen star that comes in to help.
The star of ‘Tian Xi’ is happy star. You may expect to enjoy some happy events and you feel happy and positive.
凶星 Inauspicious Star
「贯索」常主是非词讼, 钱财不能自主, 行动都受到了限制.
勾神- 常表现为是非不断,口舌风波。
「贯索」Often means argument.  Cannot be independent in wealth management or control. Your action may be restricted or confined.
勾神Often manifested as unwanted argument.

吉星 Auspicious Star
华盖 艺术,孤芳自赏,有说服力. 说经讲道理很灵光之外,一开口旁边的人都会静下来,这情况很妙。
唐符-催官,求名必遂. 有利于职业发展和官运.
You will find that there is an appearance of ‘San Tai’ and it is your powerful helper star, which means you can achieve what you aim for. ‘San Tai’ is good for career promotion and excellent achievement in the examination. Thus, this is a year that you will have the opportunity of promotion and getting flying colorful result.
Tian Jie Xing is a star of luck. Its function is to resolve all disasters, argument and diseases.
华盖 very strong convincing power whenever you talk.
唐符 – good for career advancement.
凶星 Inauspicious Star
可惜,流年命宫同时出现’五鬼’, ‘官符’. ‘官符’主有官非诉讼,代表流年与人合伙业不利,易有口舌和官非之灾。
Unfortunately, there are also ‘Wu Gui’ and ‘Guan Fu’. ‘Guan Fu’ is a star of argument and may have some legal problem.

老虎 Tiger
吉星 Auspicious Star
国印 – can have real power.
Yue De’ is a good fortune star which prolongs one’s life and prevents one from committing any official punishment. ‘Yue De’ is your powerful person star. There will many noblemen or helps available whenever you require helps.
凶星 Inauspicious Star
The star of ‘Si Fu Xing’ represents you will may encounter some argument problem in work with other staffs. This will cause the delay in the completion of the tasks that assigned by your boss and will make your boss unsatisfied with your performance. Your colleague may try to strive for good performance and back-stab you and this causes every work that you have done ends up in a complete mess and your effort finally is irrevocability lost.
May have leak of small portion of your wealth and cause you to feel tired.
劫煞- work without merit. You have put in more effort to complete a job and even waste your effort that you have put.

吉星 Auspicious Star
凶星 Inauspicious Star
冲太岁, 运气反复无常, 要在立春日3/2/17前到太岁庙作福,有助驱散凶星的缠扰。要守别攻, 放松心情多做善事.
’岁破’主不安宁,代表公司里风风雨雨,是非多多,’阑干’主事停滞 .
Your luck will not be very promising. It is advisable for you to go to the temple or church before li chun 3/2/17 to pray for good fortune and it is helpful to dispel the disturbance of the fearful stars.
There is no auspicious star available but instead there are fearful stars such as ‘sui po’ and ‘lan gan’.
The Star of ‘Sui Po’ is not a peaceful star. It represents the hardships in company.  ‘lan gan’ means stop you to proceed further.
Simultaneously, there is a star of ‘Da Hao’, which indicating a leak of wealth and not easy for you to gather wealth. You may suffer unexpected personal financial losses. You have to be careful in any investment. You may purchase carelessly stock that has no potential to grow.

吉星 Auspicious Star
要好好把握机会的向前冲. 流年有’紫微星’坐命的人士,事业上都会有明显的进步。今年你是才华没法挡,虽然你并没有刻意表现自己,但有榭自然香,你的工作能力大家有目共睹,所以被点名提拔是迟早的事,你将有很多发挥的机会,只要用点心机,便可以事半功倍,创造美好成绩,那么,升迁的日子自然不会远了。
Fu De’ and ‘lucky star’ are two superb fortune stars. They indicate that you have great potential in your career. You do not have to work too hard but the helps that you require will come naturally. The opportunities will appear in front of you. If you can grasp the good fortune in time and take all effort to accomplish the tasks assigned by your boss. Your boss will appreciate what you have done. He will let you take charge and provide more responsibilities to you by letting you managing more important projects. You have to cherish it as this is his initial step to promote you.
Furthermore, there will be  ‘龙德’helps available this year.
凶星 Inauspicious Star
但小心凶星如暴败, 天厄一些是非星.
’紫微星’和‘龙德’的力量应比‘天厄’ 的力量来得強.
However, even with the help of ‘Zi Wei Xing’ and ‘Long De’, you still have to be aware of the star of ‘Tian E’ as this is star that will come in and jeopardize your task when it is close to the time of success. There will be some blockage appear suddenly, the work that you have done will be completely vanishes and you have to start the work all over again.
However, the power of ‘Zi Wei Xing’ and ‘Long De’ should be higher than ‘Tian E’. 

吉星 Auspicious Star
天厨星can always has delicious food and can have lots of opportunities to  taste good  food. If a person has this star in his bazi fortune, it means he can have the interest or talent to become an excellent cook.
凶星 Inauspicious Star
Bai Hu’ which will cause injury to you, is lying in wait for you secretly. Once seeing you committing any mistake or negligence, it will appear and criticize you immediately. This will make you look bad in front of your colleagues and boss.

吉星 Auspicious Star
‘福德’ 和‘福星’是主福禄双全的星宿,代表你在工作上有很大的发挥,而且不须你花太多心思和精神去筹谋,自然会有贵人为你安排一切,让机会出现在你的面前。若你能掌握流年的机遇,尽力把公司派下来的任务做到最好,则老板将会对你刮目相看,让你担任和负责更多更重要的项目;你知道吗?这个就是他部署提升你的第一步,是否能够达到他的要求,就要看你自己的造化了。
‘天德’入命,主福分深厚,长寿,不犯官刑。天德是阳德,其功效明显. ‘天德’是一颗贵人星,主逢凶化吉,而祂跟’解神’、’地解’等吉神不同,因为后两者需要先见凶而后化吉,但’天德’却是直接阻止不吉利的事情发生,使你可以专心完成老板委派的工作。
‘Fu De’ and ‘lucky star’ are two superb fortune stars. They indicate that you have great potential in your career. You do not have to work too hard but the helps that you require will come naturally. The opportunities will appear in front of you. If you can grasp the good fortune in time and take all effort to accomplish the tasks assigned by your boss, your boss will appreciate what you have done. He will let you take charge and provide more responsibilities to you by letting you managing more important projects. You have to cherish it as this is his initial step to promote you.
This is a very good year to move forward. ‘Tian De’ is a very good fortune star. It means long life and do not commit any offence. Its virtue is positive virtue and its effect is obvious. ‘Tian De’ will turn all the bad luck into good luck. It is different compare to other good stars such as ‘Xie Shen’ and ‘Di Xie’, because these two stars need to see misfortune first before turn them into good luck. However, ‘Tian De’ will directly prevent any bad luck matter from occurring. This enables you to concentrate in completing the work that your boss delegates to you.
In this year, the appearance of the ‘Hong Luan’ illustrates there will be some happy events such as wedding and adding of new member to the family. If you are still single, you may look forward to find a suitable companion in this year.
凶星 Inauspicious Star
‘卷舌’ 小心是非小
桃花特旺尤其是’咸池’的出现, 要小心令你意乱情迷的不好桃花. ‘桃花’和’咸池’同时出现代表今年生的桃花运特别旺.
‘卷舌’be careful of negative energy people around who do not help you but harm you instead.
The exempt of ‘peach blossom’ especially with the appearance of ‘Xian Chi’ happens thus has to be watchful of undesired romance with confused feelings.

吉星 Auspicious Star
凶星 Inauspicious Star
‘天狗’星主有超支和失预算的现象,代表今年你的财政情况有点不济, 经常会因为消费过度以致收支失去平衡。如果长时间不只自律,则难保会有经济陷入困境的一天。
The appearance of the Star God of ‘Tian Gou’ demonstrates there will be phenomenon of having overspending and thus this year your financial condition is a little not that promising. You may consume excessive and there will be lose balance in between your income and expenses. If you do not control your expenses, you may fall into deep difficulty in your financial condition.
’寡宿星’is a loneliness means you may be lonely as your partner may leave you alone to work or study elsewhere or you may feel lacking of help around. Unmarried persons may break up with their partner.

吉星 Auspicious Star
凶星 Inauspicious Star
‘病符’是一颗主有小病的凶星也出现, 因此请注意饮食起居.
亡神星,主耗败,亦主官非和是非、容易卷入是非的漩涡;另外,「亡神」发威时会使人失去主张,让事情做了却没有结果,因而最后引申为钱财的损失。 「亡神」,有人说是代表阴气重的地方,因此令人情绪低落而容易钻牛角尖.
Disease Star’ appears; therefore please take extra care of your health. You should ensure that you consume healthy food and do regular exercises.
亡神星- easy to get involved in the whirlpool of right and wrong or unnecessarily argument. In addition, it will make people lose their ideas, so will not complete the works that have been planned and finally extended to the loss of money. It is only about situation that will create depression and easily enter into a dead end.

吉星 Auspicious Star
‘文昌’入命, 主聪明过人, 又主逢凶化吉. 气质雅秀, 举止温文, 好学新知, 具上进心. 一生近官利贵. 今年头脑清醒, 特别聪明, 有利于考生.
’玉堂星’出现, ’玉堂星’是一颗一级吉星,主有贵人助运.
Wen Chang’ means intelligent and good fortune. It is helpful for students in their studies. You are smarter this year.
’玉堂星’is a great lucky star. It will help.
将星- you will be promoted and power will also be increased. However, the star itself is a Wu Xing, which means military general star that you have to go through some hard struggle and fight then only can make outstanding achievements.
凶星 Inauspicious Star
你犯上本名太岁. 要在立春日3/2/17前到太岁庙作福,有助驱散凶星的缠扰。
剑锋’主有刀光和斗争, 因此在公司里有一番龙争虎斗.
Your luck may not be very promising. It is advisable for you to go to the temple or church before li chun 3/2/17 to pray for good fortune and it is helpful to dispel the disturbance of the fearful star.
Addition to that, there is ‘Jian Feng’ and a fearful star of ‘Fu Shi’; they will affect the concentration of students in their studies. It will be hard for them to concentrate in their studies, hence, if you are the parents, please go to temple before li chun 3/2/17 to pray for good fortune of your kids.
The appearance of the ‘Sword edge God’ indicates that there will be arguments in your company.

吉星 Auspicious Star
今年有‘太阳星’.’太阳星’出现是一颗强力的贵人星,又主光芒、公正和给予. 这位贵人强而有力,能为你在困厄之时扭转乾坤。你的事业仍有上升之势,上司对你继续赞赏获得升迁到更高的职位,担任更举足轻重的任务。
In this year, there is ‘Tai Yang’. The appearance of ‘Tai Yang’ indicates that there will be noblemen or helpers and this person is powerful. You have the tendency of rising. Your superior will appreciate what you have done and you will continue to get promoted to a higher position, or to take charge of a more important task.
凶星 Inauspicious Star
晦气 - 不吉利;倒霉, 指人倒霉或生病时难看的气色, 指遇事不顺利。
六害-酉戍相害 - 容易被址后腿, 易遭亲人相害, 离婚率高.
晦气 – unlucky and referring to the ugly color when sick.
Six harm – dog and rooster harm each other which mean - easy to be back-stabbed by others or relatives. The high divorce rate too.

吉星 Auspicious Star
地解’是一颗贵人星,主逢凶化吉,但需要先见凶而后化吉. 你的事业将会更进一步。
•太极贵人, 人命逢之如得生旺及有贵格吉星相扶助, 主气宇轩昂, 福寿双全, 富贵人间.
驿马星出现在你的命宫,代表你动象频频,主吉主凶则全凭你自己对事情的掌握了。驿马吉星是一颗中级的贵人吉星,凡流年被这吉星照耀的人,必有工作调,升居所乔迁或者是出外遇贵人的喜事。今年你出远门的次数一定比往年多,而且逗留在外地的时间也较长。由驿马星所引荐的贵人,将会为你的事业创造发挥机会。你多会东奔西跑, 喜欢旅游, 但忙碌或改变环境.
Di Xie’ are in your life palace.  It will turn the ill luck into the good luck. But you have to see bad one first before you meet with the lucky one.
•太极贵人’ means there are lots of helps, mentor and noblemen available.
驿马星- You may have to move about, travel, change environment, shifting of job more often. Also, you may be very busy.
凶星 Inauspicious Star
流年见‘丧门’ 出现主老人患病,而’地丧’则主年级大的人士必须要谨慎饮食,注意出入安全以防发生不测的意外。年轻人要多留意家中老人的身体状况。若发觉健康出现问题,就要马上就医。
There is a ‘Sang Men’ which mean the old person will fall ill. ‘Di Sang’ indicates that those elderly people should control the diet and food that they consume, and also they have to care good take of their safety in order to avoid any accident. Young people will have to take care of the body condition of old person at home. If there is any health problem arises, immediate medical attention need to be taken place.
 ‘孤辰星’ is a loneliness star means you may be lonely as your partner may leave you alone to work or study elsewhere or you may feel lacking of help around. Unmarried persons may break up with their partner.
Fei Lian as the unlucky, loneliness, the family disagreement, has to work hard with less success.

我要强调,我们应该只把生肖年运程作为参考之用罢了,因为它仅仅是基于一个人的出生年份来分析一个人运程。让所有在同一年出生都共享相同的运程是不符合逻辑的. 如果要更准确,最好是分析一个人的整体生辰八字,因为生辰八字会包括你出生的年,月,日,时, 那从它我们可以获得更多数据或资讯。它就类似,如果你去请医生诊断,为了更精准,医生会进行血液检查,CT扫描,X射线等,以获得更多数据或资讯,而非仅仅检查你的体温罢了. 仅是基于出生年份来分析一个人运程就好比仅仅检查你的体温罢了, 小病还无妨, 但如遇大病就不行了.
I would like to highlight to you that you should only take the zodiac horoscope as reference only because it is ONLY based on the year of birth to analyze what is going to expect for a person. It is not logical to have all those who are born in the year of rat to share the same fortune in 2014. To be more accurate, it is better to read your bazi as a whole as there will be more data to be obtained from the bazi which include the year, month, day and hour that you were born. It is similar to if you go for a doctor for diagnosing, for accuracy, the doctor will go for blood screening, CT scan, x-ray and etc to have a more precious information than just to check your body temperature solely, isn’t it?