Saturday, November 30, 2019




让我们从世界最古老的书,‘易经’中了解‘坎坷’这个意思, 在八卦里面有一个卦叫做坎卦, 坎代表着水, 坎这个字就是欠土, 缺少了泥土就是水, 而古人要渡过汹涌的河水江水如黄河长江之水是何等的危险。 因此八卦里的坎卦也就是陷阱, 危险。 有坎卦出现的卦都是有危险有关的卦。我们常说'欺山莫欺水', 水比山还要危险,要渡过澎湃汹涌的江水一不小心就会灭顶。


而在后天八卦里坎卦代表着*中间的儿子*, 你有没有发现中间的儿子是最坎坷的?他没有像长子和幼子这样受到重视. 他上不成下不就, 地位是很尴尬的. 他没有像长子这样像皇太子得到重视, 他也没有像幼子这样得到父亲的疼爱。


坎卦告诉我们只要像水那样顺着危险去流,然后在过程中用我们的智慧去了解它, 从而得到破解它的方法, 困难来的时候不要逃避,不要退缩, 要面对它,从而得到解决的方法, 化险为夷; 人们难免要渡过澎湃汹涌的江水, 很多时候是免不了, 那我们只有顺着江水, 不可逆流, 从而了解它,而后找到如何面对它的方法。这就是最古老的书,*易经*的智慧.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Prediction 3 Malaysia politics situation is obviously in chaos now.

From my past 15 years’ experience in the feng shui industry, I have noticed that before a new year or a new period comes, there are indications that things will happen according to the next annual flying chart and the next period prior to it. For instance, if you follow my blog dated August 5, 2019

During period 7 (1984-2003), 7 in the West, hence West Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur took the lead, and nobody has really cared about the East Malaysia but when come the period 8, everyone treat them importantly as their votes will determine who will form the government. But, period 8 is going to be end soon and period 9 is going to take over very soon. The South has shown its muscle. Please go and count how many ministers are from Johor? Kedah developed to the South, where Kulim Airport will be. Penang emphasizes on Batu Kawan at the South. Klang Valley developed to Cyberjaya and Putrajaya at the South. Johor has been developed faster than any other states.

The element is the 9 is FIRE thus the internet, app, AI, telecommunication industries have started to show its strength and the property and real estate industry (EARTH) is getting weaker now. If you go to any shopping malls, the restaurants will be packed with lots of customers with long queue, but the retail shops are likely to be empty as it has been affected badly by online retail app like Alibaba, Amazon, Lazada and etc. Nevertheless, aviation industry as now everyone can fly and with the upcoming of online retail marketing, aviation is an industry that showing its muscle. KLIA2 and Penang Airport are always full of people like pasar! It is totally not like old time when flying is A BIG THING!

Also, because of online shopping, delivery that using airplanes, lorries and motorbikes which is fire element is shining.

2020 Annual Flying Star Chart

If you follow my blog dated October 5, 2019, I said Every year the star that enters the middle of the chart will be very dominant and this year is the Robberies Star, Broken Army破军7 hence economy war between countries or organizations is not showing any good sign, particularly the dispute between the world giant powers, the USA and the China. In 2020, there will be more competition year. Everyone will fight. It will also be full of violence. Street demonstrations. Dissatisfaction with the government is common. The incidents of looting will be frequent, the people will be extremely bitter, and the economy will have no improvement. It’s not surprising to see the big bully the small, and the weather is quite hot, and war may happen, especially in the Middle East.

香港示威蝴蝶效应,全球掀反政府狂潮。经济衰退逼人民上街抗议,西班牙、黎巴嫩、智利、玻利维亚、伊拉克, 哥倫比亞等等,酝酿全球示威风暴。中东如土耳战亊连连.

The butterfly effect of the demonstration in Hong Kong has caused an anti-government frenzy worldwide. The economic downturn forced people to protest on the streets. Spain, Lebanon, Chile, Bolivia, Iraq, Colombia, etc., Obviously there is a global demonstration storm. Nevertheless, Malaysia politics situation is obviously in chaos now.The Middle East fought like Turkey in turmoil too.There will be many interesting court cases or legal matters in the courts.

Don’t forget the worst 5 star is at the South West in 2019 which is the South America and hence we can see many demonstrations there. It will go to the East in 2020 hence the state election in Sarawak will cause a chaos. In fact, the Sarawak PKR has already in chaos. Same theory is applied to the Taiwanese presidential election as Taiwan is at the East of the world. Again, there will be serious earthquakes in both Japan and Taiwan too as both are at the east of the world.

偏财星 indirect wealth star no 6 at the South East, gambling industry like Genting Group and Naga World at Cambodia will broom in 2020. Argument star no 3 will go the North and hence the North of China will be in chaos. The fire star 9 goes to the West and hence there will serious forest fire at the west during summer. Sickness star no 2 goes to the South, south of China like Hong Kong must beware of the illness diseases spreading.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

再一次的提醒'满招损, 谦受益.'

这次的补选让我再一次回想起多年前我所写有关易经的一篇文章, 懂得易经的人都会知道易经提醒我们常常要警惕,步步为营, 居安思险, 人在*飞龙在天*的时候, 高高在上的时候常常就会忘了初心, 自以为是, 容易犯错 ,然后就会*亢龙有悔*

历史一直在提醒我们有多少个朝代都是因为领导人自以为是而改开朝换代, 因此在易经8864卦里面*谦卦*是最强的一个卦。 其实易经的成书也是因为商纣王的残暴,促成周文王在监狱里把易经8864卦编写出来, 是中国历史上第1个朝代是因为君主的残暴,把老百姓弃而不顾而只懂自己的私利, 而由另外一个君主所推翻。


Thursday, November 7, 2019


我一直不敢跟人家说我是个风水师, 因为旁人都会有用异样的眼光看着我,认为我是来骗钱的。每当跟朋友出去饮酒聊天,我都会特别提醒我的朋友不要告诉别人我是位风水师,无可奈何,拼命地要得到别人认同,不要别人看不起

之前我常说易经是科学,但是我发现我错了。如果你研究科学的开始,它只是几百年的历史,工程学是应用科学演变而成 ,但易经的存在已经有6000年的历史。 所以说易经是科学的母亲。

易经是世界最古老的书,由伏羲氏所创,当时的文明还没有文字, 只靠阴阳两个符号,阴阳的符号被称为“爻”,甲骨文也只是3000多年的历史,因此有了的伏羲一画开天,开创了“先天八卦”。这也是为什么“學”的繁体字是一个孩子在下,孩子长大了戴帽子,他们通过易经来了解这世界,因此两手捧着一个“爻”的字。电脑的基本原理BINARY CODE二进制代码就是阴阳.



电脑的基本原理BINARY CODE二进制代码就是阴阳.

周文王编写64卦。当时是商朝末年,商纣王淫乱残暴,周文王得到诸侯国的支持,商纣王怀疑周文王会造反,因此把他抓起来,在监狱里周文王把“后天八卦”编写出来。由于这个文献是要反商朝, 因此不可以写得太过明显, 这也是为什么现在的易经那么晦涩难懂。姜子牙是周文王的军师,还记得 “姜公钓鱼,愿者上钓”的故事吗?后来周文王的儿子周武王成功灭商 ,建立了周朝。

孔子得到易经里的“阳”, 他写了“十翼”来解释易经里难懂的内容。“十翼”是要把易经加上10个翅膀让它飞起来, 因此易经是儒家四书五经之首。 老子得到易经里的“阴”,道教玄学的原理都源自易经。


在易经里乾为天,坤为地,有天有地之后,万物才可以开始生长。因此八卦里都是有3个爻,那是天人地三才,也就是孙子兵法所说的天时地利人和。人是顶天立地,天在上,地在下,人在中间。天一直在变但地却不变,变动dynamic是阳, 不变静态static为阴。

宇宙本来是一团能量,天地不分,是我们所说的“混沌”和“无极”,经过大爆炸,我们称它为大霹雳 Big Bang”,开天辟地。


易经里的64卦是我们的DNA脱氧核糖核酸的64种组合。一卦里的三个爻,就是我们的XYZ axis三个空间。要知道什么时候日食月食不需要NASA的望远镜,只需要翻一翻胜通。通胜可以很准确的告诉你什么时候发生日食,什么时候发生月食。

圣诞节之后 26 Dec 19 将会有日食.


XYZ axis三个空间

细胞的分裂,一分為二,二分为四,四分为八, 然后八八六十四卦,而后无穷无尽。为什么有十二生肖?其实是因为我们太阳系里面最大的一个行星木星环绕太阳一圈刚好12年,最大的那个行星的磁场影响我们最大。


太阳的阳影响着地球的天气 ,天气影响我们的心情,冬天阴天容易使人们感到忧郁。月亮的阴也会影响我们的脑电波。你有没有发现东方传说和西方传说都有一个共同点,当月圆的时候,很多奇怪的事情都会发生。西方的传说里人狼会出现,东方的传说就是僵尸会出现。科学家证明当月圆的时候,那些脑电波比较弱的人就会产生一些幻觉或者是不正常的行为,精神病院里的病患也常常发作,那是因为月亮阴的能量在影响他们。



经济学里的基本理论是什么? 是阴阳supply and demand供需,会计学里credit and debit。科学更多,虚幻真实,动态静态,proton and electron,热和冷,白天黑夜, hardware and software硬件和软件。
