Wednesday, September 29, 2021




易经是群经之首,大道之源,也是中国古典哲学的源头,清华大学的校训《自强不息,厚德载物》出自于易经,但是在我们普通人的印象里,易经实在是太晦涩难懂了,以至于我们对它的了解非常片面,往往把它简单的当做一本算命占卦的神秘书籍,事实真的是这样吗?其实易经不是玄学,是一部伟大的哲学,无论是儒家,道家,墨家还是兵家或者是中医学,其思想无不透露出浓厚的易经的味道,唐朝宰相虞世南说的不读易不可为将相,药王孙思邈也说不读易不可以为医, 金庸小说中,降龙十八掌的第二招<飞龙在天>也出自于易经。易经在作为一部哲学经典的同时,又在指导着我们的人生,易经告诉我们未来是变化的,而这种变化又是有一定的规律,这就是我们所要去掌握的,就像孔子一样一生中最重要的两大转折就是靠易经来指点他的方向,40岁时有人请他出来做官他就占了一卦,卦象显示他只能做个装饰品,没有实权,于是他转而修诗书,51岁,是看到鲁国有希望,于是他决定从政,五年之后一路升到司冦,55岁时,他感到从政的瓶颈,卦象建议他出门旅行,于是开始了长达十多年的周游列国,在我们人生的不同阶段,尤其是在面临选择的时候,易经可以提示我们应该如何做出选择,怎样才能趋吉避凶。让我们以这一本《易经入门

Saturday, September 11, 2021

现在的科学就是在印证着易经的真实逻辑性 The current science is confirming the true logic of the Book of Changes


生物学家研究发现,八卦中的64卦和生物遗传基因密码组合是一致的。决定遗传基因的分子有两种,分别叫做脱氧核糖核酸(DNA) 和核糖核酸 RNA) 这两种分子结构相同都是磷酸基,糖验基组成。d n ar n a中的磷酸是没有区别的只有一种。但糖有两种一种核糖,一种脱氧核糖。 这就是易经里的太极生两仪, 两仪就是阴和阳。 每一种糖又分别接四验基,这就是易经里的两仪生四象。 两种糖可分为八种,这个就是易经理的四象生八卦。 这样三个d n ar n a能决定一种遗传基因密码,八种验基取三个, 这是易经里的每一个卦都是三个爻。 八种验基取三个,重复组合只能是64种和卦一模一样所以卦是人类生物遗传基因密码,它是在1866年由奥地利神父孟德尔发明的,至今才100多年的历史,但易经是可以追溯到6000年前的历史, 这就可以证明现在的科学就是在印证着易经的真实逻辑性。


其实如果你仔细研究易经,你会发现它并不迷信,打个比方的63卦的既济卦的爻辞是说:东邻杀牛,不如西邻之禴(同月音)祭, 实受其福。意思是说在东边的商纣王朝要灭亡即使用杀牛祭神也无补于事,西周得人心,不杀牛祭神, 而用真诚的心简单的奉献祈祷也同样兴起,这种拒絕用丰盛祭典不仅是比喻而且充分的说明古人朴素的思想,并且不迷信。这说明当时人们已经知道,努力杀牛祭神祈祷没有意义,而是做正确的事情,不是迷信。但现在的人诠释这句时,常说古人是迷信求神保佑。

易经包罗万象,它里面包括的可以说是一种预测学。 历史学家对周朝之前的历史和社会情况因为长期缺乏文字资料和实物资料而无法弄清楚,后来大量发现古都里的古墓挖掘出数万计的甲骨,这些甲骨上都以甲骨文清楚的刘下周朝和周朝之前的大量占卜纪录。 这就好像我们现在应用大数据来预测新冠肺炎的走势,而以前的人是应用易经来预测当时将发生的事情。


Biologists have found that the 64 hexagrams in the eight hexagrams (Bagua) are consistent with the biological genetic code combination. There are two kinds of molecules that determine genetic genes, called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). These two molecules have the same structure and are composed of phosphate groups and sugar bases. There is only one kind of phosphoric acid in d n a and r n a that is indistinguishable. But there are two kinds of sugar, one is ribose and one is deoxyribose. This is the (Tai Chi Sheng Liang Yi 太极生两仪) Tai Chi grows 2 yi in the Book of Changes, which is Yin and Yang. Each type of sugar is connected to the four test bases separately, which is the two yi grow four images 两仪生四象in the Book of Changes. The two kinds of sugar can be divided into eight kinds, which matched with 四象生八卦 four images grow eight hexagrams (Bagua) . In this way, the three DNA and RNA can determine a genetic code, and three of the eight basic verifications are selected. This is that every hexagram in the Book of Changes has three lines. There are three of the eight kinds of verification bases, and only 64 repeated combinations can be exactly the same as the hexagram. Therefore, the hexagram is the genetic code of human organisms. It was invented by the Austrian priest Mendel in 1866. It has a history of more than 100 years. It is a history that can be traced back to 6000 years ago, which prove that the current science is confirming the true logic of the Book of Changes.

If the Book of Changes is a feudal superstition, then most of the chapters of the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic 黄帝内经, which is revered as a treasure of Chinese medicine, contain a lot of words about gods and ghosts. Compared with the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, the Book of Changes has fewer words about gods and ghosts.

In fact, if you study the Book of Changes carefully, you will find that it is not superstitious. For example, the 95 line of the Jiji hexagram of hexagram 63 is: It’s better to kill the cow in the east than to sacrifice the oxen in the west. Its blessing. It means that the use of ox-killing to sacrifice to the gods in the east of the Shang dynasty is going to be destroyed. It won the hearts of the people in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the non-killing of oxen to sacrifice to the gods but simple prayer with simple offering also rises. It shows that during that time people were already knew it was no point to kill ox to pray hard but is better to do the right things instead and they were not superstitious. This refusal to use abundance festivals is not only a metaphor but also fully illustrates the simple thinking of the ancients and not superstitious. However, when interpreting this sentence, the people now often said that the ancients were superstitious and asked for God’s blessing, which is the wrong interpretation.

The Book of Changes is all-encompassing, and it can be said to be a kind of predictive science. Historians were unable to figure out the historical and social conditions before the Zhou Dynasty due to the long lack of written and physical data. Later, a large number of tombs in the ancient capital were discovered to unearth tens of thousands of oracle bones. A large number of divination records in the next Zhou Dynasty and before the Zhou Dynasty. It is as if we are now applying big data to predict the trend of the Covid-19, while the previous people used the Book of Changes to predict what would happen at that time.

Thursday, September 9, 2021


 一个团体里只有一个最高领导, 一个军队里也只有一个最高统帅,那我们要怎样做一个称职的老二呢? 易经第二个卦,坤卦就是老二哲学,教你怎样当一个称职的老二,怎样配合你的领导。


易经六十四卦的第1卦是乾卦, 乾卦是所有的爻都是阳爻, 阳爻代表着伸長,第一卦乾为天代表着天,代表君王, 天有不测的风云, 天总是变化多端, 所有的爻都是用龙来代表,龙变化无穷, 因此君王都这样翻脸无情, 变化多端, 因此大家都说伴君如伴虎。

那易经的第2个卦就是坤卦,坤卦是所有的爻都阴爻了, 阳爻是扩张; 那阴爻是收缩. 因此阳爻叫九而阴爻叫六. 乾卦为君王;而坤卦就是臣子, 如果乾卦为父亲;坤卦就是母亲,父亲在外打拼和母亲在家里相夫教子, 红花总需要绿叶的陪衬才显得美丽, 不然就太单调了, 因此坤卦是柔顺的。坤卦可說是老二哲學.

 乾卦自强不息,坤卦厚德载物,两者的搭配是必然的。天动而地静, 乾卦是唯一一个纯阳卦,而坤卦是唯一一个纯阴卦。64卦里面只有这两个卦是纯阳和纯阴之卦,两者截然不同但是有天必有地; 有地必有天, 他们是彼此不可以分开的, 互相依赖的。 如果只有天没有地,天是没有什么作用的,反之亦然。 因此有天必有地,有地必有天, 缺一不可。 这也是为什么有阳必有阴,有阴必有阳的道理。

卦辞;元亨利, 牝马之贞,君子有攸往,先迷后得主,利西南得朋,东北丧朋, 安贞吉。

牝马是母马的意思,母马是柔顺的而健行, 母马有一个天性就是公马去到哪,它就会跟到那, 有无比的承受力和非常的顺度, 像母马这样的坚持正贞, 这种柔顺其实是一种刚强;要随顺,不要率先带头,随顺在后,会找到主人。 不是所有的人都可以并且适合当领袖, 大多数人是适合并且喜欢当随从; 所谓一山不能藏二虎 ,班上不可能每一个人都是第1名, 只有一个第1名, 但不代表第2,第3和后面的都不好。 西方为阴,坤可以找到同类,东北为阳,虽然没有同类但可以获得主人, 两者皆好有力。

你会发现因为周文王当时的卦土在西边,而商纣王在东边,因此后天八卦都把西边当着是比较好的地方,代表天的乾卦被周文王改为西北边; 代表地的坤卦改为西南边; 代表开心的兑卦改在西边。因此在易经常有利西南得朋,东北丧朋.


象:地势坤, 君子以厚德载物.

形容大地像母亲一样,以身体承载着万物, 大地不管人类如何去掏空它,它都不会埋怨,这也启示我们要以宽阔胸怀去包容别人,帮助众生,学会包容就是要学会尊重别人, 也就是学会尊重自己。


初爻: 履霜,坚冰至。


脚下踏到霜,坚冰将至。 初爻位居最下,有如人的足。履是鞋子的意思。霜是frost 微薄的冰,看似微不足道但却是大地在提醒我们大雪将到来。 我们脚上踏到霜了就意味着大雪要到来了, 我们必须要准备了。 由于易经里面阴爻也代表着小人而坤卦的所有的爻都是阴爻。 这里再提醒我们小人当道开始虽然微小, 但不可以轻视,如果不加以阻止,小人将会越来越状大, 所以强调一切的事情都是积小成多,必须防患于未然。 坏习惯往往就是从小微不足道,不受人注意的而慢慢的变成一个大的坏习惯。

了解易经的爻必须要记得这一句 : 二多誉,三多凶,四多惧,五多功。 第2个爻往往是名誉好的, 第3爻多是凶的,第四爻多数是惧怕不好事情将会发生,第5爻是多有功劳的。


六二 直方大,不习无不利。


坤为臣,臣子要如何去配合主子(乾)呢? 那就是不染恶习, 有些东西是不能学习的,学了对你是不利的,比方贪污, 比方吸毒,比方利用臣子的地位去获得一些不该获得的利益, 贪污中饱私囊都是要不得的。 一切要以无所为而为之, 无为的意思并不是叫你什么都不做而是叫你不要生事, 往往一个团体的问题都是由一些臣子为了个人的利益而制造出很多的问题。 电视剧里不是有很多这样的情节吗?天下本无事,庸人自扰之。


六三: 含章可贞,或从王事,无成有终。


含就是含在口里不表现出来 。章: 彰显出来。 就是说有本事也不要彰显出来,或者跟随着君王做事,暂时没有功业却有好的结局。 这个爻是阴爻居阳位,外刚内柔,表示有实力的人不求表现但有机会就必须要表现, 深藏不露的意思。


六四 :括囊,无咎无誉。


括囊 扎起口袋, 我们裤子的口袋是口小里面大,因此可以装很多东西又不容易掉出来。 在易经里的四个爻就是很靠近第5个爻( 在易经乾卦里第5个爻是飞龙在天九五至尊) 就代表着一个很靠近君王的大臣, 就好像地位非常靠近老板的高级经理,这个时候你必须要谨慎你的言行举止,因为这个时候很多下面的人会跟你打听消息,你必须要知道怎样应对,不该说的话必须要守口如瓶,要像你的口袋,口小而里面大。 表示一个人要坚守本份,做本分的事情。 无咎就是没有过错,无誉就是把所有的名誉功劳都给了主子。


六五 :黄裳元吉。


黄色在五行里是代表着土,土在后天八卦是位居中心点, 可說是非常重要。 古代的衣裳是上衣下裳, 表示阴顺阳,不敢居上位。 这里不用衣而用裳因为他是坤卦, 他是臣子居下,臣子在这个时候, 这个地位就要好好的表现,就好像得到老板信任的总经理,可以大展身手。 元吉:非常大吉,超过大吉。


上六 :龙战于野, 其血玄黄。


在坤卦里没有出现过龙但是上六是唯一一个有龙的出现,这代表着大臣的势力不断的扩张,难免有一天会威胁到主子,阴气盛极,那个时候就要争得头破血流, 乾为天龙;坤为地龙 , 两龙相斗,必然两败俱伤, 电视剧里不是常常有看到最后的结局就是皇帝与位高权重的宰相互相的争锋相对吗?汉高祖后来把韩信给杀了, 历史上有太多这样功高震主的例子了.


用六 :利永贞。


臣子要永远的坚固。 要尝试学习容忍别人,宽容别人,己所不欲,勿施于人, 凡事将心比心。

Sunday, September 5, 2021

易经跟宗教有关吗?Is the Book of Changes, I-Ching related to religion?


易经跟宗教有关吗?现今三大宗教;基督教, 伊斯兰教和佛教都是易经之后才产生。(请看图以了解它们的历史.)


伏羲的历史是相当的悠久,也很难考古,是相当于原始人的时代。相传在6000年前,伏羲一画开天,画了一个阳爻,再画了一个阴爻, 然后伏羲观察大自然而创造了八个卦。乾为天,坤为地,习坎为水,离为火,震为雷,巽为风,艮为山而兑为泽的八种自然现象。当时人类并没有文字, 他们靠的是符号. 《易经》里的阳爻__和阴爻- -就是那样来的. 因此有人稱《易经》为无字天书, 因为开始时它只有符号. 那是比中华文化5000年的历史还久呢!






孔子看了易经就粛然起敬, 他与其后学为易经的为经作注解,合称十翼。翼即輔助。传为孔子与其后学的合作成果。孔子写了“十翼”来解释易经里难懂的内容。“十翼”是要把易经加上 10 个翅膀让它飞起来.

论语有记录;子曰 :加我数年,五十以学易,可以无大过矣。意思是说孔子说如果能够给他多几年,不要等到 50 岁才来学易经,他就不会犯什么大过了。

孔子论语的“学而时习之,不亦说乎,有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。’  了解了易经,要个找个志同道合的人来分享和互相学习实在非常不容易。如果能够找到,就会特别的喜悦的事情。这种心境在易经第58兑卦有说到, 兑是喜悦的意思。在易经里面,如果你看到 “说 “就是代表着喜悦,这是因为人如果喜悦的时候,就会自然而然的放松说很多话,甚至有的时候会语无论次因为很是喜悦;因此在易经八卦里兑卦代表着口。同样的道理如果我们的支票兑现了,我们就会自然而然的喜悦;别人兑现了他们的承诺,我们也会特别开心。

轴心时代之后出现了基督教耶稣基督。接着下来就出现了伊斯兰教的先知。现今三大宗教;基督教, 伊斯兰教和佛教. 基督教教徒有24億, 伊斯兰教教徒有18億, 而佛教教徒有5.2億. 


易经可說是比宗教和科学还久远. 自漢代開始尊奉為「五經」之首;《易經》的影響並不限於占卜和術數,大凡古代中國的哲学、宗教、政治、經濟、医学、天文、算术、文学、音乐、艺术、军事和武术等各方面,皆可見到陰陽變化的思想寓於其中; 中医, 太極拳, 孙子兵法, 风水命理都深受易经影响, 易经可说是东方文化的源头。自從十七世紀開始,《易經》經由天主教耶穌會的傳教士引介至歐美國家, 由此可見易经是难得可贵的经典.

Is the Book of Changes related to religion? The three major religions nowadays; Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are all born after the Book of Changes. (Please refer to the document above)

How was the Yijing created? Three important people are recognized. The first is Fuxi, the second is Zhou Wenwang, and the third is Confucius. But in general, historians believe that the Book of Changes is a collective creation of many scholars, not created by someone.

Fuxi's history is quite long, and it is difficult to archaeology. It is equivalent to the age of primitive people. According to legend, 6,000 years ago, Fuxi drew a yang line, and then painted a yin line, and then Fuxi observed nature and created eight hexagrams. Qian is the sky, kun is the earth, Xikan is water, Li is fire, Zhen is thunder, Sun is the wind, and the Gen is the mountain and the conversion is the eight natural phenomena. At that time, human beings didn’t have words, they relied on symbols. The Yang Yao and Yin Yao in the Book of Changes came like that. Therefore, some people called the Book of Changes as a heavenly script without words, because at the beginning it only had symbols. That is longer than the 5000-year history of Chinese culture!

It is said that there are three kinds of "yi": "Lianshan", "Gui Zang" and "Zhou Yi", collectively known as the Three Changes. "Lianshan" and "Gui Zang" have been lost, and "Zhou Yi" is the only document that has been passed down to later generations. According to legend, "Zhou Yi" is based on the work of Zhou Wenwang's editor-in-chief of "Yi", and it was completed in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The second important figure in the Book of Changes is Zhou Wenwang. He wrote the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes in the prison. According to legend, he died before he finished writing the 64 hexagrams because of his old age. The rest of the hexagrams were completed by his sons Zhou Wuwang and Zhou Gongdan. Zhou Wenwang was a figure from 1125 to 1051 BC.

The Chinese characters we use today are relatively complete and can be traced to the oracle bone inscriptions 3,300 years ago. At that time, the Chinese characters in the Western Zhou Dynasty were not as complete when Zhou Wuwang  wrote the Book of Changes. It is not that there are not so many Chinese characters we use today. Therefore, the Chinese characters in the 64 hexagrams of Zhou Wenwang are limited. This is why there are some difficulties in studying the Book of Changes today.

The third important figure in the Book of Changes is Confucius. Confucius was a figure 2500 years ago. At that time, a so-called axis era appeared in the world, and important thinkers such as Confucius, Laozi, Buddha Shakyamuni and Socrates appeared at the same time.

When Confucius read the Book of Changes, he respected it. He and his later students who learned the Book of Changes made comments for the Book of Changes, collectively called Shiyi, it means ten wings to explain further the Book of Changes which is the result of the cooperation between Confucius and his posterity. Confucius wrote "Ten Wings" to explain the incomprehensible content of the Book of Changes. "Ten Wings" is to add 10 wings to the Book of Changes to make it fly.

There are records in the Analects; Confucius said: Add me for a few years and do not have to wait my fifty years old only to learn the Book of Changes, there can be no big mistakes. It means that Confucius said that if he can give him a few more years and don't wait until he is 50 to learn the Book of Changes, he would not commit a big mistake.

Confucius's Analects of "Learning from time to time. It is a pleasure to have friends from afar." After understanding the Book of Changes, it is very difficult to find a like-minded person to share and learn from each other. If you can If you find it, you will be particularly happy. This state of mind is mentioned in Hexagram 58 Dui of the Book of Changes. Dui means joy. In the Book of Changes, if you see "saying", it means joy. This is because When people are happy, they will naturally relax and say a lot, and sometimes they will talk a lot of nonsense because they are very joyful; therefore, in the I Ching bagua, Dui gua represents the mouth. The same principle is true if our check is cashed, We will be naturally happy. We fulfil their promises, and we will be especially happy.

There is a record in the Analects of Confucius, saying, “It’s okay to hear the Dao in the morning, and die at night.” He didn’t explain that I understood the truth in the morning, and I was willing to die at night, but that once I understood the truth, I found out that I used to be It’s wrong, but it’s okay. I made a mistake because I didn’t understand it before. Now I understand it. I have realized what I made a mistake yesterday, so the past I who made mistake is no longer exist anymore.

After the Axis Age, Christianity Jesus Christ appeared. Then came the prophet of Islam. There are three major religions today; Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. There are 2.4 billion Christians, 1.8 billion Muslims, and 520 million Buddhists.

I don’t know much about Christianity and Islam, but I can find a lot in common with Buddhism from the Book of Changes. If you want to ask me, which religion has the I Ching influenced the most? I want to say that it is Taoism. Taoism respects Lao Tzu as their ancestor, and Lao Tzu is deeply influenced by the Book of Changes.

It can be said that the Book of Changes is longer than religion and science. Since the Han Dynasty, it has been respected as the first of the "Five Classics"; the influence of the Book of Changes is not limited to divination and numeracy. Medicine, astronomy, arithmetic, literature, music, art, military and martial arts, etc., can be seen in the thoughts of yin and yang changes; Chinese medicine, Tai Chi, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Feng Shui and numerology are all deeply influenced by the Book of Changes, which can be said It is the source of Eastern culture. Since the 17th century, the Book of Changes has been introduced to European and American countries by the missionaries of the Catholic Jesuits. It can be seen that the Book of Changes is a rare and valuable classical book.