Tuesday, February 12, 2008


今天很高兴可以在Kulim High Tech Park最大型的美国工厂进行我的风水讲座会. 有人要我把我的services charges公布在纲站上, 可以吗? 他们说如果有人需要我的服務, 但又不了解我的服務价格而不敢向我请教. 可以吗?请给一些意见.

1 comment:

  1. These are some of comments that sent to my email:-

    1. Your talk was great yesterday!
    By the way, maybe not to publish on the web but still need to define your standard charges if people approach you again.

    2. 我个人建议,每一种服务行业你必须列明 :

    3. I suggest you decide based on your future plan for this – would you want to continue to do this as passion or in longer term you would want to have this as your part time job. If it is the latter, then you should start commercializing your service.

    4. Feng Shui Masters,
    Dato Yap told me the charges should vary as per the
    customers' affordability, it can range from 5 to
    thousands. But never give free services even to your
    closest friend as it will eat into your karma.

    Thank you for your inputs.
