Sunday, February 27, 2011

Japan will get a more serious Earthquake

The recent Earthquake at the New Zealand

Even though I have managed to predict the political instability in Middle East on 21 Dec 2010 but I did not realize that the impact is that serious. However, I did warn that do not be too optimistic about the economy of the world due to the bad situation in Japan and the "three killings" at the West which create economy instability in the United States and Europe, despite all the articles that I read about the predictions of other feng shui masters suggested that the economy for this year is excellent. Now, with the impact of the situation in the Middle East, the price of the petroleum has risen and it has effected the economy of the world. All the poor people like me will feel the impact very soon.
Now, I have noticed the impact of flying star no 2 which is 2 black, the second worst star after the worst star no 5 showed its power. The star 2 black is in the South this year which is the location for the New Zealand and look at the earthquake in New Zealand! But, we have yet to feel the impact of the worst no 5 yet. Thus, I predict that there will be a more serious earthquake in Japan. Please do all necessary precaution measures, Japan!
To minimise the influence of the star no 2 and 5, please follow my post

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Feng Shui Seminar for Invest Penang at the Penang Equatorial Hotel

Thanks to Ms. Chin of the Invest Penang and Sandra for inviting me to the 'Thank You Dinner' to deliver my feng shui speech to the foreign and local investors of Penang. However, the Chief Minister has to leave after his speech for another meeting. Hope that those Managing Directors from the factories who listened to my talk can respect feng shui as a great knowledge from our ancestor even if they do not believe it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feng Shui Talk for HSBC Bank at Taiping

Thank you so much, Mr. H'ng Boon Hooi (HSBC Bank Taiping Branch Manager) and Ms. Teh Shell Pin (HSBC Northern Region Manager) for inviting me to deliver my feng shui talk for their premium customers.
Taiping is a nice 'rain town' and the people are friendly and nice. The response of the audience was fantastic.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I have managed to predict the problem in the Middle East before it happened.

On December 21, 2010, I have predicted the problem in the Middle East before it happened. Please click this link to read what I have written on that day
I said that "The flying star no 7 is entering into the central of the annual flying star chart. The flying star no 7 is the 破軍 (broken army) which means loss of wealth, possible arguments, medical compilations, war and potential robberies is at the central of the chart of the annual flying stars, hence it is a year full of political instability, viruses, diseases, terrorism and arguments. As the flying star no 7 is entering into the central of the annual flying star chart, I predict that the 中东 Arabic countries are going to go through a turbulence year with a number of terror activities and political instability."
I have illustrated again the power of feng shui. Again, I want to shout out loud and clear that FENG SHUI IS A GREAT WISDOM OR KNOWLEDGE FROM OUR ANCESTORS. IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE IT, PLEASE RESPECT IT AT LEAST!

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day and I have copied from my book on the subject that relevant to this wonderful day. It is on page 156 to 157.
Hope that you will like it........

To those who are looking for your life partner, how do you improve your romance luck?

For those who were born in the year of tiger, horse and dog, it will be great if you give your lover flowers or bring her to gardens as you need the ‘plant’ element in order to enhance your relationship with your loved one.

For those who were born in the year of snake, rooster and ox, it will be superb if you bring your lover for tours around the city in your car or go for BBQs because you need the ‘fire’ element in order to boost your relationship with your loved one.

Whereas, for those who were born in the year of monkey, rat and dragon, it will be fabulous if you wear white t-shirts and take your lover for ice-cream because you need the ‘gold’ element in order to improve your relationship with your loved one.

For those who were born in the year of pig, rabbit and goat, it will be amazing if you bring your lover to the seaside because you need the ‘water’ element in order to develop good relationship with your loved one.

Apart from that, to enhance your romance luck, you could put some flowers without thorns in a Chinese vase in your house. For instance, if you want to help your eldest son to find his lover, you could do that in the East of your house, as according to “Later Heaven Bagua”, the East is the sector of the eldest son. Nevertheless, you could put a picture of a beautiful lady in the East too.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gong Xi Fa Chai

Thank you so much for your support for year of tiger. Wishing you Gong Xi Fa Chai. May the new year bring good health, prosperity and success to you in the year of rabbit.
祝福大家 瑞氣滿門迎吉祥, 百業繁榮慶豐年, 新年快樂.

喜神东北方, 贵神西南方, 炷香宜子时, 出门宜东北方, 西南方.

Horoscope 2011 for Pig

今年肖猪的小人特别多, 要事事小心.
’白虎’主背后小人,对你造成严重伤害在暗地里窥伺你,一旦见你犯错或疏忽,便会马上对你作出批评。目的就是要令你在同事和老板面前失威。除此之外, 还有个凶星「指背」.「指背」则顾名思义,流年將有小人在你背后製造是非,存心跟你作对。
Those who born in the year of pig have to be aware of unwanted back-stabbing.
‘Bai Hu’ which will cause injury to you, is lying in wait for you secretly. Once seeing you committing any mistake or negligence, it will appear and criticize you immediately. This will make you look bad in front of your colleagues and boss. 「指背」means back-stabbing.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Horoscope 2011 for Dog

今年肖狗很好, 要好好把握机会的向前冲. 流年有’紫微星’坐命的人士,事业上都会有明显的进步。今年你是才华没法挡,虽然你并没有刻意表现自己,但有榭自然香,你的工作能力大家有目共睹,所以被点名提拔是迟早的事,你将有很多发挥的机会,只要用点心机,便可以事半功倍,创造美好成绩,那么,升迁的日子自然不会远了。


’紫微星’和‘龙德’的力量应比‘天厄’ 的力量来得強.

This is a very good year for dog and hence please goes all out if you have any good opportunity. This is because of the star of ‘Zi Wei Xing’. ‘Zi Wei Xing’is a superb auspicious star. In this year nothing is going to block your talent, though, you do not show self painstakingly. Your working ability will be perfectly obvious and known by others. Thus, sooner or later there will be opportunity for promotion. You will have the opportunity of shining brightly this year.
‘Long De’ is your strong nobleman star. It can guide you to develop the wisdom and satisfactory solution during any difficult situation.
However, even with the help of ‘Zi Wei Xing’ and ‘Long De’, you still have to be aware of the star of ‘Tian E’ as this is star that will come in and jeopardize your task when it is close to the time of success. There will be some blockage appear suddenly, the work that you have done will be completely vanishes and you have to start the work all over again. However, the power of ‘Zi Wei Xing’ and ‘Long De’ should be higher than ‘Tian E’.