Sunday, October 13, 2019

House / Shop / Office Shifting, Start Operation and Earth Breaking Ceremonies after 4 Feb 2020 立春 2020年2月4日立春之后的住宅/商店/办公室搬迁,开始运作和动土仪式

Please refer to my book, “How to Enjoy your life with Good Feng Shui?” Page 208 - 212 for details.

2020年立春 Li Chun 4 Feb 2020 5.04pm is the actual day and time for us to enter into the year of pig, not the 1st day of Chinese New Year 25 Jan 20 正月初一. Thus, the baby who is born after Li Chun is zodiac rat.
If you are going to shift to your new house, you have to select auspicious dates & time according to the bazi (time of birth) of the family members and facing of the house for three very important dates i.e. Earth Breaking Date, Start Operation date and House Shifting Date.
Auspicious date selection is not an easy job and it involves some studies on all aspects. After the date has been determined, a simple ceremony can be carried out. It is vital to conduct the ceremony to show our respect to the Heaven, Human, Earth 天人地and the surrounding.
Earth Breaking Date
1. Firstly, prepare 4 sets of fruits (apple, Mandarin orange or orange, banana and pear), some sweets and 3 cups of Chinese tea.
2. Put the things at 4 different locations i.e. North West, South East, North East and South West of your house. Hence, there should be 4 sets of fruits, some sweets and 3 cups of Chinese tea at 4 different locations respectively.
3. For those who use joss stick, pray and put them onto the fruits until they have completed burning. For those who do not use joss stick, just pray at the sectors. Say your wishes when you pray.
4. The schedule of praying is from North West; follow by South East, then North East and lastly the South West.
5. Break a small piece of the wall.
However, after 4 Feb 2020, you should avoid breaking the wall at the below locations:-
1. East sector of your house, shop, factory or office 5 yellow 五黃位.
2. South sector of your house, shop, factory or office 3 killings 三煞位
3. North sector of your house, shop, factory or office Grand Duke太岁位
4. South sector of your house, shop, factory or office Year breaker岁破位
所谓不可在太岁头上动土In short, you should not touch the South, North, and East prior touching other places. This is to show that we respect them. After breaking the small piece at the correct place, you can proceed to renovate any other places. You can break the small piece of wall at the places other than the places that mentioned earlier. In another word, you can ONLY start the renovation after the ceremony.
Conduct the ceremony yourself then the constructor should start immediately after ceremony. The most is not more than 2 days from the ceremony date.
It is crucial to maintain a peaceful mind when the ceremony is being carried out. No argument should be taken place during the ceremony. Pray with a sincere and pure heart. You can consume the fruits after the prayer.
Shifting Ceremony
1. Firstly, prepare 4 sets of fruits (apple, Mandarin orange or orange, banana and pear), some sweets and 3 cups of Chinese tea.
2. Put the things at 4 different locations i.e. North West, South East, North East and South West of your house. Hence, there should be 4 sets of fruits, some sweets and 3 cups of Chinese tea at 4 different locations respectively.
3. For those who use joss stick, pray and put them onto the fruits until they have completed burning. For those who do not use joss stick, just pray at the sectors. Say your wishes when you pray.
4. The schedule of praying is from North West; follow by South East, then North East and lastly the South West. (Step 1-4 is the same as the earth breaking ceremony but you can pray to the ancestors and Heaven for the shifting ceremony)
If you happen to move or put an ‘神ang kong/altar, you can bring the ang kong a few days before the shifting date and covered the eyes with red paper. Place the ang kong on the altar and remove the red paper on that auspicious time and start praying to the ‘ang kong’ before you pray the 4 corners mentioned per the above.
5. After the prayers, you should place 柴米油鹽酱醋茶 cooking material such as rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea leaves into the kitchen. Subsequently, boil a kettle of water or cook something to symbolize that you have started to occupy the kitchen and the house.
6. Activate the Qi of the house by switching on all the lights and fans.
7. It is superb if you can hold a house-warming party to gain more Qi of the human when there are lots of laughter and children praying around the house.
8. It is crucial to maintain a peaceful mind when the ceremony is being carried out. No argument should be taken place during the ceremony. Pray with a sincere and pure heart.
Start Operation Ceremony
1. Firstly, prepare 4 sets of fruits (apple, Mandarin orange or orange, banana and pear), some sweets and 3 cups of Chinese tea.
2. Put the things at 4 different locations i.e. North West, South East, North East and South West of your house. Hence, there should be 4 sets of fruits, some sweets and 3 cups of Chinese tea at 4 different locations respectively.
3. For those who use joss stick, pray and put them onto the fruits until they have completed burning. For those who do not use joss stick, just pray at the sectors. Say your wishes when you pray.
4. The schedule of praying is from North West; follow by South East, then North East and lastly the South West. (Step 1-4 is the same as the earth breaking ceremony but you can pray to the ancestors and Heaven for the start operation ceremony)
5. Activate the qi of the house by switching on all the lights and fans.
6. It is superb if you can hold a shop or office warming party to gain more qi of the human when there are lots of laughter and children praying around the house.
7. It is crucial to maintain a peaceful mind when the ceremony is being carried out. No argument should be taken place during the ceremony. Pray with a sincere and pure heart.
Please refer to my book, “How to Enjoy your life with Good Feng Shui?” Page 208 - 212 for details.
Again, it is crucial to maintain a peaceful mind when the ceremony is being carried out. No argument should be taken place during the ceremony. Pray with a sincere and pure heart.

请参阅我的书“如何用好风水来享受你的生活?”。详情请参阅 208-212页。
1.你的房子,商店,工厂或办公室的东部 - 五黄位。
2.你的房子,商店,工厂或办公室的南部 - 三煞位
3.你的房子,商店,工厂或办公室的北部 –太岁位
4.你的房子,商店,工厂或办公室的南部 - 岁破位
所谓不可在太岁头上动土。总之,不要在“动”其他地方之前“动”东, 南和北方。这是为了表示我们“尊重他们”。在正确的地方打破小块后,您可以进行翻新/装修任何其他地方。
2. 把东西分别放在你家的西北,东南,东北和西南四个地方。因此,4个不同地点应该分别有4套水果,一些糖果和3杯中国茶。
3. 对于那些使用香烛的人,祈祷后把香烛插在水果上,直到烧完为止。对于那些不使用香烛的人,只要在这些方向祷告。当你祈祷时说出你的愿望。
4. 祈祷顺序依次是西北,东南,东北,最后是南西。(步骤1-4与破土仪式相同,但可以向祖先和天神祈祷)
如果您移动或放置“神尊”/ 祭坛,您可以在移动日期前几天带上“神尊”,用红纸遮住“神尊”眼睛。 把“神尊” 安放在祭坛上,在那个吉祥的时候把红纸拿掉,然后开始祈祷“神尊” ,然后再为上面提到的四个角落祷告。
2. 把东西分别放在你家的西北,东南,东北和西南四个地方。因此,4个不同地点应该分别有4套水果,一些糖果和3杯中国茶。
3. 对于那些使用香烛的人,祈祷后把香烛插在水果上,直到烧完为止。对于那些不使用香烛的人,只要在这些方向祷告。当你祈祷时说出你的愿望。
4. 祈祷顺序依次是西北,东南,东北,最后是南西。(步骤1-4与破土仪式相同,但可以向祖先和天神祈祷)
请参阅我的书“如何用好风水来享受你的生活?”。详情请参阅 208-212页。
切记,当仪式正在进行的时候,保持和平的心态也是至关重要的。 仪式期间不应该发生争论。 用真诚和纯洁的心祈祷。

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