Thursday, May 27, 2021

易经64卦的智慧 (第9卦-第16卦)


伏羲是通过了解天文和人文而把易经的八卦写出来。文这个字是上面二也就是天和地,下面乂是天地交辉。天文和人文也就是上天文和地上的人文在交辉。人类的文明,如果你了解易经64卦你会发现,这些卦里面都是用一些动物, 大自然和祭祀来表现出来。因为当时都没有佛教,回教或者是基督教。那是上古社会最容易接触的东西。这是因为人类的文明的开始都是充满着神话,因此有了封神榜, 后来神话不能满足了人类,人类就开始有了哲学,后来哲学也不能满足人类的求知欲望,就有后来的科学。

之前我说让我嘗试解释为何周文王周公的易经八八六十四卦是这样排序的, 之前我说到第八卦比卦 为什么我们都说“阴阳” 而不说“阳阴”? 以及六十四卦的排序 please click the link to read, 让我们継續…..



易经64卦的第9卦风天小畜, 这就是有关储蓄金钱的卦.

第八卦比卦, 比邻之间通过比较之后,有了优劣之分之后,就会积蓄财富和能量,来弥补不足,这个时候有了部分财富和能量,就会有适合自己的舞台,同时也会小有积蓄。小孩从小必须养成储蓄的习惯和畜养美德. 畜:读xù

小畜卦的九三爻最有意思. 九三爻阳爻这个丈夫強,上九阳爻那个妻子的也不示弱。九三位置很高,上九的位置也很高, 而且都是阳爻。一个是下卦的最上,一个是上卦的最上,那就表示,这对夫妻都是不好对付的。丈夫贪得无厌,其实是因为家里面有一个妻子。她是只进不出,把所有钱聚在她那里,就逼着先生又动歪脑筋,去赚不应该赚的金钱。想到那对夫妻呢?九三爻象曰: 夫妻反目, 不能正室也. 意思是说妻子都管不好, 要怎样管天下呢?



履就是鞋的意思,古代的人贫穷,饭都吃不上的时候,都是光着脚的,但是一旦有了一些积蓄之后,就会讲究礼仪,就会讲究衣冠鞋帽。这里的履通礼。履:lǚ . 履与礼是同音. 履卦在提醒我们,富了要有礼,你要如履薄冰,

不能老过穷日子,但是有钱以后有积蓄之后,你千万记住天道。当我们通过不断的努力去追求成功获得财富之后却发现并没有因此而获得更多的快乐反而却有越来越多的烦恼。履虎尾,人有了钱之后,就好像走在老虎的身后,很容易就踩到老虎的尾巴. “伴君如伴虎 这句话是由这里来. 很多人有了钱之后就会自以为是, 目中无人。履卦在提醒我们,要富而有礼,你要如履薄冰,柔能克刚。




立春是二十四节气之首,立春是易经八八六十四卦12消息卦的第一卦,地天泰卦,天下太平, 它是天卦在下地卦在上。三个阳爻在下面三个阴爻在上面,那就是平衡, 这是天气最平衡的日子。因为冷空气在上,热空气在下。冷空气较重会下降因此冷气机空调都是装在上面。而火燃烧火炎会向上。冷空气可以下降而热空气可以上升,那就可以交流,那就可以交泰。因此北京故宫紫禁城的龙穴是在交泰殿。以前的皇帝要上泰山祭天。




否卦和泰卦是综卦, 综卦是两个卦倒转过来. 地天泰卦是天卦在下; 地卦在上, 而否卦是刚好相反, 否卦是天卦在上; 地卦在下, 那就是不平衡. 热空气在上, 冷空气在下, 热空气往上, 冷空气往下; 兩者并无交流. 就会导致闭塞不通了.



当自己闭塞不通的时候,像古代的帝王,就成了孤家寡人,(因此在秦始皇之前大多数的王稱自己为寡人. 秦始皇开始稱自己为朕. ) 因此他们就特别希望有朋友,能说说话,能意气相投。这就会去求的同人,就是找到和自己有共同理想追求的人。看卦象为天下有火,君子黑夜中手里举着火把前行,一定会有人借光来追随前行。同人:读tóng rén




走夜路太黑了,因为自己手里有火把,追随自己的人多了,自己的势力就会壮大,就会达到大有的状态,大家就会拥戴你,来领导大家。大有:读dà yōu

但孔子提醒我们要安贫乐道, 人要安享富贵比安贫更难, 贫贱夫妻百日恩, 但不是有许多夫妻富贵了就分离了, 劳燕分飞吗? 大有卦提醒我们要大获所有之后要为富要仁.




现在想要长久的保持大有的状态,就需要保持谦虚的状态了,满招损,谦受益嘛。不能再像12卦一样,最后骄傲搞的自己又否塞不通了。谦:读 qiān. 谦卦被稱为易经64卦最好的卦, 它在提醒我们谦的品德是永远不败的品德。

卦体中上卦为坤为地,下卦为艮为山。谦卦艮下坤上,为地下有山之象。山本高大,但此谦卦的山却处于地下,而非高高在上, 高大但却不显示出来,此在人则象德行很高,但能自觉地不显扬。






豫是快乐,但易经提醒我们要小心乐极生悲。豫,鸣豫,野鸡叫,商纣王只顾享乐,身边都是小人,小人当道,身边像被一群野鸡包围着, 他所听到的都是奉承他的话因此后来商朝灭亡而周朝成立。

Sunday, May 23, 2021

If we have money to build the second tallest building in the world, why don’t we have money to help the poor during this pandemic?

I’m very depressed to see the situation of pandemic of Covid-19 in Malaysia. Look at those countries that react fast enough for the vaccination process like China, Israel, and Europe. They are better now but we are so slow in reacting. Hence, I mentioned in my YouTube, 2021 should be a better year for the world.

However, the worst star no 5 yellow is at the South East of the Annual Flying Star Chart. I said on 27 Nov 2020 that The five yellow inauspicious star fly to the southeast, so it is not good for Southeast Asia. There may also be serious natural and man-made disasters, and incidents where people are dissatisfied and take to the streets to demonstrate. Politically, this area should be quite chaos. The five yellow evil stars are in the Southeast Palace.

It is obviously a man-made disasters for us. Also, look at the political chaos in Myanmar and even the Covid-19 cases, earlier better controlled counties like Thailand and Vietnam also affected.

In 16 Jan 21, I posted Is the BAZI Fortune Reading for Malaysia good? and I said:-

2021 辛丑Ox Year Luck Pillar.

1.       The unfavorable elements for weak yin plant are gold, earth and fire the year of Ox 2021 is Yin Gold stem with Ox Earth root. Both are unfavorable elements for Malaysia.辛阴金clashes with yin plant 乙木 and it forms Seven Killing 七杀 which is 武官/将军Military attaché/general, mean which暴和武Violence and Stress. Thus, the politics turbulence is still high and people is stressful and frustrated as well.

2. If Earth element comes then plant will break the earth and the weak Yi yin plant using its weak energy to do it will weaken its energy, hence the 2nd half of 2021, there is leak of wealth for Malaysia. Stock market and economy performance may not be as good.

3. The year root of Malaysia bazi is Rooster and time (hour) root is snake, combine with the 2021 Ox. Rooster , snake andOx will form extreme strong gold element to chop the Day Master of Malaysia, the weak yin plant 乙木, hence it is stressful, business and political competition is high.

For those my followers since day 1, I have written many articles to against building tallest buildings as it is bad for feng shui. You can refer to one of the articles that I have written

The Exchange 106

The Second Tallest Building Merdeka PNB 118 is on the way and it is higher than The Exchange 106

A bridge built across the river in our capital, Kuala Lumpur which looked like three coffins and it is next to a cemetery.

Now, KLCC is no longer the tallest building in Malaysia but the new Exchange 106 and there is another one on the way, the Merdeka PNB 118 which is going to the second tallest building in the world.  If we have money to build the second tallest building in the world, why don’t we have money to help the poor during this pandemic?

人一定不能胜天。Men must not conquer the sky. Don't play play. 

以前的皇帝要上泰山祭天。In the pass, the emperors had to go to Mount Tai to worship the Heaven (sky).

天人地三才, 各就其位, 人总是顶天立地, 天在上, 地在下, 人要脚踏实地, 何必跑到天上去呢?

The three talents of heaven, man and earth are in their respective positions. Men always stand upright, sky (heaven) above us, and step on the earth at the below of us. Men need to be down-to-earth, why bother to go to the sky?

China has prohibited any building higher than 500m.

Also, also I shared in Facebook last year, there is a bridge built across the river in our capital, Kuala Lumpur which looked like three coffins and it is next to a cemetery. The river is like the blood vessel and we blocked it with three coffins.

天佑大马. Let’s pray for Malaysia. 如果可以, 大家茹素吧! If you can, everyone become a vegetarian temporary!

Friday, May 21, 2021

为什么我们都说“阴阳” 而不说“阳阴”? 以及六十四卦的排序




总之,易经64卦,涉及了生活的方方面面,诠释了事物的发展规律。其规律大可用于宇宙天体,中可用于国家的治理,小可用于人事生活。易经永远诠释的规律是穷则变,变则通,通则久, 久则穷, 然后周而复始, 无穷无尽, 不通则变。阳极变阴,阴极变阳。阳中有阴,阴中有阳。

The Sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes are all-encompassing. It can be as big as how to revolutionize. It teaches our ancestors how to cultivate the body and govern the country and the world, and as small as how to let us know how to eat and maintain health, fortune-telling. How does it teach people to teach the next generation? What is life? What is enlightenment education? How to manage money? How to face politics in the workplace? How to make a difference in your career? How to make up and packaging? Men and women love. How to build a family full of love? How to face difficulties? What is profit and loss? What is happiness and sorrow? What is a monthly profit and a loss? What is the opposite of everything?


In short, the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes involves all aspects of life and interprets the law of development of things. The law can be used in the cosmic bodies, in the governance of the country, and in personnel life. The law of the Book of Changes forever explained is that if it is poor or running out of ideas, we have to change, if it is changeable, it will be common, if it is common, it will be back to poor again, and then it will repeat itself, endlessly, and change if it is not common. The extreme positive will become negative and the extreme negative becomes positive. There is yin in yang, and yang in yin.

那“阴阳”为什么阴在前,阳在后?阴阳都是先阴后阳,为什么我们都说“阴阳” 而不说“阳阴”? 因为一粒种子,出芽前都是在阴处,出芽后才可出来见阳光,动物怀都母体的子宮在暗处, 发育完成了才可以出来见太阳. 所有的生命,在孕育之初,都是在阴处,而成长则需要阳。因此生育的字有个, 生育要在暗处, 也就是月亮出来的时候. 所以,才由阴而阳,先阴后阳。大地的开始是混沌的, 混沌之初为阴,开天辟地为阳。阴为弱小,阳为强大,事物都是由小到大,由弱到强,所以,先阴后阳。小孩弱小但慢慢地成长变状就阴成阳.


易经64卦的上经,30卦讲的是天道,也就是大自然。下经34卦讲的是人道,也就是关系到人和人之间的感情。前面的八个卦里面都有水, 除了乾为天卦和坤为地卦, 也就是有坎卦在里面,在告诉我们人类的开始都有危险,因为坎卦为水为险。


    1 乾为天

    第一卦是乾卦是天. 看乾卦的卦象是六划,像天空中一层一层的云。

    2 坤为地

    第二卦是坤卦是地. 先有天之后,又有地。坤卦是64卦中笔画最多的,共12划,地是一块一块的,像国家与国家,省与省,村与村,户与户,都是一块一块的,都有界。

3 水雷屯


    两仪是天地,有了天地之后,生化出万物,万物生长,充满了天地之间。屯:读 zhūn,意为盈满。

    4 山水蒙


    5 水天需








第八卦是比卦,比邻的比。比就是今天我们所说的brothers, 兄弟情, 战争过后,皇帝要封诸侯。诸侯就是皇帝的比。


To be continued.