Monday, March 11, 2024

时辰按照十二生肖来排列 The hours are arranged according to the twelve Chinese zodiac signs.

 十二生肖的真正意义 The true meaning of the Chinese zodiac signs

第1系列 The first series


























The hours are arranged according to the twelve Chinese zodiac signs.


Zi Hour, also known as "Midnight Hour": The first hour of the twelve earthly branches. Time: 11:00 PM - 01:00 AM. During the night, from 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM, it belongs to the "Zi Hour", with "Zi" representing the Rat. It is when rats are most active, taking advantage of the quietness of the night.


Chou Hour: The second hour of the twelve earthly branches. Time: 01:00 AM - 03:00 AM. From 1:00 AM to 3:00 AM, it belongs to the "Chou Hour", with "Chou" representing the Ox. Oxen are known to graze at night, and farmers often wake up in the wee hours to feed them.


Yin Hour: Time: 03:00 AM - 05:00 AM. From 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM, it is the "Yin Hour", with "Yin" representing the Tiger. Tigers are most ferocious during this time, and ancient people would often hear their roars.


Mao Hour: Early morning from 05:00 AM to 07:00 AM. It belongs to the "Mao Hour", with "Mao" representing the Rabbit. At dawn, rabbits come out of their burrows and enjoy eating grass with dew.


Chen Hour: Morning from 07:00 AM to 09:00 AM. It belongs to the "Chen Hour", with "Chen" representing the Dragon. Mist often occurs during this time, and dragons are believed to enjoy riding the clouds and fog. Moreover, the sun rises in the morning, forming the word "Chen" (morning) with the addition of the sun.


Si Hour: From 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM, it is the "Si Hour". With the fog cleared and the sun shining brightly, snakes come out of their holes to search for food, hence "Si" represents the Snake.


Wu Hour: From 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM, it is the "Wu Hour". Wild horses, not yet tamed by humans, gallop around and neigh during this time, thus "Wu" represents the Horse.


Wei Hour: From 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM, it is the "Wei Hour". Some areas call this time "Sheep Coming Down the Hill," indicating it's a good time for grazing sheep, hence "Wei" represents the Sheep.


Shen Hour: From 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM, it is the "Shen Hour". With the sun beginning to set, monkeys are often heard calling at this time, thus "Shen" represents the Monkey.


You Hour: From 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM, it is the "You Hour". With the sun setting, chickens are seen moving around their coops, hence "You" represents the Chicken.


Xu Hour: From 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM, it is the "Xu Hour". After a day of hard work, people close their doors to rest. Dogs lie at the door to guard, barking loudly at any movement, hence "Xu" represents the Dog.


Hai Hour: From 09:00 PM to 11:00 PM, it is the "Hai Hour". In the quiet night, one can hear the sound of pigs rooting in their troughs, hence "Hai" represents the Pig.

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