Sunday, September 27, 2009

Horoscope for Rat in 2010

肖鼠 Rat

今年生肖鼠者并没有什么吉星, 因此运气只是一般罢了.

‘天狗’星主有超支和失预算的现象,代表今年你的财政情况有点不济, 经常会因为消费过度以致收支失去平衡。如果长时间不只自律,则难保会有经济陷入困境的一天。’吊客’同临,主有奔丧事,必须留意家人的健康,出入小心.

‘灾煞星’主有意外破损,要分外注意出入平安,也要谨防被刀剪所伤。’囚獄’代表失去自由, 可能被囚在医院.

This is a year that have no auspicious star appears for rat; hence, those who were born in the year of rat may not enjoy a good year for this year.

The appearance of the Star God of 'Tian Gou' demonstrates there will be phenomenon of having overspending and thus this year your financial condition is a little not that promising. You may consume excessive and there will be lose balance in between your income and expenses. If you do not control your expenses, you may fall into deep difficulty in your financial condition.

Besides, 'Diao Ke' appears together with the ‘Tian Gou’, you may have to attend funeral matter, and hence you must take note of the health of your family members and be watchful for their safety.

The appearance of 'Zai Sha Xing' indicates that there will have unexpected injuries and hence Rat has to be very careful during travelling. Rat may lose your freedom and may have to stay in a hospital.

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