Thursday, August 28, 2014

Please stay tuned for my article in the Guang Ming and Sin Chew Newspaper tomorrow 29th August Friday.

易经是世界上最古老的一本书, 比圣经或古兰经更古老. 易经是本关于宇宙大自然的书. <>由蜥<>而得名, 而蜥蜴能夠变色,俗稱「变色龙」,指天下萬物是常变的, 和佛学里的<无常>是同样的道理. 我们今天讲的<易名>就是改变名字, <交易>就是变换东西,那就是<>. 地球无时无刻都在转, 没有停下來的一刻, 所以风水轮流转. 曾几何时, 欧洲, 大英帝国统治天下, 俄罗斯和美国同起同坐但现在呢?

- 变化之意,万事万物永远都处于变化之中。气 - 万物变化造成流动的现象就是气。

简单的来说, 地球一直在旋转, 因此地球的磁场无时无刻都在变. 太阳和月亮对地球影响最大. 因此阴阳对我们的影响力最甚, 五大行星的影响次之. 最接近地球的五大行星为水 Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter  与土 Saturn. 天王海王等太远影响不大,影响微乎其微。你也可以发觉我们每一天都离不开五行, 金水木火土. 现在看你四周, 是否都是这五行因素? 易经的《易》 字是由日和月形成, 象徵阴阳. 因此影响我们最甚的是阴阳, 接着是五行, 金水木火土.

太阳系最大的星球是木星,其次为土星. 木星的公转周期为12年,这十二个位置这也是生肖的来历. 土星的公转周期为三十年计算。土星在公转运行中,二十年和木星相会一次。木星、土星这两大行星的会合,对地球有非常巨大的影响, 因此地球运为二十年转变一次. 现在为八运.  八运由2004年至2023年是土运, 因此有利土产业.

太阳系最大的星球是木星,其次为土星. 这两大行星的会合,对地球有非常巨大的影响.

易经后天八卦. 7运由1984年至2003, 7在西方, 因此西方国家如美国和欧洲都行好运, 他们主宰世界. 但来到八运, 8在东北方, 因此东北方国家如中国和韩国却行好运, 因为他们在世界的东北方, 反而是他们主宰了世界.


在风水学里, 我们强调<山管人丁, 水管财>. 所谓山灵人杰,, 指的就是如有灵气茂盛的山就会出现人才豪杰. 吉隆坡在巴生谷里, 巴生谷四周都有灵气茂盛的山包围着, 因此可以吸引全国各地的人才豪杰聚居于此.

巴生谷四周都有灵气茂盛的山包围着. 因此可以吸引全国各地的人才豪杰聚居于此.

<山管人丁, 水管财>.因此可见新加坡, 香港, 纽约等著名经济重区都建立在好水的地区. 新加坡更是清理了新加坡河, 并建造了Marina Barrage (滨海堤坝)来控制新加坡河的水流量. 因为如果可以控制水流量就可以控制财富的流量, 因此新加坡财运亨通.

DnP Bukit Minyak 的道路己经打通, 因些可以高枕无忧了.
在古时代, 河水是重要的交通线. 而现今, 道路却是重要的交通线.因为现今道路代替了河水成为重要的交通线. <山管人丁, 水管财>. 现今的道路就是财福, 把一条道路关掉或改道等于把此处的经济区给改变了. Pulau Tikus 的改道马上可以看到改道对附近地区商家的影响. 反之,我们看看DnP Bukit Minyak产业四周 的道路一经打通,四通八达, 因此这里的商家大可高枕无忧了.
DnP Bukit Minyak 的道路己经打通, 因此可以高枕无忧了.

如果您想听取更多有关于世界经济重区如新加坡, 香港, 纽约, 韩国等如何运用风水来取得今天他们那骄人的成就; 澳门赌场风水战争, 香港企业的风水战; 为什么今年那么的空难等风水的分享和2015年的展望, 请出席李老师31/8/14的风水分享会.

 Master Lee Cheng Hoe,
1st Class (Hon) Engineering Degree, U.K.
University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

Penang Feng Shui
Managed by LCH Feng Shui (PG-0226553-U)
65 C, Lintang Angsana, 11500, Farlim, Air Hitam, Penang, Malaysia.

Mobile Phone: 012-4713983

Saturday, August 23, 2014

李老师免费风水分享会 Master Lee Free Feng Shui Talk

李老师免费风水分享会 Master Lee Free Feng Shui Talk

如果您想听取有关于世界经济重区如新加坡, 香港, 纽约, 韩国等如何运用风水来取得今天他们那骄人的成就; 澳门赌场风水战争, 香港企业的风水战; 为什么今年那么的空难等风水的分享和2015年仔的展望, 请出席我的 30/8/14 星期六 2:00pm-3:00pm的免费风水分享会. 地点为大山脚Alma DNPLAND Sales Gallery , Tesco 对面. 到时候还有免费茶点招待呢!

Event: DNPLAND Property Showcase 2014
Date: 30 August 14 Saturday
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm
Venue: Bukit Mertajam DNPLAND Sales Gallery, opposite Tesco
Speaker: Master Lee
Language: Chinese

Fee: Free of charge

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Why all the MB Selangor have no good ending and why Teoh Beng Hock fall from the Plaza Masalam 16 July 2009?

I m fortunate enough to have the opportunity to visit the key locations at Shah Alam, the capital of the Selangor. I have visited the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Building but too bad, I was not able to enter into the building.

The Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Building is Selangor's state secretariat building. It is located at Bukit SUK, Shah Alam, Selangor. It was constructed between 1982 and 1984. The building was officially opened on 2 February 1985 by Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah of Selangor. It houses the machineries of the state government, including Menteri Besar's office, State Assembly Hall and Silver Jubilee Hall. 

Since then you could notice that all the Menteri Besar Selangor do not enjoy good ending from their pro folio. 

11.          Muhammad Muhammad Taib    14 August 1986  14 April 1997      
12           Abu Hassan Haji Omar   6 June 1997         18 August 2000  
13           Mohamed Khir Toyo       18 August 2000  13 March 2008   
14           Abdul Khalid Ibrahim      13 March 2008  - 

You would notice that the building is location on a small hill and it is a stay alone building with no firm support. I have mentioned many times that my book that structure of land is important there should be taller land or building at the back to form support.

Also, in my prediction on 13 Nov 2013 for the year 2014, I said The most inauspicious star is at the qian palace 乾卦 which is the palace for master or king; hence there will be some very important male leaders that will step down, challenged by other or pass away.

Also, I have gone to the Plaza Masalam where Teoh Beng Hock fall on 16 July 2009. I have analysed the bazi of him and shared it in my book . As what I expected, there should be problem with the building as well.

I have checked and found that the main entrance of the building is facing the North and on 2009, the most inauspicious star no 5 yellow is the North! Also, the orientation of the building is also not according to auspicious land structure of feng shui and against the theory instead. Please refer to my book for auspicious land structure. Of course, there are more facts to be disclosed from the perspective of  feng shui study but it is no convenient for me to disclose here. May be I will share it in my out-and-coming feng shui talk at DnP on 30/8/14. Please stay tuned for more information about the free talk. Thanks.

Monday, August 11, 2014

我无限感恩因为我终于可以很全面的把那伟大的老祖宗知识传授给有缘人. I am extremely grateful because finally I have managed pass the knowledge of feng shui and bazi reading in a very comprehensive way.

我无限感恩因为我终于成就了我一直以来的心愿, 那就是我终于有机会可以很全面的把那伟大的老祖宗知识教授给有缘人. 一直以来我把传授与分享伟大的老祖宗风水八字知识当着自己的使命和责任, 但是我发觉写书, 讲座, blog都不能很全面完整的把那伟大的老祖宗知识教授给有缘人, 昨天我终于完成我应该做的了. 谢谢你们, 我的学生们, 让我可以有机会很全面的把那伟大的风水八字知识教授给你们.
让我更感到无限感恩的是有些学生更从老远的吉隆坡和新山飞来, 还有个学生不懂华文但她还是坚持不懈地完成那难懂的八字学. 希望你们可以受益, 谢谢你们, 我的学生们. 希望你们也可以把那伟大的老祖宗知识传授给更多有缘人.

I am extremely grateful because finally I have make ​​my wish came true. It has always been my dream to pass the knowledge of feng shui and bazi reading in a very comprehensive way. Finally, I have the opportunity to do it. Delegating and sharing the great knowledge of our ancestors is my mission, but I find that writing a book, giving a talk, writing blog are not allowing me to share the knowledge comprehensively and systematically to others but yesterday I finally did what I should do. Thank you, my students. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share the great knowledge comprehensively.

What made me more thankful is some students are all the way flying from Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru, as well as there is a student who does not understand Chinese perfectly, but she still tirelessly completed the complicated bazi reading class. I salute them for their patience and determination. Hope you can benefit from my teaching. Also, I wish that you can do a better job than me in sharing this great knowledge to more people. Thank you so much.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Do you know why e-gate is named as e-gate?

 e-gate Building
Penang Island Map

If you refer to the map of the Penang, Penang Bridge is at the east of Penang Island and there is one of the main entrances (气口door of qi) of the Penang Island and e-gate is just right there when you enter Penang Island via the Penang Bridge. E-gate is located at the main gate of the east, hence it is named as e-gate, e is the east. It is located there to gain the auspicious qi of the main entrance. For those who are not familiar with Penang Island, e-Gate is a very popular spot in Penang Island. It is a meeting point for many of us because of its location. It is situated at the entrance of the island when you drive across the Penang Bridge to the island from the Peninsular Malaysia. Also, the building is actually sitting at the West and faces the East.

The shape of the building resembles the shape of the old type of money of China, gold ingot 元宝不发也难呀

I have written many articles about e-gate. If you refer to my previous post  “The Feng Shui of Bayswater Condominium and Tesco, e-Gate”, I said the shape of the building resembles the shape of the old type of money of China, gold ingot 元宝. 不发也难呀! The money is waiting for you. Do you notice IJM started to shine brightly after they completed the building e-gate? I also have written article about the Menara IJM Land too on wonder the Menara IJM Land is so good.”.
The feng shui of the place is superb, apart from the 'Jade Belt Surrounding Waist' , the buildings are also follow the good feng shui of the external luan tou 外峦头 which is exactly 左青龙 右白虎 前朱雀 后玄武 zuo qing long, you bai hu, qian zhu que, hou xuan wu.
You can read about it in my book page 59-63 too.
It has proven again that the power of feng shui that influence the good and bad of a place.