
Sunday, September 22, 2024

2025乙巳青蛇年风水预测 Feng Shui Prediction for the Year 2025 - Yi Si Green Snake Year (Part 2)



2023823日,我在 [博客] 上发表了对2024年的预测,当时提到:2024年立春的四柱八字冲煞严重,天干甲庚相冲,地支辰戌、寅申相冲,七杀透出,预示着这一年局势动荡,国与国之间的冲突、政治动荡都不可避免,恐怖组织的反扑与战争的威胁尤为突出,尤其是中东地区,因为2024年三碧是非星飞临中宫,意味着战争不断。山崩、地裂、地陷等灾害频发。2024年八字中没有显露财星,意味着全球经济表现平稳,建议大家以稳为主。 


### 2025年展望


 #### 根据紫微斗数的推算:

1. **天机化禄**:天机如同诸葛亮,象征智慧与策略,而禄代表财富。因此,像会计师、律师等专业人士将在这一年获得财富,提供专业顾问服务的行业如风水、玄学也将受益。天机属木,因此与木相关的行业如教育、家具、文具和农业也将迎来不错的一年。天机掌管兄弟关系,意味着团队合作的事业,如营销、保险行业,将表现出色。


2. **天梁化权**:天梁如司马懿,司马懿长寿,是诸葛亮晚年最强的对手。象征老成稳重的智慧人物。2025年,天梁星的影响力将增强,年长、有经验的人物将在这一年展现权威。他们固执、守旧,但也善于照顾后辈,条件是后辈们必须听从他们的建议。因此,老一辈在2025年会有较大的影响力,拭目以待马来西亚的政局,因为马来西亚的政局都是一群老人家在斗来斗去。


3. **紫薇化科**:紫薇为帝王之星,象征权威与地位,化科代表名望。因此,2025年将是学术界扬名立万的一年,学术研究者将有机会获得公众认可和荣誉。


4. **太阴化忌**:太阴为女性星,代表较为阴柔的力量,也与烂桃花相关。2025年对女性的运势不太有利,由于太阴属水,尤其需要小心水灾水难。此外,太阴星带有阴妖性,太阴星影响情感和情绪,容易让人情绪不稳,感到不安。


#### 根据2025年的流年飞星图:

1. **一白星**飞临东南,代表桃花运,东南巽位主长女或年长女性,她们的桃花运较为旺盛。

2. **三碧是非星**飞临西北,意味着年长男性或男性领导者可能卷入是非,家中的父亲也需要多加注意。

3. **五黄星**飞临东北,提醒家中小儿子或年轻男性需要提防厄运,尤其要注意交通安全,避免发生意外。中国、沙巴和北京等地也可能遭遇自然灾害。

4. **三煞**在东方,预示着台湾、日本和菲律宾可能面临灾难,但由于当令九紫星的保护,东方地区有望渡过难关。

5. 此外,西方的文昌星预示着西方国家可能会有新发明的诞生。


#### 立春八字预测:





#### 2025年乙巳年为青蛇年:




**Feng Shui Prediction for the Year 2025 - Yi Si Green Snake Year**


On August 23, 2023, I published a prediction for 2024 on my [blog](, where I stated: The Four Pillars Bazi for the Start of Spring 2024 indicate significant conflicts. The Heavenly Stems clash between Jia and Geng, while the Earthly Branches clash between Chen and Xu, Yin and Shen. The Seven Killings are revealed, signaling a volatile year ahead. Conflicts between nations and political upheavals are inevitable, along with a heightened risk of terrorist activities and wars, especially in the Middle East, as the annual Three Jade Conflict Star will be in the center palace in 2024, indicating continuous warfare. Earthquakes and landslides will frequently occur. The Bazi for the Start of Spring shows no visible wealth star, meaning the global economy will be steady, and I advise everyone to take a conservative approach.


2024 also marks the beginning of the Ninth Period, with the timely Nine Star appearing in the Kun Palace, symbolizing the rise of female power. Female leaders will demonstrate their strength. Meanwhile, the Wen Chang Star will be in the Qian Palace (Northwest), which represents male leadership, especially older leaders. This suggests that elder leaders, such as 76-year-old Anwar, will have the wisdom to solve problems. Compared to 2023, when the inauspicious Five Yellow Star was in the Northwest, 2024 will be a much smoother year for elder leaders. Have these predictions already come to pass?


### Outlook for 2025

On August 23, 2023, I also published my first prediction for 2025 [here]( Now, I will continue to apply metaphysical and Feng Shui theories to delve deeper into what 2025 might hold.


#### Based on Zi Wei Dou Shu Predictions:

1. **Tian Ji Star (Transformation into Lu)**: Tian Ji, like Zhuge Liang, represents wisdom and strategy, while Lu signifies wealth. Therefore, professionals such as accountants and lawyers are likely to gain wealth in 2025. Industries that offer consultancy services, such as Feng Shui and metaphysics, will also benefit. As Tian Ji belongs to the Wood element, industries related to Wood, such as education, furniture, stationery, and agriculture, will have a good year. Tian Ji also governs relationships between siblings, meaning industries that rely on teamwork, such as marketing and insurance, will perform well.


2. **Tian Liang Star (Transformation into Quan)**: Tian Liang is akin to Sima Yi, symbolizing seasoned wisdom and stability. In 2025, Tian Liang’s influence will grow, representing elder, experienced figures asserting authority. These individuals may be stubborn and traditional but also nurturing to younger generations—provided the young listen to them. Therefore, the older generation will play a significant role in 2025. In particular, Malaysia’s political scene will be worth watching, as it is often dominated by older leaders.


3. **Zi Wei Star (Transformation into Ke)**: Zi Wei is the Emperor Star, symbolizing authority and status. Ke represents fame, indicating that 2025 will be a year in which academia and scholars gain significant recognition. This is a favorable year for researchers and academics to earn prestige.


4. **Tai Yin Star (Transformation into Ji)**: Tai Yin is the star representing females and the moon, associated with Yin energy. It also relates to problematic romantic relationships. According to Zi Wei Dou Shu, 2025 may be challenging for women, with risks of water-related disasters, as Tai Yin belongs to the Water element. Additionally, the star also carries a mystical aspect that could cause emotional and psychological unrest.


#### According to the Flying Star Chart for 2025:

1. **One White Star** will be in the Southeast, representing romance luck. This suggests that the eldest daughter or older women in the family may experience an increase in romantic opportunities.

2. **Three Jade Conflict Star** will be in the Northwest, indicating that elder men or male leaders will be involved in disputes and conflicts. Fathers within families should also be cautious.

3. **Five Yellow Star** will be in the Northeast, warning that younger sons or young men in the family may face misfortune and accidents. They should especially be careful when driving. Natural disasters may affect areas like China, Sabah, and Beijing.

4. **Three Sha** will be in the East, suggesting that Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines may face disasters. However, the timely **Nine Purple Star** in the East offers protection, providing hope that these regions will overcome difficulties.

5. The **Wen Chang Star** in the West implies that Western nations might see new inventions or breakthroughs.


#### Bazi Prediction for the Start of Spring in 2025:

The Bazi for 2025 shows that the Heavenly Stem, Day Stem, and Year Stem are all Yin, making the year softer and less stressful than 2024, which had stronger Yang energy. As a result, people may adopt a more laid-back approach to life.


In 2025, both the Day Stem and Hour Stem are Gui Water, competing to combine with the Wu Earth of the Month Stem. Wu Earth represents the official star, which suggests people will compete to flatter their superiors or leaders to gain benefits. Consequently, leaders may become complacent due to excessive praise from subordinates, potentially clouding their judgment. It is crucial for leaders to remain clear-headed in 2025.


#### 2025 Yi Si Year as the Green Snake Year:

Unlike 2024, where the Heavenly Stem clashed with the Earthly Branch, 2025 will see the Yin Wood (Yi) nurturing the Yang Fire (Si). This Wood nourishing Fire signifies a year that will be relatively stable and peaceful.


If time permits, I will continue to share more insights into the Feng Shui predictions for 2025. Please stay tuned.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

2025年十二生肖重点抢先看 Key Insights into the Chinese Zodiac for 2025


                                                         Click to watch the YouTube above



2025年是蛇年,因此属蛇的人会犯太岁。蛇的对面生肖是猪,猪代表冲太岁。通常,属猪的人运势较差,因为冲太岁的负能量最强。如果你今年犯了太岁或冲了太岁,通常会遇到更多的烦恼,感觉一波未平一波又起,助力不大,事倍功半。虽然努力了很多,但结果可能不如预期。不过,也不必过于担忧。保持平和心态,采取守势而不是冒进是明智的选择。建议在立春(232025)之前去庙里祈福拜拜,并多做善事,比如施舍,因为“舍得,有舍才有得”。另一个破解方法是,在太岁的位置摆放当年太岁三合生肖的装饰品或照片, 蛇、鸡和牛是三合生肖。要找到家中的太岁位置,你可以使用指南针测量。站在家中的中心点,打开电话的指南针,找到东南142.5-157.5度的位置,摆放牛和鸡的装饰品,以化解太岁的负能量。同时,避免在该位置动土或装修。 






在钱财方面,属鼠、兔和虎的人运势较好。属鼠的人因为玉堂星的出现,将有“金玉满堂”的机会。属兔和属虎的人也有福星加持,因为各自都有禄勋和八座。八座就像拥有豪华汽车,虽然属虎的人有相刑和相害的负能量,但也有财富吉星。属兔的人有凶星天狗,日食月食时要特别小心,所谓的天狗食日(也叫天狗吞日), 千万别去看日食和月食,因为它的负能量,特别对属的特别不利。因此建议捐款给流浪狗保护协会。 







Key Insights into the Chinese Zodiac for 2025 

Today, I will teach you how to check your zodiac fortune for each Lunar New Year. First, it’s crucial to understand whether your zodiac sign will clash with Tai Sui (the Grand Duke Jupiter) or face the Tai Sui clash in that year. You can refer to my previous video, which explains the concepts of offending Tai Sui and clashing with Tai Sui in a concise manner: Video Link  (

2025 is the Year of the Snake, so people born under the Snake sign will face Tai Sui. The opposite sign of Snake is Pig, which represents the clash with Tai Sui. Generally, those born in the Year of the Pig will experience worse fortune because the negative energy of the clash with Tai Sui is strongest. If you face Tai Sui or clash with Tai Sui this year, you will usually encounter more troubles, feeling that one problem is followed by another, with limited support and results that fall short of expectations. However, there’s no need to worry excessively. Maintaining a calm mind set and taking a defensive rather than aggressive approach is a wise choice. It is recommended to visit a temple for prayers and good deeds before the beginning of spring (February 3 2025), and to perform acts of charity such as giving alms because “one must give to receive.” Another solution is to place decorations or photos of the zodiac signs that are in harmony with Tai Sui in the Tai Sui position of your home. To find the Tai Sui position in your home, you can use a compass. Stand at the center of your home, open the compass on your phone, and find the southeast position between 142.5 and 157.5 degrees. Place decorations of the Ox and Rooster there to counteract Tai Sui's negative energy. Also, avoid any construction or renovations in that area.

The Snake, Rooster, and Ox are in harmony, so people born in the Year of the Rooster and Ox will have more support in 2025. Those born in the Year of the Monkey will also have favorable fortune since the Monkey and Snake have a harmonious relationship. However, there is a conflict between Snake, Monkey, and Tiger which may affect the Monkey’s fortune. ‘Conflict’ means potential penalties, including traffic fines. The ‘conflict of power’ formed by the Snake, Monkey, and Tiger may lead to efforts that exceed rewards, with others failing to appreciate your contributions. To understand these zodiac relationships, including clashes, harmonies, conflicts, and harms, you can refer to my Bazi book: Book Link , which explains these concepts in detail.

Additionally, the relationship between the Snake and Tiger is one of mutual harm, which could lead to encountering troublemakers, disputes, or jealousy from others. This relationship will cause potential argument. Therefore, people born in the Year of the Tiger will have worse fortune in the Year of the Snake and should focus on doing good deeds, adopting a defensive approach rather than being aggressive, and thinking carefully before taking action. 

Of course, one should not judge a year’s fortune solely based on zodiac signs, as the Bazi (Four Pillars of Destiny) including the year, month, day, and time are also important. You can use online tools to check your Bazi for an accurate understanding of your year’s fortune. The year zodiac represents the environment, the month zodiac represents capabilities, the day zodiac represents interpersonal relationships, and the time zodiac represents plans. 

After examining zodiac relationships, we also need to consider the auspicious and inauspicious stars for each zodiac sign this year. 

In 2025, people born in the Year of the Rat will have the best fortune due to the presence of the powerful auspicious stars Zi Wei Star and Long De Star. Zi Wei Star is the brightest star in the Big Dipper and is known as the Emperor Star, thus having the strongest energy. People born in the Year of the Rat will have the most favorable fortune and supportive environment in 2025.

 Regarding wealth, people born in the Year of the Rat, Rabbit, and Tiger will have good fortune. The Rat will have opportunities for wealth due to the presence of the Yu Tang Star. People born in the Year of the Rabbit and Tiger will also be blessed by fortune stars, as they each have Lu Xing and Ba Zuo. Ba Zuo is like having a luxury car; although Tigers have negative energy from conflicts and harms, they also have wealth stars. People born in the Year of the Rabbit have the negative star Tian Gou, so they should be particularly careful during solar and lunar eclipses, as Tian Gou eating the Sun (also known as Tian Gou swallowing the Sun) brings negative energy, especially affecting those born in the Year of the rabbit. Therefore, it is advisable to donate to a stray dog protection association. 

In terms of work and career, people born in the Year of the Rooster, Dog, and Pig will perform well due to the presence of auspicious stars related to power, with opportunities for promotion. For support, those born in the Year of the Rat, Tiger, Horse, Monkey, and Dog will have help from benefactors.

 For romance, people born in the Year of the Dragon and Dog will have good fortune. People born in the Year of the Dog will have the Hong Luan Star, which may bring marriage or joyful events. People born in the Year of the Dragon will have the Tian Xi Star, which may bring new additions to the family or marriage. In terms of opposite-sex relationships, people born in the Year of the Horse will be the most fortunate but should beware of inappropriate relationships. People born in the Year of the Horse will have both the Peach Blossom and Xian Chi stars, leading to more social interactions, but they must be cautious of inappropriate relationships.

 In terms of health, people born in the Year of the Dragon, Snake, and Horse should pay particular attention to their health. People born in the Year of the Horse are especially intelligent due to the presence of the Wen Chang Star. People born in the Year of the Sheep, after years of good fortune, will need to rely on their own efforts in 2025 due to the lack of auspicious stars and limited support.

 In 2025, zodiac signs prone to disputes and misfortune include the Ox, Tiger, and Rooster. Be cautious of being misled or falling victim to fraud or complaints. To counteract this, avoid placing trash bins in the northeast, as it is affected by the 5 Yellow Star of Misfortune, which impacts the Tiger and Ox the most. Since San Sha (Three Killings) is in the east, which is the direction of the Rabbit, people born in the Year of the Rabbit should also guard against disasters by placing three Qilin statues in the east to suppress the San Sha, especially those born in the Year of the Rabbit.

 People born in the Year of the Snake should also be cautious of blood-related disasters and might need to undergo surgery. It is advised for people born in the Year of the Snake to donate blood this year to mitigate the effects.

 If time permits, I will create detailed videos for each zodiac sign’s fortune, sharing detailed insights on each sign's luck. Stay tuned!

Friday, August 23, 2024

2025年风水预测抢先看 2025年风水预测 by Master Lee 1 A Sneak Peek into the 2025 Feng Shui Forecast 2025 Feng Shui Predictions by Master Lee (Part 1)

2025年将会如何?让我们像往年一样,通过风水和玄学的角度来进行预测。2025年农历正月初一是129日,但其实这个时候蛇年还未正式开始。蛇年要到立春——232025 22:10——才真正降临。因此,在农历正月初一出生的婴儿仍然属于龙年,而非蛇年,很多人对此常有误解。

























What can we expect in 2025? Just as in previous years, we will use Feng Shui and metaphysical principles to make predictions. The Lunar New Year of 2025 begins on January 29th, but technically, the Year of the Snake doesn’t start until the Spring Festival on February 3rd at 22:10 2024. Therefore, babies born on Lunar New Year's Day still belong to the Year of the Dragon, not the Snake—a fact that many people often misunderstand. 

One method to predict the coming year’s fortune is by analyzing the Spring Festival’s Bazi (Four Pillars of Destiny). In my view, the Bazi of the 2025 Spring Festival looks more favorable than that of 2024. This is because the 2025 Bazi shows more harmonious interactions than clashes. The Bazi of 2024 had many conflicting elements, making it a challenging year, with global economic difficulties that many people felt in their daily lives. The 2025 Bazi shows harmony between Gui and Wu, Yin and Hai, and Mao and Hai, while only Yin and Si, and Si and Hai show clashes. If you understand Bazi, you’ll know that in every Year of the Snake, there are usually some conflicts due to the Yin-Si clash during the Spring Festival. This indicates potential criminal activities, disputes, and political instability in 2025. Fraud and misleading events will continue to occur, so everyone needs to be cautious. 

However, I want to emphasize that the Bazi for 2025 has more harmonious aspects. Therefore, compared to 2024, the relationships between countries and people will likely improve, leading to better cooperation and prosperity. 

The 2025 Spring Festival Bazi shows that the Food God star is prominent, symbolizing freedom, indulgence, and a relaxed attitude. Many people will adopt a more laid-back approach, focusing on enjoying life. This will be beneficial for the tourism, dining, and entertainment industries.


According to the annual flying stars, the ruling 9-star will appear in the East in 2025. This bodes well for the economic development of East Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines. However, the East will also experience the Three Killings, bringing potential disasters and conflicts to these regions. The most dangerous Five Yellow Star appears in the Northeast, which is unfavorable for South Korea, North Korea, and China, likely causing economic setbacks and continuous disasters. The Illness Star (2 Black) occupies the center, meaning the world must be vigilant about the spread of diseases in 2025. The Dispute Star (3 Jade) flies to the Northwest, indicating possible political unrest in Penang, Malaysia. On the other hand, Southeast Asia will benefit from auspicious stars, particularly the 1 White Star in the Southeast. Meanwhile, Russia in the North should be wary, as the ongoing war with Ukraine will likely continue, leading to unfavorable outcomes, symbolized by the 7 Breaking Army Star in the North, representing destruction and conflicts. The northern Russia in 2025 needs to be wary of the negative impacts caused by the prolonged Russia-Ukraine war.

What does the 2025 Geomantic Mother Classic say?

The Geomantic Mother Classic states:

High and low crops are lush,

Spring and summer see many floods;

Autumn and winter double the grain yield,

Rice and wheat are abundant;

Mulberries are abandoned in Wu and Hui,

Heavenly insects move inside baskets;

Silkworm women weep for the expensive leaves,

Silk cotton doesn’t weigh,

The price of cloth is unmatched.


Basically, it predicts a good year for agriculture, with abundant harvests. However, spring and autumn weather will be unstable, with possible extreme weather or landslides. In the textile industry, raw material prices are expected to rise, making business challenging due to high costs.

I’ve long wanted to share a very special metaphysical principle with you, which is Qi Men Dun Jia. Qi Men Dun Jia is an advanced metaphysical knowledge that is difficult to master. If you want to learn it, you must understand all aspects of the I Ching, Feng Shui, Bazi, and metaphysics. Qi Men Dun Jia is an ancient Chinese mystical art used for predicting the future and formulating strategies. It combines principles of astronomy, calendar, Yin-Yang, and the Five Elements and is closely related to military tactics and strategy. In ancient times, Qi Men Dun Jia was considered a profound study, often applied in important decision-making areas such as military, politics, and commerce.

The core of Qi Men Dun Jia lies in the use of the "Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams" concept, combined with heavenly stems, earthly branches, eight gates, nine stars, six deities, and three wonders to arrange a layout. Based on factors like time and location, Qi Men Dun Jia can calculate auspicious and inauspicious directions and action strategies to achieve good fortune and avoid misfortune. 

Historically, Qi Men Dun Jia was regarded as an essential tool for emperors and generals, even being called the "Art of Emperors." However, due to its complexity and mystique, it became a secret skill mastered by only a few. If we use the 2025 Spring Festival time to create a Qi Men Dun Jia chart, we find that it is a Fuyin chart. Fuyin represents stagnation, immobility, delay, and maintaining the status quo. This result aligns with the earlier Bazi calculation, suggesting that many people will adopt a less proactive and more conservative approach in 2025, leading to slow economic growth and a lack of motivation.

 To be continued, stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

《孙子兵法》与《易经》和风水的关系 The Relationship Between "The Art of War," "The Book of Changes," and Feng Shui






《易经》的“易”字意为变化。这个“易”字的由来和蜥蜴有关,蜥蜴能变色,俗称“变色龙”,象征着万物皆变,与佛学中的“无常”理念相通。易的另外一个意思是改变,因此有“易名”、“易位”和“交易”等词。《易经》的英文翻译是“Book of Changes”。因此,风水学里也说“风水轮流转”。孙子强调战场上变化无穷,因此将军们必须要灵活应变,不能一成不变。 


《易经》的八卦系统,三条线分别代表天、人、地。《孙子兵法》中的天时、地利、人和来源于《易经》的八卦三爻理论,代表天、地、人三才。我们的世界也是三维度(3D XYZ)。







There is a deep connection between "The Art of War," "The Book of Changes," and Feng Shui. During the Axial Age 2,500 years ago, many great thinkers and philosophers emerged in both the East and West, such as Socrates, Buddha, Laozi, Confucius, Sun Tzu, Zhuangzi, and Mencius. Their thoughts have had a profound impact on the world.


"The Art of War" was written by Sun Wu during the Spring and Autumn period. His work is recognized as the world's earliest military treatise. The saying "business is like war" highlights that "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu not only profoundly influences the realm of global military strategy but also exerts significant impact on politics, economics, business, human resource management, and market strategy. Harvard Business School considers it a must-read textbook, and former U.S. President Nixon skilfully used its strategies in China-U.S. diplomacy. Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Japan's Panasonic, called it "the world's greatest spiritual guide," and historical figures like Cao Cao and Mao Zedong highly praised it. "The Art of War" once topped the Amazon rankings for English-translated books.


"The Art of War" is deeply influenced by "The Book of Changes" (I Ching). The seventh hexagram of I Ching, "Shi" (The Army), specifically discusses war, emphasizing that military action must have a justified cause. Every aspect of war, including training, discipline, and leadership, must be flexible and adaptable. The initial line of the hexagram states, "The army must be managed with strict discipline," emphasizing organizational discipline. The top line discusses the principle of rewarding merits and giving different rewards based on achievements after victory.


"The Book of Changes" was compiled by Fuxi, King Wen of Zhou, and Confucius in the ancient, middle, and late ancient periods, respectively. The theory of yin and yang changes, and the transformation of opposites such as rigidity and flexibility, normal and surprise, attack and defense, and reality and illusion, deeply influenced "The Art of War." Sun Tzu proposed the concept of "knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, one hundred battles without danger," emphasizing obtaining enemy intelligence while keeping one's own intelligence secret. Armies are not invincible in every battle; they must be flexible and adaptable.

The character "" (Yi) in "I Ching" means change. The term "" is related to the lizard, which can change its color and is commonly referred to as a "chameleon." This symbolizes the constant change of all things, akin to the Buddhist concept of "impermanence." Another meaning of "" is transformation, hence terms like "renaming" (易名), "changing position" (易位), and "transaction" (交易). The English translation of "易经" is "The Book of Changes." Thus, in Feng Shui, it is said that fortune rotates like a wheel ("风水轮流转"). Sun Tzu emphasized the ever-changing nature of the battlefield, asserting that generals must be flexible and adaptable, avoiding rigidity.

"The Art of War" advocates using various methods (including espionage) to obtain enemy intelligence while keeping one's own military information strictly confidential or spreading false information to deceive the enemy. This aligns with the yin and yang principles in "I Ching." "The Art of War" emphasizes preparation: "In war, do not rely on the enemy not coming, but rely on being prepared for him; do not rely on the enemy not attacking, but rely on having defenses that cannot be attacked." This is consistent with the initial line of the seventh hexagram in "I Ching," which states: "The army must be managed with strict discipline," meaning Sun Wu was influenced by the 64 hexagrams of "I Ching" compiled by King Wen of Zhou, King Wu of Zhou, and the Duke of Zhou over three thousand years ago.


The eight trigrams system in "I Ching" represents heaven, humanity, and earth. The concepts of timing, geographical advantage, and harmony among people in "The Art of War" are derived from the three-line theory of the eight trigrams, representing the three talents of heaven, earth, and humanity. Our world is also three-dimensional (3D XYZ).


Many people mistakenly believe that "The Art of War" includes the "Thirty-Six Stratagems," but in fact, the "Thirty-Six Stratagems" is a military book from the Southern and Northern Dynasties period, heavily influenced by "The Art of War." In "I Ching," six and eight are yin numbers, and thirty-six is the square of the extreme yin number, indicating an abundance of strategies.


The five elements theory in Feng Shui is closely related to the strategies in "The Art of War." Strategies such as "watching the fire from the other side," "removing the firewood from under the pot," "fishing in troubled waters," and "sowing discord" all reflect the Feng Shui method of "draining," which avoids direct confrontation with the enemy and instead weakens their power. "The Art of War" states: "Lure him with a small gain, attack him when he is unprepared, be prepared when he is strong, and avoid him when he is strong." This means: lure the enemy with small gains to make him take the bait; disrupt the enemy and seize the opportunity to win; be prepared when the enemy is strong to defend against their attack; avoid direct confrontation with a strong enemy to preserve one's own strength. When facing a powerful enemy, it is wise to avoid direct conflict and conserve strength.


In Feng Shui, the Five Yellow Star is the most powerful and fierce star, representing earth. It cannot be countered with wood but should be drained with metal. The use of Five Emperors Coins is one such remedy. This is because the Five Yellow Star is extremely strong and fierce, so weakening its power is more effective than direct confrontation.


Many people like to quote: "Sun Tzu said: 'Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win every battle.'" However, this is not an exact quote from Sun Tzu. The original text from "The Art of War" is: "Know yourself and know your enemy, one hundred battles without danger." The term "" (danger) means that knowing oneself and knowing the enemy ensures safety, not guaranteed victory. Winning every battle is unrealistic.


In summary, "The Art of War" has a close relationship with "The Book of Changes" and Feng Shui. Through the application of theories such as yin and yang changes and the mutual generation and restriction of the five elements, a comprehensive strategic thinking system was formed, which has had a profound impact on later generations.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

什么是一命二运三风水四积德五读书?What is the Concept of "One Fate, Two Luck, Three Feng Shui, Four Accumulation of Virtue, Five Study"?**














大家可以读读《了凡四训》来了解,即使命运不好,通过行善积德也可以改变命运。 所谓的舍得,舍得,要有舍才有得, 就是说必须要先有所舍弃,才能有所获得。




Recently, many people have asked me to teach them feng shui. However, due to time constraints, the lengthy preparation required, and a lack of manpower, I have written this article in hopes that those who wish to learn how to interpret feng shui will read it thoroughly and understand it. 

**What is the Concept of "One Fate, Two Luck, Three Feng Shui, Four Accumulation of Virtue, Five Study"?** 

Today, let's discuss how to navigate the path of life. The ancients often said: "One fate, two luck, three feng shui, four accumulation of virtue, five study." They believed that the primary influence on our lives is fate, followed by luck, then feng shui, accumulation of virtue, and study. But what does this mean? 


Fate is ranked first because it is the most important. So, what is fate? Fate refers to the inherent or predetermined aspects of life. Your fate is predetermined and beyond your control. For example, if you are born into a wealthy family, your fate will naturally be better than someone born into a poor family. From a fate perspective, you cannot choose the family or the exact time of your birth. Therefore, I no longer assist people in choosing birth dates and times for their children, as this is determined by a HEAVEN. Based on my experience, even if I specify a time for a birth, the baby often arrives earlier than the specified time, indicating that the specified time was not the destined time for that baby's arrival.

 In fate analysis, a person's "eight characters" (Bazi) are formed by the year, month, day, and hour of birth, constituted by heavenly stems and earthly branches, representing fate or inherent conditions. Scientists have proven that genetic inheritance plays a significant role in a person's life. A child who inherits good genes from their parents will have better basic conditions. For example, if both parents are tall, handsome, and beautiful, the child is likely to be similar. If the parents are intelligent, their children are likely to excel. Scientists have also shown that genetic research greatly aids in understanding cancer cells. A family with a history of cancer can pass down these genetic traits, and some people are born with disabilities—this is fate, the inherent conditions beyond our control. 

There is a saying, "A three-year-old's fate is set for life." From my personal experience, the most accurate way to understand a person's life path is through their inherent characteristics. A person's character determines their life's path. A strong-willed person will persist through difficulties. A person with the fate of Wu Yang Earth (戊阳土) is often a strong leader, steadfast like a rock, unyielding in the face of challenges. Deng Xiaoping is a prime example of a Wu Yang Earth personhe endured multiple political setbacks but remained resilient. Conversely, those with Yin fate tend to be more gentle, preferring to work behind the scenes and avoid leadership roles. This is fate. Now you understand why fate is ranked first.




Luck is second. We often combine "fate" and "luck" in conversation, but in fate analysis, they are distinct. Luck refers to the conditions you encounter throughout life. Everyone has ten-year luck cycles, and these can be broken down further into annual and even daily luck. How is luck determined? It depends on whether the elements you need (metal, wood, water, fire, earth) are present. If the elements you need, known as "useful gods" (用神), are present without conflict, you are experiencing good luck. Otherwise, you are experiencing bad luck. This is why people say fate cannot be changed, but luck can.


Typically, when a person transitions from one ten-year luck cycle to another, they experience changes, much like a train arriving at a station before continuing to the next. This transition can feel uncomfortable, akin to a train overcoming initial friction before moving smoothly. Thus, it is normal to feel uneasy when entering a new ten-year luck cycle.


**Feng Shui**


Third is feng shui. If both your fate and luck are favorable, feng shui can help you achieve even greater success. Feng shui can assist you in reaching new heights. However, if your luck is unfavorable, you need to rely on feng shui to adjust your life path.


The saying "One fate, two luck, three feng shui" emphasizes that when studying residential feng shui, one must first study the owner's fate and luck, or their Bazi. Many people believe that water symbolizes wealth and place flowing water features throughout their homes, which is incorrect. If the owner's Bazi has an excess of water, adding more will only cause harm. Therefore, it is essential to understand the owner's fate before applying feng shui principles.


Feng shui has many schools of thought, but I use the principles of Xuan Kong Flying Stars. Feng shui essentially involves understanding how astronomy and geography affect human magnetic fields. 'Astronomy' refers to the influence of celestial bodies like the sun, moon, and planets (known as the Seven Luminaries) on people. Geography concerns the impact of our living environment. For example, ancient wisdom in the Tongsheng calendar accurately predicts solar and lunar eclipses because it is based on astronomical studies. The balance of yin and yang magnetic fields in the solar system creates predictable planetary rotations and revolutions. Earth orbits the sun in approximately 365.25 days, while Jupiter, the largest planet, takes 12 years. Its strong magnetic field significantly affects us, giving rise to the twelve zodiac signs—a concept rooted in natural physical science. 'Astronomy' is an integral part of feng shui, reflecting how celestial influences impact humans.


In feng shui, 'geography' comprises landforms (Luan Tou) and energies (Li Qi). Luan Tou is the visible part of feng shui, including external and internal landforms. External landforms refer to natural features like mountains and rivers, while internal landforms involve home layouts, such as kitchen stove placements that should avoid conflicts between water and fire elements. Li Qi is the invisible part, focusing on 'qi' or magnetic fields, understood through Xuan Kong Flying Stars theory. For instance, we are currently in the Ninth Luck (Period 9), which is associated with fire in the postnatal bagua. Industries related to fire, such as AI, electric vehicles, and solar energy, are thriving. Southern Asian countries like Singapore, India, and Indonesia are also rapidly developing.


**Accumulation of Virtue**


The fourth influence on a person's life path is the accumulation of virtue, embodying the idea that good deeds are rewarded and evil deeds are punished, similar to the Buddhist concept of karma. We should speak kindly, do good deeds, and have good intentions.


Reading "Liao-Fan's Four Lessons" can help you understand that even if your fate is unfavorable, you can change it through virtuous actions. The concept of "sacrifice and gain" means that you must give something up in order to gain something in return.




The fifth influence is study. In ancient feudal society, a person could change their fate by passing imperial examinations and becoming an official. Ancient society categorized people into four professions: scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants. Scholars held the highest status, but they had to pass exams to gain social standing. Becoming a scholar meant becoming an official, leading to wealth and honor, encapsulated in the saying, "Ten years of hard study unknown, one day fame spreads far and wide." Today, similarly, a person can achieve their career goals through academic success.


In our rapidly advancing world, continuous learning is crucial. For instance, we must now learn about artificial intelligence to keep up with global changes. Therefore, one must never stop learning and progressing. Thinking you are already skilled enough to stop learning will quickly render you obsolete in this ever-evolving world.


Later, as the saying spread, people added more elements, such as "six fame, seven appearance, eight worship, nine influential connections, ten health, eleven career and marriage choices, twelve seeking fortune and avoiding misfortune, thirteen enduring hardships without complaints, fourteen avoiding rigid good-evil judgments, fifteen destiny and opportunities," and so on. However, the most influential are still the first five: fate, luck, feng shui, accumulation of virtue, and study.