
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

2025生肖蛇的运势 The Fortune of People Born in the Year of the Snake in 2025 By Penang Feng Shui Master Lee



The Fortune of People Born in the Year of the Snake in 2025

By Penang Feng Shui Master Lee


Auspicious Stars 吉星: 【天解 Tian Jie】【岁驾 Sui Jia
Inauspicious Stars 凶星: 【太岁 Tai Sui】【浮沉 Fu Chen】【剑锋 Jian Feng】【血刃 Xue Ren



In 2025, being a zodiac year for the Snake, challenges may arise due to clashes it is a Tai Sui year. However, the auspicious star Tian Jie provides protection, helping to avert misfortunes. Snakes should prioritize safety, especially avoiding water-related activities. Focus on health and rest, as injuries or surgeries are more likely. Donating blood is suggested to reduce negative influences. Avoid any construction or ground-breaking activities in the southeast direction (150°), associated with the Snake's zodiac position.




This star represents the ability to overcome difficulties and turn danger into safety. It helps resolve lawsuits, illnesses, and disasters, ensuring eventual success despite initial challenges.



Symbolizing the emperor's ceremonial procession, this star signifies career advancement, recognition, and success. Despite the challenges of Tai Sui, it indicates opportunities for professional growth.




"If you celebrate joy, you can ward off misfortune." Joyful events like marriage, childbirth, or starting a business can stabilize your fortune. Without them, you might face fluctuations, so stay cautious and patient.



This star indicates significant ups and downs, particularly in career and relationships. Exercise caution and avoid water-related risks.



Symbolizing potential injuries or accidents, this star warns against engaging in risky activities. Donating blood can help neutralize these risks.



This star signifies risks of injury from machinery or tools. Take extra precautions to avoid accidents involving sharp objects or metal.



Despite the challenges in 2025 due to Tai Sui, the Snake’s fortune can improve with the help of auspicious stars. Prioritize health and safety, and embrace joyful events to navigate the year smoothly.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

2025生肖龙的运势 The Fortune of People Born Under the Dragon Zodiac in 2025 By Penang Feng Shui Master Lee


Dragon: 192819401952196419761988200020122024

吉星: 【天喜 Tian Xi
凶星: 【病符 Bing Fu】【陌越 Mo Yue】【寡宿 Gua Su】【天煞 Tian Sha



吉星 Auspicious Stars

【天喜 Tian Xi


  • 象征: 幸福、愉悦的正能量。
  • 机会: 抓住与家人、伴侣相聚的时光,加强感情联结,共享生活中的美好时刻。

建议: 善用天喜星带来的好运气,主动参与喜庆活动,为生活注入更多正能量。

凶星 Inauspicious Stars

【病符 Bing Fu


  • 建议:
    1. 坚持规律作息,适量运动。
    2. 关注饮食健康,避免暴饮暴食或饮食不规律。
    3. 最好在立春(202523日)之前进行一次全面的健康检查,以防患于未然。

【陌越 Mo Yue


  • 影响:
    • 情绪焦虑可能导致误解,尤其在感情方面容易产生猜忌和不信任。
    • 如果陌越星出现在八字的年柱,可能影响外部环境;如果出现在日柱,则可能对人际关系或感情造成冲击。


【寡宿 Gua Su


  • 影响: 生活中即便有帮助,也可能感到孤独无助。
  • 建议:
    • 主动维护与伴侣的关系,多制造互动与温暖的时刻。
    • 借助社交活动拓展人际关系,减轻孤独感。

【天煞 Tian Sha


  • 建议:
    1. 注意安全,避免参与高风险活动。
    2. 通过行善积德,如捐款、帮助他人等方式,化解部分负面影响。

综合建议 Practical Tips

  1. 健康第一: 将身体和心理健康放在首位,养成良好的生活习惯。
  2. 情感维护: 在感情和人际关系中保持耐心与沟通,避免误解与隔阂。
  3. 适应环境: 面对变化时,保持灵活与积极的态度,从挑战中找到成长机会。
  4. 积善行德: 参与公益或帮助他人,为自己积累更多的好运气。

总结 Summary


Overall Fortune

In 2024, due to the conflict with Tai Sui during their zodiac year, people born under the Dragon sign experienced a challenging year with unfavorable luck. However, as they enter 2025, the situation is expected to improve significantly. This year may bring many joyous occasions, such as welcoming a new family member or celebrating weddings and other happy events.

Nevertheless, health concerns still require close attention. Additionally, Dragons may feel uneasy or unsettled due to changes in their work, living, or learning environment, necessitating efforts to adapt. Emotional challenges and feelings of loneliness could also arise, particularly for male Dragons, who may need to exercise extra patience and care in their relationships.


吉星 Auspicious Stars

【天喜 Tian Xi

The Tian Xi Star symbolizes happiness, celebrations, and joyful occasions. Married individuals may welcome a new family member, while those recovering from breakups might encounter new romantic opportunities, potentially leading to rapid progress in relationships, including the possibility of a "flash marriage."

  • Significance: A star of joy and celebration, bringing positive changes and happy moments.
  • Opportunities: Strengthen relationships, nurture bonds, and embrace milestones to maximize the positive energy brought by this star.

Advice: Leverage the auspicious energy of Tian Xi to enhance personal and familial happiness.

凶星 Inauspicious Stars

【病符 Bing Fu

The Bing Fu Star governs health-related issues, such as susceptibility to minor illnesses and physical discomfort. Ignoring these signs might lead to more significant health concerns.

  • Recommendations:
    1. Maintain regular exercise and a balanced diet.
    2. Prioritize timely meals and sufficient rest.
    3. Schedule a comprehensive health checkup before Li Chun (3rd February 2025).

【陌越 Mo Yue

The Mo Yue Star indicates stress and anxiety brought on by unfamiliar environments, such as moving to a new location, starting a new job, or entering a different learning setting. This unfamiliarity may cause unease, impacting emotional stability and interpersonal relationships.

  • Impact:
    • Emotional distress might lead to misunderstandings or conflicts in relationships.
    • Distrust and overthinking could disrupt romantic or social bonds, particularly if this star influences the day pillar in one’s Bazi chart.

Advice: Stay open-minded and patient in adapting to changes. Seek support and communicate effectively to avoid straining relationships.

【寡宿 Gua Su

The Gua Su Star symbolizes loneliness and detachment, especially affecting men in their romantic or familial relationships. This star may manifest as separation from a partner due to work or other commitments, resulting in feelings of isolation.

  • Impact: A sense of solitude might dominate the year, even when help is available.
  • Advice: Strengthen emotional connections with your partner or loved ones. Prioritize quality time and meaningful communication to mitigate feelings of isolation.

【天煞 Tian Sha

The Tian Sha Star represents misfortune, challenges, and potential disasters. It is associated with negativity and adverse events that may require careful handling.

  • Advice:
    1. Stay vigilant and avoid unnecessary risks.
    2. Engage in acts of kindness or charity to offset negative energy and attract positivity.

综合建议 Practical Tips

  1. 健康优先: Pay close attention to physical and mental health. Regular exercise and medical checkups are essential.
  2. 感情维护: Address emotional and relational challenges proactively, focusing on communication and understanding.
  3. 适应变化: Embrace changes as opportunities for growth. Stay positive and open to new experiences.
  4. 积聚好运: Participate in joyful activities and engage in charitable acts to counteract the effects of inauspicious stars.


In Summary:
2025 will be a year of opportunities and challenges for those born under the Dragon zodiac. With the Tian Xi star bringing joy and celebration, it’s important to stay vigilant against the influences of inauspicious stars by focusing on health, adapting to changes, and maintaining strong emotional connections.

Friday, January 10, 2025

2025生肖兔的运势 2025 Zodiac Rabbit Fortune By Penang Feng Shui Master Lee




#### **总体运势 General Overview** 



### **吉星 Auspicious Stars** 

#### 【禄勋 Lu Dong 


- **象征意义** 

  - ****:财富和官运,与“福禄寿”中的“禄”含义一致,寓意富贵和成就。 

  - **事业助力**:有望在2025年获得上司赏识或职位提升,事业运大有起色。 



### **凶星 Inauspicious Stars** 


#### 【天狗 Tengu 

- **影响**:天狗星主灾厄、意外和血光之灾。属兔者在2025年要特别小心日食和月食(所谓“天狗吞日”),避免观看这些天象,以免负能量影响运势。 

- **化解建议**:捐款支持流浪狗保护协会,不仅有助于化解灾星,也能积累正能量。

#### 【吊客 Diao Ke 

- **影响**:对家宅运势有一定冲击。可能带来负能量,家宅安宁受扰。 

- **化解建议**:尽量避免探病或出席丧礼,多参与亲友的喜庆活动,如婚宴或庆生会,借助正能量提升自身运势。

#### 【灾煞 Disaster 

- **影响**:灾煞星主天灾人祸,可能引发疾病、意外或血光之灾。 

- **化解建议** 

  1. 外出时务必小心交通安全,尤其避免超速驾驶。 

  2. 注意身体健康,预防疾病或意外受伤。 

  3. 减少冒险行为,远离高风险环境。


### **具体建议 Practical Advice** 

1. **安全出行**:属兔人在2025年出行时需特别注意,不宜开快车,尤其是长途驾驶。 

2. **家宅风水**:在家中东方位置摆放三只麒麟,以压制“三煞”带来的负面能量。 

3. **积德行善**:捐款或从事公益活动,尤其与动物相关的善举,有助于化解凶星带来的不良影响。 

4. **喜庆活动**:多参加喜事,避免负能量场合,增强自身运势。




### **2025 Zodiac Rabbit Fortune** 

**By Penang Feng Shui Master Lee** 

**Years of Birth for the Rabbit Zodiac:** 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 


#### **General Overview** 

2025 will be a mixed year for those born under the Rabbit zodiac. While financial luck shows promising growth, challenges arise due to the Rabbit's position in the East, which coincides with the "Three Killings" star. Special care is needed to avoid disasters and health issues. Drive cautiously and choose safer destinations for travel. To neutralize negative energy, place three Qilin figurines in the eastern area of your home, especially if you belong to the Rabbit zodiac.


### **Auspicious Stars** 

#### **Lu Dong (禄勋)** 

The **Lu Dong Star** is an auspicious star that symbolizes rewards, promotions, and financial gain, bringing positive energy to work and career development. 

- **Symbolism**: 

  - **Lu** represents wealth and career achievements, aligning with the meaning of prosperity in the "Fu, Lu, Shou" trio, which stands for happiness, wealth, and longevity. 

  - **Career Impact**: You may gain recognition from superiors, achieve promotions, or secure a significant career breakthrough in 2025. 

**Advice**: Focus on career growth, seize opportunities, and strive for financial and professional success. 


### **Inauspicious Stars** 

#### **Tengu (天狗)** 

- **Effect**: The **Tengu Star** signifies disasters, accidents, and bloodshed. Rabbits must exercise extreme caution during solar and lunar eclipses (known as "Tengu Devouring the Sun") and avoid viewing such events to prevent the influence of negative energy. 

- **Remedy**: Donate to stray dog protection organizations to neutralize the Tengu Star's effects and accumulate positive energy.

#### **Diao Ke (吊客)** 

- **Effect**: The **Diao Ke Star** may disrupt family harmony and bring negative energy to your home. 

- **Remedy**: Avoid visiting the sick or attending funerals (if possible). Instead, participate in celebratory events such as weddings or birthday parties to absorb positive energy and enhance personal luck.

#### **Disaster Star (灾煞)** 

- **Effect**: The **Disaster Star** brings risks of natural and man-made calamities, as well as potential health issues and accidents. 

- **Remedy**: 

  1. Be extra cautious when driving and avoid speeding. 

  2. Pay close attention to your health to prevent illness or injury. 

  3. Avoid risky activities and stay away from dangerous environments.


### **Practical Advice** 

1. **Travel Safety**: Rabbits should exercise extreme caution when traveling in 2025. Avoid speeding, especially on long drives. 

2. **Home Feng Shui**: Place three Qilin figurines in the eastern part of your home to suppress the negative energy of the "Three Killings." 

3. **Charitable Acts**: Engage in charity, especially animal-related causes, to counteract the influence of inauspicious stars and attract positive energy. 

4. **Positive Gatherings**: Attend joyful events to absorb positive energy and avoid environments that bring negativity.


### **Summary** 

Rabbits in 2025 must navigate the challenges posed by inauspicious stars while leveraging the support of auspicious stars. With caution and preparation, you can achieve significant growth in career and finances. Maintaining a positive mindset and turning challenges into opportunities will be essential to safely and successfully navigate the year.