
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

如果要找100%A到Z都很好风水的地方,那地球上没有一个地方你可以住, 因为凡事没有绝对,风水轮流转.

易经'中庸之道' 是一个很有智慧的学问, 凡事适可而止, 物极就必反, 水能载舟也能覆舟, 每件东西都要它的平衡点. 太过迷信一样东西包括宗教或风水, 宗教极端就会产生宗教极端狂热恐怖分子.

曾经在接受访问时告诉访问者, 太过分迷信风水也会物极必反, 必须适可而止。如果要找100AZ都很好风水的地方,那地球上没有一个地方你可以住, 因为凡事没有绝对,风水轮流转,坏的可以变好,好的亦可以变坏。易经本身就是 Philosophy of Changes.

易经的'', 也是一个很有智慧的学问, 易是变和阴阳的意思,<>由蜥蜴而得名, 而蜥蜴能夠变色,俗稱「变色龙」,指天下萬物是常“变”的, 和佛学里的<无常>是同样的道理.

没有人看到龙但是“变色龙蜥蜴”是存在的,并且它在人类存在地球之前已经存在了。它想要什么告诉我们?它想告诉我们,世界不会停止变化。变色龙的颜色可以随着环境而改变。 这条小龙‘变色龙’是恐龙的迷你尺寸,在侏罗纪之前存在了数百万年.




华人喜欢把龙当作最吉祥的动物. 古代皇帝就是龙的化身, 只有皇帝可以使用龙. 其实龙有存在吗? 没有人见过龙! 其实龙是由各种动物来形成, 龙角是鹿角,龙耳是午耳, 龙眼为虎眼, 龙爪是鹰爪, 龙鼻是狮鼻, 龙齿为马齿, 龙尾更为金魚尾. 龙身由蛇身形成, 弯弯曲曲而非直直的.

 “易” 这个字是由一个日一个月形成就是太阳和月亮代表阳阴。《阴阳》说明了一切, 在经济学来说阴阳指的就是经济学里最重要的学说, 也就是supply and demand: 没有supply and demand ,那什么都不用说了。 在会计里, 阴阳是credit debit

物理科学里阳阴说的就是positive energy 正能量 and negative 负能量, 实体与虚幻 reality and vitrual, 热和冷, 动态和静态 dynamic and static.

生物科学里阴阳就是雌性和雄性。 在电脑方面阴阳是软件和硬件。 在宗教里它是灵魂和肉体, 阴间和阳间。

Monday, May 27, 2019

We see through your eyes!

In my face reading book that published in 2009 (10 years ago) pages=book_face_reading_ebook page 53, I said that "Those who posses eyes that have more sclera area compared to the iris, are usually people who put themselves above others. They are normally selfish and will attempt to achieve what they aim through whatever means possible. I noticed a lot of politicians have this type of eyes."

Some of my prediction dated 19 Oct 2018 have come true.

In my blog dated 19 Oct 2018, I have predicted in 2019,  it will be a challenging year for PH Government. Also, the two giants and super powers, USA and China economy war is shaking the world.

Strong earthquake at the South America has just happened. 

As you can see it is a challenging for Female leaders and Theresa May has just announced her resignation as the UK Prime Minister. Apparently, elder male leaders are performing well, Thailand PM , India PM and Indonesia President have just successfully retained as the countries heads.

Also, don't you feel that the climate is very extreme. Malaysians will feel that the weather is very hot in certain weeks. Stock market is very challenging as well.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Master Lee 免费风水讲座会

中华五千文化历史,风水已溶入了人们的生活,今天,如果有机会让你来与槟城著名风水老师 Master Lee免费学一学风水知识,那还等什么?不要错过千载难逢的机会 ...

日期 :30/6/2019 (星期日)

时间 :2.30pm-4.30pm

地点 : 槟城理科大学
Eureka Complex, USM Penang

联系报名(first come first serve) 座位有限:
Cindy 012-5081688
Ms Teoh 012-2725717

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Feng Shui Speech for Akijaya Teluk Intan Perak 2 Feb 2019.

Thank you so much Akijaya for inviting me for my first feng shui speech at Teluk Intan. Feel grateful to meet my old friends, Tuan Ng and Puan Ch'ng who I lost contact for almost 8 years for coming all the way from Kampar for my speech.

Feng Shui Speeches for the Affin Bank, Klang 18 Feb 2019

Thank you so much Affin Bank Klang Jenny Tey and AXA Affin Joshua Ng for inviting me to conduct my feng shui speech at Klang. To be honest, I love Klang and the people are very friendly and down to Earth.

东方日报 23 March 2019

Feng Shui Speech for Bank of China, Kuala Lumpur.

Feng Shui Speech for Bank of China, Kuala Lumpur.— at Corus Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Ampang. March 29 2019.

Glad to receive these testimonials

As a feng shui consultant, I m more happy than anything to receive such messages from someone who I have advised.