
Sunday, October 17, 2021

2022年世界与马来西亚的命运 The fate of the world and Malaysia in 2022.




立春在2022244:51 am,从立春的子平八字四柱来看,日元为戊阳土,而且八字以阳为主,今年的年月时,都是寅,寅为老虎,此八字有三只老虎, 再加上时干的甲阳木都是七杀也是阳木,因此,今年是龙争虎斗并充满着竞争的一年,充满着挑战压力。政党之间,国与国,公司和公司的竞争都是龙争虎斗,互不相让。










木也代表着孔子儒家五德的‘’仁‘,因此大家还是富有同情心去帮助弱小, 慈善机构将会获得大家的慷慨解囊的捐款,政府也会拨款协助贫穷。这与紫微斗数2022壬寅年天梁化禄是同出一辙.




流年飞星方面可以看到的是五黄土入中,寅阳木克土因此会有地震,尤其是在中东,阿富汗, 以色列和巴勒斯坦那一带将会很多暴乱战争,印度与中国边界的战事将会越演越烈;财星八在东北对中国的经济将是有所帮助的,三碧是非飞星在东方,因此中国大陆与台湾的矛盾将会继续不断,东宫为太子宫,也就是长子,也就是储君今年会比较乱;破军7飞星在西方,因此美国与欧洲的野蛮行径将会越来越严重;二黑病星进入坤宫因此家里的女主人容易生病,国家女领导人与大机构的女主管也容易生病。


马来西亚的八字四柱日元乙阴木被强金包围,乙木本身就是阴木,是花草,不是强木,強金克木因此马来西亚的八字日元是非常弱的花草,乙阴木经不起风吹雨打而喜欢在温室里受保护的条件下成长,因此人民老百姓大多都会依赖政府的帮助. 2021年辛丑年,辛金克本来已经弱的马来西亚的日元乙木,而且牛年跟马来西亚出生年份鸡和时辰为蛇31/8/1957 9am 形成了很强的三合金,导致马来西亚的乙木被砍得不见天日,因此2021年对马来西亚而言是非常辛苦的一年。






The fate of the world and Malaysia in 2022.


Lichun is at 4:51 am on February 4, 2022. Judging from the four pillars of Ziping in Lichun, the day master is Wuyang soil, and the bazi 4 pillars are mainly Yang. In the year, month and hour of this year’s Li Chun, all are , and is tiger. There are 3 tigers in the bazi, together with the hour stem Jia Yang Plant. Moreover, they are all seven killing and yang plants. Therefore, this year is a year full of competition, full of challenges and pressures. The competition among political parties, country to country, and company to company are always fierce and non-concessional.


After two years of the Covid 19 pandemic, when countries in the world slowly open up, everyone will fight for survival. Everyone has to work hard. Whether you work for other or run a business, you must be prepared at this time. The competition and challenges are strong. The Seven Killing is so strong that the people, political parties, companies and countries will do everything in their own way for survival, doing their own way, and unscrupulous.


In addition, Yin is the four longevity, 寅为四长生,为驿马, and will run around. After two years of closure, everyone is ready to move and run outward. Therefore, it is a good year for logistics, tourism and aviation. It must be a good year. The two years of losses have been earned back. In addition to plant strong, water is also strong. 日元戊阳土克水,那水为财Day Master Yang Earth clashes the water and water therefore is wealth. Therefore, the world economy will recover this year. The extremes of things must be reversed, or they will rise when they reach the lowest point. This is a natural truth.


Zi Zhengcai 子正财 sits on the day branch of the husband and wife palace, and it is good for wife.


Strong plants destroy day master Yang Earth, therefore, there may be many earthquakes, landslides and land erosion. You should also pay attention to your body's digestive system too.


Wood also represents the ‘benevolence’ of the five virtues of Confucius, so everyone is still compassionate to help the weak, charitable organizations will receive generous donations from everyone, and the government will also allocate funds to help the poor.


The second strong element is water, and water also represents the ‘wisdom’ of the Confucian Confucian five virtues. Therefore, there may be major discoveries or inventions this year. Water overcomes fire, please pay attention to the health of your eyes, heart and blood circulation.


The no 5 worst star enters into the middle of the flying stars’ chart, and yang earth is clashed by strong yang plants and hence the world will be affected by earthquakes, especially in the Middle East. There will be many riots and wars in Afghanistan, Israel and Palestine , and the war on the border between India and China will intensify; Fortune Star no Eight in the Northeast will be helpful to China’s economy, 3 argument star is in the East, so the contradiction between China and Taiwan will continue. It’s more chaotic; the 7 flying stars are in the west, so the barbaric acts in the United States and Europe will become more and more serious; the two black disease stars enter the Kun Palace, so the lady master at home is prone to get sick, the female leaders of the country and the female directors of large institutions will also easy to get sick.


Malaysia’s bazi day master yi plant is surrounded by strong gold. It is a yin tree. It is a flower, not a strong tree. Strong gold is like the metal axe chop a plant. Therefore, Malaysia’s bazi is a very weak flower and plant. It likes to grow up in a greenhouse under protected conditions, so most people will feel more comfortable to live with the umbrella of others or the government. In the year of Xin Chou in 2021, Xin Gold clashes the already weak Malaysia’s yin plant, and the Year of the Ox 2022, Malaysia was born in the year of the rooster and the time of the snake 31/8/1957 9am, forming a strong metal 3 combination, resulting in Malaysia's yi plant was chopped seriously, so 2021 is a very hard year for Malaysia.


In the year of Ren Yin in 2022壬寅, Ren is Yang shui water, Yin is Yang plant, and Malaysia’s bazi four-pillar yen is weak Yin wood, thus, it needs more water and plant to support and grow. 2022 is a good year for us to gain water and plant i.e. to get helps and wealth. 但寅木被四柱月支申金所克But the 2022 Yin Yang plant is chopped by the Malaysia’s month root 申金  Shen yang metal. Shen as an official represents that politics will continue to fight, and a lot of dispute in politics. In addition to the appearance of robbery劫煞, it means that the people still need to work hard.  and there is a serious punishment of arrogance, "Has Shen Yin" represents that the government's efforts will not be appreciated by the people and the people are full of grievances.


"Will stop writing about the 2022 prediction for the time being. Please stay tuned and pay attention to more analysis.