I am extremely busy recently with many requests for consultations but I want to make it a point that I update my blog regularly.
Firstly, share with you a good news i.e. a blogger wrote a good comment about me http://www.samyeap.com/feng-shui-bazi-consultation-in-penang/. As what I said earlier, the encouraging comments always give me the momentum to move forwards. Thanks, Sam Yeap.
Secondly, another good news is many friends came to me after reading my book http://www.penangfengshui.com/b00k.htm and one of them is my ex-school senior who is a famous surgeon in one of the most popular hospital in Penang now. Thanks, Doctor.
Thirdly, but this is a sad news i.e. a girl nearly committed suicide suddenly remembered what I told her before that she would have the tendency to kill herself and she needed to be watchful for that. She stopped this sudden intention and sms me and I tried to persuade her to cease the intention!