
Friday, September 25, 2020

较正确的十二生肖运程的看法, 敬请期待2021年所有十二生肖预测。 A more correct way to study the zodiac signs. Stay tuned for 2021 all zodiac prediction.


Hi 大家好我是Penang Feng Shui Master Lee, 这么快又来到年尾, 大家所关心的是,我下一年的运程会是怎样的,我属老鼠会是怎样的,然后大家都知道2020年基本上都是很差的一年,庚子年,大家可以看到我之前的youtube为什么那么不好,然后明年又是怎样的,你可以参考通胜,都可以找到答案,所以我就将开始跟大家分享十二生肖的运程, 但是在还没有开始之前需要给大家了解一下,你有没有想到一个问题?你的朋友跟你都是同一年, 就是同学嘛,但是每一年的运程都不一样,如果你了解我之前所说的所谓的一命二运三风水,我们都要从八字里面了解,所谓的八字就是年月日时,所以你只看年而定你的运程是不是很正确的,我们要怎样来看呢,就是要更仔细的批你那一年的运,但是我现在可以教大家一个比较快的方法,大家都知道现在是互联网时代,都可以很容易的上网找到答案。我们要知道的事说,每个人除了看你的年,我们也要看你的月,也要看你的日,也要看你的时。大家可以把你的时辰八字,也就是我们说你的时间点,包括日期和时间,在几点出生,找出一个网站然后输入进去,然后你就可以看到你的四柱,就是你的年月日时,参考了你的年月日时之后,你才来返翻看我接下来要和大家分享的每一个生肖。


月份就是你接下来那一年的能力,能力好不好 (读书工作能力好不好)如果你的能力强的话,基本上你如果环境不好就是你的年不好但是你的月份是好的,这样你的能力可以改变你的环境。



所以我们基本上必须要了解我们的年月日时因为这四个都有不同的生肖,有些人是四个都一样,有的人是四个完全都不一样,所以从网站那边了解了你是什么生肖之后,你再来看看我接下来的 youtube。我会跟大家,基本上了解我的人都知道,我是不说废话的人,我不会天花乱坠,乱说一番,我只说有根据的东西,我的youtube我不会分着爱情运怎样啦,事业运怎样啦,读书运怎样啦,健康运怎样啦,都不会。我只会告诉你比方说你是属老鼠的,老鼠所看到的吉星还有凶星。吉星就是好的,什么方面是会有帮助的;凶星是不好的。不可能十全十美的,不可能你的运气完全很好,也不可能说你的运完全不好。在有凶星的时候就会有一些吉星,所以大家应该要参考,这个才是对的做法 so stay tune for my next video, I will share 每一个生肖的吉星还有凶星,谢谢大家。


 Hi everyone. I’m the Master Lee of Penang Feng Shui. It’s coming to the end of the year so soon. What everyone cares about is what your fortune will be next year, what will happen if my zodiac sign is mouse, and everyone knows that 2020 is basically a very bad year. In the Gengzi year, you can see on my previous youtube videos why was 2020 so bad, and then what will happen next year. You can refer to Tongsheng to find the answer. Now I will share with you the fortune of the Chinese zodiac, but before you start, you need to know this. Have you thought of a question? Your friend and you are both born in the same year. You are classmates, but your fortunes are different every year. If you understand the so-called one fate, two luck and three feng shui that I said before, we must understand from the so-called  bazi, from the year, month, and day. How do we look at it? We need to carefully appraise your fortune for that year, but I can teach you all now a faster method. Everyone knows that this is an era where everyone has easy access to Internet, and it is easy to find the answer online. What we need to know is that in addition to looking at your year, everyone should also look at your month, your day, and your time. Everyone can put your time, which is the exact point, including date and time, when you were born, find a website and enter it, and then you can see your four pillars, which is your year and month, day and time, after referring to your year, month, day and time, you can come back to explore the information on every zodiac sign I will share with you in the following videos.

The year column represents whether your environment is good or not in the next year. If your environment is good, it means that the support next to you is very good. If it is not good, it means there will be more challenges ahead. For example, next year is the year of the ox, and then the opposite is the sheep, and the sheep is the clash Tai Sui. Basically, the environment of these two zodiac signs will be relatively poor.  But don't be discouraged if you are violating Tai Sui or committing Tai Sui, because it is not accurate to only look at your year, but also look at your month, day and time. If your year is not good, it may not be bad, so what is your month?

The month concerns your ability, whether your ability is good (good study and work ability) If your ability is strong but your environment is not good, your ability can compensate for the challenging environment. What is the date? We say the year, month and day, and the day concerns your personal relationship. Your interpersonal relationship includes your relationship with your employer, your relationship with your customers, your relationship with your family, your relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend, and the relationship between husbands and wives. If it's a charge, or if it's an inauspicious star, or an inauspicious star enters your life, your interpersonal relationship will be bad.

What is the time of birth represents then? Time concerns the plan you made this year, that is, whether your future is good or not. Basically, if you have invested this year, but you can’t see the results immediately as you may need some time, so you have to see if this year is the right time for you to invest.

Ultimately, we have to know our year, month, day and time. Because these four have different zodiac signs, some people have the same four, and some people have four completely different, so we need to understand from the website before proceeding. After knowing what zodiac sign you are, come and watch my next youtube video. As everyone who knows me may know, I am a person who doesn’t talk nonsense. I only talk about things that have a strong and grounded basis. I don’t share love fortune, career luck, studying luck and health fortune in my YouTube videos. I will only tell you that, for example, if you belong to a rat zodiac sign, what are the inauspicious star and the auspicious star in your life. An auspicious star is good, in any way it will be helpful; a bad star is not good. However, it is impossible to be perfect as it is impossible that your luck is completely good, nor is it vice versa. When there are bad stars, there will be some lucky stars, so everyone should refer to it. This is the right way to do so. Thus, stay tune for my next video, I will share more information about the auspicious stars and the inauspicious stars for each zodiac sign. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

《伏羲女娲交尾图 》跟DNA很吻合 DNA is similar with Fuxi Nuwa Crossing Picture


Click the link and subscribe to my Master Lee Youtube channel to learn for FREE

请点击订阅 Master Lee Youtube频道,以免费了解有关风水的更多信息。

我是Penang Feng Shui Master Lee. 今天要跟大家分享伏羲女娲交尾图”.

谁是伏羲? 伏羲创造了易经八卦; 女娲郤造人. 中国上古历史相传有三皇五帝, 三皇指的就是神龙氏,伏羲和女娲。相传神龙氏是父亲, 伏羲和女娲是兄妹也是夫妻, 就好像阿当和夏娃. 考古学家的发现证实最早的伏羲女娲图发现于湖南长沙马王堆的帛画。《伏羲女娲交尾图 》就好像两只蛇缠绕在一起的结构, 这结构跟我们的DNA很吻合, 也与世界医药的符号很像,就好像两只蛇缠绕在一起的结构, 这也是个世界之谜。

在古人的眼里'天人合一'是文化中的重要概念, 如果地球是一个大宇宙, 那人体就是一个小宇宙。 古人相信天人合一就是把大自然跟人结合起来,就把人当着小宇宙,大自然就是一个大宇宙,你可以看到很多共同点就好像说地球的三分之二是水,人也一样。 地球有24个节气 人体脊椎骨也有24个节。我们的经络有12条,我们有12个生肖,其实是因为我们太阳系里面最大的一个行星木星环绕太阳一圈刚好12年,最大的那个行星的磁场影响我们最大。

所以很多知识其实是天人合一就是祖先相信大地滋养生命, 大地是有生命的, 人类不过是大地生命的一部分。大地就像母亲一样, 大地就像母亲所以在八卦里面有坤卦, 代表母亲, 也代表着大地。它代表着顺,就是柔顺的顺,母亲是包容一切的,就像大地,你怎样去破坏它,将东西放进去然后再拨出来它的资源被掏空它都不会出声,它会静静的那边顺着你所以这个代表着大地。


I am Master Lee of Penang Feng Shui. Today I want to share with you what is "Fuxi Nuwa Crossing Picture".

Who is Fuxi? Fuxi created the I Ching Yijing Bagua; Nu Wa made humans. There were three emperors and five emperors 三皇五帝in ancient Chinese history. The three emperors 三皇refer to Shenlong, Fuxi and Nuwa. Legend states that Shenlong is the father and the relationship of Fuxi and Nuwa is like brother and sister and also husband and wife, like Adam and Eve. The archaeologist's discovery confirmed that the earliest "Fuxi Nuwa Crossing Picture" was found in the silk painting of Mawangdui, Changsha, Hunan. DNA, the basic genetic material of life, is a double-helix structure, and this double-helix structure is surprisingly consistent with the image of human ancestors-"Fuxi Nuwa Crossing Picture". This structure is very consistent with our DNA and is similar to the symbols of world medicine. It is like a structure where two snakes are entwined, which is also a mystery of the world.

"The unity of man and nature" is an important concept in Chinese culture. If the earth is a large universe, then the human body is a small universe. There are many similarities in between men and nature. Two thirds of the earth is water, and so are the human. The ancients believed that “the unity of nature and man” was to combine nature with man, and they regarded man as a small universe. Nature is a big universe. The earth has 24 solar terms, and the human spine also has 24 nodes. You can see many common points as we have 12 meridians, and we have 12 zodiac signs. In fact, it is because Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, circle the sun for exactly 12 years, and the magnetic field of the largest planet affects us the most.

A lot of knowledge is actually “the unity of man and nature” ”天人合一”, that is, ancestors believed that the earth nourishes life. Of course, there are lives on the earth, and human beings are just a part of life on the earth. The earth is like our mother. In Yi Jing Bagua, there is a Kun Qua. It represents ‘accepting’. The mother is inclusive of everything, just like the earth. How do you destroy it, put things in and then dig them out. When resources are emptied, the earth will not make a sound, it will be quiet. Therefore, Mother represents the Earth.

In 1973, French scholar M. Schönberg published "The Secret Key of Life: Cosmic Formula, Book of Changes, and Genetic Code", which for the first time clarified the correspondence between 64 biological genetic codes and the sixty-four diagrams of the Book of Changes. He found a lot of similarities in between the DNA and Yi Jing (Book of Changes) Bagua. Among them, the structure of Shaoyang, Taiyang, Taiyin and Shaoyin in the Book of Changes is very consistent with our DNA. This is human wisdom, is the Book of Changes and Feng Shui.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Tong Sheng 《通胜》2020 and 2021

Please click and watch these 2 youtube until the end to understand why I predicted 2021 is better than 2020.


Prediction Tong Sheng 通勝預測2020 

Re-uploaded the Youtube due to audio problem in the earlier youtube. Please click to watch the above youtube.



                                           Prediction Tong Sheng 通勝預測2021

My prediction for 2021 is same with the prediction of our Bank Negara. Hence please help me to share it out and let more people feel optimistic about 2021. Don't give up, my dear friends out there.

我对2021年的预测与国家银行的预测相同。 因此,请帮助我分享出去,让更多的人对2021年感到乐观。亲爱的朋友们,不要放弃。

Tong Seng predicted accurately bad 2020, what does it say about 2021 通胜准确预测糟糕的2020那它如何预测2021- part 2

 Tong Sheng 2020 has predicted accurately the bad situation of 2020, let use Tong Sheng 2021 to predict 2021. (part 2)


我是Penang Feng Shui Master Lee. 今天要跟大家分享通胜2021在告诉我们什么。


其实基本上如果你每一年买了一本通胜, 如果你买了60本通胜就是60甲子,基本上它都是可以再循环了。 其实我们的太阳, 行星, 太阳系 ,它是怎样运转的,是有一个规律的,也其实是科学,太阳明天是从哪个方向起来,东方起来, 一定是怎么运转,一年365天肯定是这样的,它运转的规律是一样,固定的,所以它可以很准确的算到什么时候发生日食和月食, 通胜可以正确的推算到什么时候开始日食是什么时候结束, 基本上它在记录天文,天上的星星怎么运转。


今天让我们来看看2021年的通胜告诉我们什么。 如果你买了今年的通胜, 翻开后面的就是明年的通胜地母经,明年地母经的第一句就是“疾病稍纷纷”的稍纷纷,“纷纷”这里的解释是“ 有一点乱” 我的意思是说如果跟据表面来解释的话是说疾病了还是稍微有点乱但是后面的几句基本上是看到都很好的。


如果你把第1个句子当着是年头,然后你慢慢看下去会就会看到2021年的演变,就是开始的时候不是很好,还是要面对着Covid-19 的那个问题, 然后慢慢的问题就会慢慢解决了. 为什么? 看它接下来的这句“呉越桑麻好” 指的是桑叶收成好,“呉越”是春秋或者是三国的那个地方,就是指的是中国的东方,然后的第3句《荆襄米麦臻》, 《荆襄米麦臻》是什么?荆襄也是指的是中国的湖北湖南的地方,《臻》的意思这里是到达,完美的意思,是米麦丰收的意思。 然后还有接下来就是"春夏均甘雨”春天和夏天的平均都在适合的时间下雨,所以雨水充足。 “秋冬得十分”的秋冬是秋天和冬天就得到10分,就是相当好的就是天气是好的, 收割是好的,经济是好的, 通胜是农耕的时代用来告诉农民明年的天气预报收成会是怎样,今天我们把它当成预测明年的经济会是怎样的,它不只是看农业方面,其他行业都可以根据这地母经来预测。


“桑叶树头秀”的秀就是很好的意思。“茧娘自喜忻”就是2021年是茧娘喜忻,就是很开心的意思的,所以可以看到2021 年的时候就很明显地告诉我们说明年人民的生活,我们的大众老百姓的生活就是渐渐的可以休息,就是可以喘气的意思。 但是最后一句就没有什么好了,所以在年尾的时候要注意什么?“六畜瘴逡巡”的意思是什么?六畜就是什么?就是鸡啊羊啊猪啊这些,“瘴”是毒的意思 ,这些六畜很可能有一些病毒是跟这些牛羊猪和鸡有关的病毒。


接下来的是说“岁丑牛为首”2021年就是牛年。“高底好种田” 山上面或者是山下面的都可以种田都是好的意思,然后“人民多疾恶”,这一句那就值得大家来思考一下。 什么是人民多疾恶?疾是讨厌的意思, 另一个解释就是病毒 ,所以它可以用两个方法来解释,一个就是人民非常讨厌恶人,就是出卖人民的领袖,就是一个解释,另外一个就是可能也有一些病毒的存在所以大家不可以把它看得太过乐观,也要特别小心,也要不可完全的放松。 最后一句是好的,就是最后2021年流年辛丑年是会“快话好丰年”的一年,所以大家不要悲观,现在的这个庚子年大家都知道不好所以希望vaccine 早点找到, 现在都看到了很好的消息传出来所以就会慢慢的我们的这个问题, 疾病的问题, 肺炎的问题会慢慢地解决, 然后引来这个好丰年,谢谢大家。


I am Master Lee of Penang Feng Shui. Today I want to share with you what Tongsheng 2021 is telling us.


In fact, basically if you buy one copy of Tongsheng every year, if you buy 60 copies of Tongsheng each year, it will be 60 Jiazi, basically it can be recycled. In fact, our sun, planets, and solar system have a rule of how they work. It is science. From which direction the sun will rise tomorrow, how will it rise at the east. it must be like this 365 days a year. It is a routine and it won’t change.  The law of its operation is the same and fixed, so it can accurately calculate when a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse occur, and Tongsheng can correctly calculate what time a solar eclipse starts and when it ends. Basically, it is recording to the rule of the Astronomy.


Today let us take a look at what Tongsheng in 2021 tells us. If you bought this year’s Tongsheng, the next year’s Tongsheng Mother Sutra will be at the back of the book. The first sentence of next year’s Earth Mother Sutra will be "a little bit of disease". The explanation here is "a little bit chaotic." "What I mean is that if it is explained it based on the all the sentences, it is a little messy or sick at the beginning of the year, but the next few sentences are basically good.


If you take the first sentence as the beginning of the year, then you will see the hard time is still there in 2021 when you slowly read it, you will find situation will improve gradually. that is, it was not very good at the beginning, or you have to face the Covid-19 problem, and then slowly the problem will be solved slowly. Why? Look at the next sentence of "Sangma is good" refers to a good harvest of mulberry leaves, and "Yueyue" refers to the Spring and Autumn Period or the place in the Three Kingdoms. It is referring to the East of China. Then the third sentence "Jingxiang Rice wheet zhen", what is "Jingxiang Rice wheet zhen"? Jingxiang also refers to the place in Hubei and Hunan in China. "Zhen" means achieve and perfect means harvesting rice and wheat. Then there is the "all rain at the right time in spring and summer". The average rain in spring and summer is at a suitable time, so there is plenty of rain. "Autumn and winter are very good" autumn and winter are 10 points. It means that the weather is good, the harvest is good, the economy is good. In older days, Tongsheng is used to tell farmers the weather forecast for next year in the era of farming. What the harvest will be like, today we regard it as a forecast of what the economy will be next year. It is not just looking at agriculture, but other industries can be forecasted based on this ground truth.


The show of "Mulberry Tree is showing" is very good. "茧娘自喜忻" means cocoon ladies are happy in 2021, which means very happy, so we can see that in 2021, it clearly tells us the life of the people, and the lives of our common people are gradually able to rest. , Which means you can feel more relief. But the last sentence is nothing good, so what should I pay attention to at the end of the year? What is the meaning of "six beasts patrol"? What is Six beasts / animals? It is chickens, sheep, pigs, and so on. "Miasma" means poison. It is very likely that some viruses in these six animals are related to these cow, sheep, pig, horse, dog and chicken.


The next thing is to say that "Led by Sui Chou Niu" 2021 is the Year of the Ox. "High low is good for farming" It is a good to farm on the mountain or at the land ground, and then "the people are sick", this sentence is worthy of consideration. What is the evil of the people? Illness means hate. The other explanation is the virus, so it can be explained in two ways. One is that the people hate evil people very much, that is the leader who betrays the people, which is an explanation, and the other is that there may also be some viruses. Thus, everyone must not be too optimistic about it, you must be very careful, and you must not relax completely. The last sentence is good, that is, the last 2021 Xin Chou year will be a year of "Good living and good harvest", so don’t be pessimistic. Everyone knows that this Gengzi Year is bad, so I hope that vaccine can be found sooner. After seeing good news coming out, we will slowly solve our problems, disease problems, and pneumonia problems, and this will lead to a good harvest year. Thank you everyone.