
Sunday, October 11, 2020

每个人身上都有个八卦图,你知道在哪里吗?Do you know that everyone has a BAQUA in their body?



为什么这么讲? 易经八卦把八卦代表着人体的八个部位, 人体的哪个部位?我将一一跟大家讲解。

 易经八卦的原理是很有根据的。 中国5000年文化是受易经影响深远, 易经是四书五经之首所以是最重要的一本经书。

 易经八卦把人体分成八个部位, 首先要讲的是乾位,乾位代表着我们的首也就是我们的头。 乾位代表着天,天高高在上,所以代表着领袖, 一个国家的领袖, 一个家庭的父亲, 国王。首也就是我们的头, 它代表着我们的尊严,人家看你都先看你的脸,先看你的头。 所以他是高高在上, 所以我们的很多文字, 我们说首长首领都是头的意思。 如果有头痛头风的问题请到你的家的西北方去找出问题,你的家的西北方就是乾位,就是头的部分。

 坤就是代表着我们的肚子,就代表着母亲也就代表着大地, 大地你怎样去破坏它,它都不会埋怨,你怎样把东西放进去,从它的地里面挖出来,它不会出声。 它有承载万物,容纳百川的美德,所以它是代表着我们的肚子,有句话叫 “宰相肚里可乘船”是说那个人很有包容性所以它代表着母亲。

 如果你时常有肚子痛的问题, 你可以在你的家的西南找找问题,后天八卦的西南方为坤位,去找看是不是你放了一些不该放的东西,垃圾桶还是脏乱七八糟的东西,如果有请把它清理好。

 震卦就是动的意思, 打雷震动的意思,什么部位代表震卦?是我们的腿, 这是为什么我们动都是用腿来跑,就是第1个要跑,要跑用什么好?用腿来跑。所以足就是震卦。

 这个部分是代表什么? 是手。艮卜,艮是山,之前说的古人看到大山就走不过去, 山代表着停止,所以我们人基本上都会有一个自然反应,当我们要停止的时候或者我们要别人停止的时候,我们会把手把举起来,这个就是停止的意思。


 然后要讲的就是眼睛,眼睛是代表什么卜? 离卜是火,我们都需要光来看东西, 没有光看不到东西所以它就很很有道理的讲解每个卜为什么是这样的。

 还有一个就是耳朵,耳朵是什么卜呢?是我们之前说的坎卜,坎是怎么写的?就是一个土旁边一个欠所以欠土,欠土就是河, 坎坷这个字是由此而来, 为什么呢? 因为古人走到大江河就走不过去 ,以前的黄河泛滥, 大禹治水, 这些都是很大的问题,对古人来说水就是很大的问题,坎就代表着我们耳朵, 因为我们的耳朵有耳水。 水是代表着聪明 (智慧) ,为什么有一句成语叫做耳聪目明?‘目明’因为我们用光来看东西但耳朵和聪明有什么关系呢? 我们是通过听而得到知识,老师讲解我们听,我们听了明白就是增加知识,听多了你就聪明而不是说多,说多了反而是把你的知识传授给别人。

 巽卜代表什么?它就是代表入(风)因为风是无孔不入? 什么地方什么身体里面的哪个部分是代表入呢?其实是我们的大腿 (屁股和小腿之间), 小腿和我们的屁股那个部分, 大腿是我们整个人体最有力的部分, 告诉我们要进入另外一个境界,大腿带领我们进入了另外一个境界。


 比方说你的家里人肚子有问题,刚才我讲的,去西南方找看有什么问题,西南就是肚子的部分。如果常常头痛去西北方找看是不是放了一些垃圾桶, 或者那边很肮脏, 如果是,你就要把它清理好。 如果你的家里的人有手骨折的问题,这样你就要到你的东北艮卜的地方去找问题。

 这一集就跟大家分享到这里,我会做很多很多的youtube跟大家分享易经伟大的知识, 谢谢大家


This episode will tell you about the BAQUA of the human body. Do you know that everyone has a BAQUA in their body?

 Why do I say that? The Eight Diagrams in the Book of Changes represents eight parts of the human body. Which part of the human body? I will explain to you one by one.

 The principle of Yijing Bagua is well-founded. The 5000-year-old Chinese culture is deeply influenced by the Book of Changes. The Book of Changes is the first of the Four Books and Five Classics, so it is the most important book.

 The Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes divide the human body into eight parts. The first thing to talk about is the Qian position, which represents our head. The Qian represents the sky, and the sky is high, so it represents the leader, the leader of a country, the father of a family, and the king. It represents our dignity. When people see you, they will look at your face first, and your head first. So in many of our words, we say that the chief is the head. If you have a headache, please go to the northwest of your home to find the problem. The northwest of your home is the Qian position, which is the head part.

 Kun represents our abdomen, mother represents the earth, and the earth will not complain no matter how you destroy it. How you put things in or dig out of it, it will not against it. It has the virtue of carrying all things and accommodating hundreds of rivers, so it represents our stomach. There is a saying called "the prime minister can take a boat in his belly" which means that the person is very tolerant so it represents the mother.

 If you often have stomach pains, you can look for the problem in the southwest of your home. The southwest of the Later Heaven Baqua is the Kun location. Check if you put something that shouldn't be put in. If there is a trash or it is messy. If yes, please clean it up.

 Zhen Qua means movement, thunder and vibration. What part of the hexagram represents vibration or movement? It's our legs. That's why we all use our legs to run. What we use to run? Run with legs. Hence, the foot is Zhen Qua.

 What does this part represent? It's hands. Gen is a mountain. The ancients could not walk over the mountain when they saw a mountain. The mountain represents a stop, so we, humans basically have a natural reaction. When we want to stop or when we want others to stop, we will raise the hands, this means stopping.

 The other part is Dui. What part does Dui Qua represent? Is the mouth. Dui represents our mouth because our mouth is the biggest gap in our body, which is the word Dui. If we add a heart next to it, it means joy, and if we add a word next to it, it means talking. When we are happy, we will say a lot of things, which are expressed by our mouth. When we are happy, we laugh, so Dui means happiness, so Dui is also the youngest daughter because the youngest daughter is the happiest at home, and often she will be cute, and she will say some cute and cute words to please parents.

Then I’m going to talk about eyes. What do eyes represent? Li Qua is fire. We all need light to see things. Without light, we can't see things. So it makes sense to explain why each divination is like this.

 The other is the ear. What is the ear? It’s what we said before. How do the word Kan is written? There is a ‘soil’ next to a ‘owe’, so the lack of earth means the river, and the word difficulty comes from this, why? Because the ancients couldn’t crossed the big rivers easily. The Yellow River flooded, and Dayu tried to control the water in the past. These are all big problems. Water was a big problem for the ancients. The Kan Qua represent our ears, because our ears have ear water. Water represents cleverness (wisdom). Why there is an idiom called “ears cleverness and eye bright”? Because earlier we said we use light to see things, but what does ear have to do with intelligence? We get knowledge through listening. The teacher explains that we listen. We listen to understand and we gain knowledge. If you listen more, you will be smart instead of saying more. If you say more, you will impart your knowledge to others.

 What does Xun Qua stand for? It means entering (wind) because the wind is pervasive? Where and which part of the body represents entry? It’s actually our thighs between the calf and our buttocks. The thighs are the most powerful part of our entire human body. It tells us to enter another realm. The thighs lead us into another realm.

 Therefore, there is a reason why these eight divinations represent eight human body parts.

 For example, your family members have problems with their stomachs. As I mentioned earlier, go to the southwest to see if there are any problems. The southwest is the stomach. If you often have headaches, go to the northwest to see if there are some trash cans, or if they are very dirty, you must clean them up. If someone in your family has a broken hand, then you have to go to your northeast Gen Qua to find the problem.

 I will share this episode with you until here. I will do a lot more youtube to share the great knowledge of I Ching with you. Thank you.