
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

五行(木火土金水)就在我们的生活里, 它不仅用于风水。The Effect of the Five elements (wood fire earth gold and water) in our lives. It is not ONLY for Feng Shui purposes. PART 2

 从更深的层面来讲,在《黄帝内经》里,东南西北其实意义很深长。东方为生发(肝),南方为生长(心),西方为收敛( 肺),北方为收藏(肾)


那中间是什么呢?中间为土为脾,它就是化。从生发,生长,收敛,收藏的变化过程就是化。可以用易经乾卦的用九’见群龙无首,吉’来解释。当四条龙连接在一起形成一个大圆圈, 你看不到他的头,也看不到他的尾,这就是周而复始。那就是春夏秋冬万物的变化。


春为生发,春天为什么叫春天?春这个字来自于蠢蠢欲动的蠢。春天万物都要开始蠢蠢欲动的动起来。所有的植物都会在春天生长,因此春天属木。东这个字是古代怎么写的?东这个字是木中间加了一个日。太阳在东方从树木中缓缓升起,这就是一种渐渐上升的状态。东为肝,肝主血。(所有离开胃和肠的血液都经过肝脏。肝脏处理这些血液并分解、平衡和创造营养,并将药物代谢成更容易用于身体其他部位或无毒的形式 )












古人打仗,战斗刚开始的时候,一定要敲鼓以此来振奋士气,因为鼓以木造成, 中医肝胆为木。敲打鼓让士兵们的胆气上来,他们才有足够的勇气和胆量往前冲,木为肝胆。











From a deeper level, in the "Huangdi Neijing", the east, south, west and north 4 directions are actually very meaningful. The east is for germinal (liver), the south is for growth (heart), the west is for convergence (lung), and the north is for collection (kidney).


What's in the middle? In the middle is the earth and the spleen, which is transformation. The changing process from germinate, growth, convergence and collection is transformation. It can be explained by the use of nine 'seeing a group of dragons without heads, auspicious' in the Qian hexagram of the Book of Changes. When the four dragons are connected together to form a big circle, you can't see his head and you can't see his tail, it's a cycle. That is the change of all things in spring, summer, autumn and winter.


Spring is for growth, why is spring called spring? The word spring comes from the wanting to move. In spring, everything is about to start moving. All plants grow in spring, so spring is wood. How was the word eastern written in ancient times? The word east is a Sun added to the middle of the wood. The Sun rises slowly from the trees in the east, which is a state of gradual rise. The east is the liver, and the liver governs blood. (All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and breaks down, balances, and creates the nutrients and also metabolizes drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body or that are nontoxic)


Let's look at the word "West" again. How did people write this word in ancient times? It's a big bird standing on its own nest because in the evening (gold) the bird knows it's coming home, and in the evening if you look up at the west the sky is golden. All things in the world also know that there is convergence. West is the lung.


What I said before we call ‘thing’ as ‘east west’ in Chinese because the east is wood and the west is gold. Both wood and gold can be used to make things. A deeper level of thinking is that the East is for growth, to develop the nature of making money and pioneering. When you make money, you must take it well (convergence), that is the gold of the West.


The word summer in Chinese actually comes from the word holiday, during holiday; everything relaxes the spirit. Summer is fire, and fire is radiating and spreading. Earlier, in Chinese medicine, we said that the heart belongs to fire, so the heart is an important organ of the human body that emits and spread the blood.


The word winter comes from the Chinese word start and end. Winter is the season when all things collect power, and winter is the collection. Winter is water, and kidney is water. We cannot just emit and not absorb. The better the collection ability of the kidney, the stronger the ability of our heart to release, which means that we have the energy to give back to the society.


Why did the ancients beat gongs and drums when they went to war?


When the ancients fought a war, at the beginning of the battle, they must beat drums to boost morale, because drums are made of wood. Beating the drums can boost the soldiers courageous, 中医肝胆为木and they had enough courage to fight forward and it is believed that by beating the gongs and drums that made by the wood would boost the soldiers courageous.


There is an idiom called by beating the metal means to withdraw army troops, and metal is the image of convergence, so the ancients would beat metal musical instruments when they were about to withdraw troops.


Chopsticks and walking have yin and yang principles.


Chopsticks also embody the yin and yang principles of traditional Chinese culture. Two chopsticks are one yin and one yang. When we use chopsticks, the one that moves is yang; the one that doesn't move is yin.


Walking reflects the way of yin and yang. The foot we move when we walk is yang. The foot that doesn't move is the yin. We can't walk with both feet moving, we must move with one leg moves and another leg stay still.


This once again proves that the five elements and yin and yang are not limited to Feng Shui numerology, they are embodied in every aspect of our life.

Friday, March 11, 2022

五行(木火土金水)就在我们的生活里, 它不仅用于风水。The Effect of the Five elements (wood fire earth gold and water) in our lives. It is not ONLY for Feng Shui purposes.

 行(木火土金水)就在我们的生活里. 它不仅用于风水。










在风水方面,我们说东方为木,而西方为金。因此古人把东西thing称为东西而不是南北,因为南为火而北为水,东西 thing 必须要是有形的 tangible,木和金为可盛受之物。东西 thing 不可以用水和火来造成,水火是不可盛受之物,用手拿不走。而且我们说'热情如火,柔情似水',这些情感都不能用东西或者是金钱买到的。


因此如果你的家人的肺或者是呼吸系统常发生问题,那可能是你家的西方是一个缺角或者是这个地方很肮脏。因此如果你的八字不是忌金,那基本上你不用太多担心新冠肺炎的传染, 你传染新冠肺炎而变成重症的几率较低。反之,你就要小心。同样的, 在新冠肺炎疫情其间我们必须注意你家的西方和西北方, 也就是后天八卦中的金元素的区域。




风水后天八卦,火在上面的南方,心脏在身体的上端。水在下面的北方因为肾在身体的下端。东方为木,西方为金,中方为土。这也就是我们所说的左青龙,右白虎,前朱雀,后玄武。中医里左边为肝,肝主血;(所有离开胃和肠的血液都经过肝脏。肝脏处理这些血液并分解、平衡和创造营养,并将药物代谢成更容易用于身体其他部位或无毒的形式 ) 右边为肺,肺主气。气比血走得快,所以先动左边,这样才能左右平衡,因此我们说’左右’而不说’右左’。让左边的血先行,然后右边的气才动,这样血和气可以同时到达一个目的地,这样才能平衡。所以是左右而不是右左,就是古人的智慧。


再深一层的去了解,右白虎,右边主肺主气,也就是西边的金,凡是兵器都是由金属所造成, 可以用来伤害人,因此白虎也代表着杀气,更代表秋天,秋天带有肃杀之气,古时行刑亦多于秋季,称之为秋决,有句成语叫秋后算账。而且秋天来临,树黄叶落。所以〔白虎〕正好代表秋天的落寞、肃杀的气氛。秋天则配以西方。








之前我做了一个视频,在视频里我说2500年前是一个很重要的时代,这时代我们称他为轴心时代。东方我们出现了孔子,老子和释迦牟尼佛这些伟大的人物。虽然孔子与佛陀是没有碰过面,但是可以从他们的思想里面找到很多的共同点,而这些共同点跟五行也是有细细相关的关系。孔子的五德和释迦摩尼佛的五戒是可以看到共同点的。不杀生为仁,不饮酒为智 (因为饮了酒就会失去理智。)不妄语为信等等。(请参考我之前做过的 YouTube。)




The Effect of the Five elements (wood fire earth gold and water) in our lives. It is not ONLY for Feng Shui purposes.


Many people misunderstand that the five elements (wood fire earth gold and water) are just applied to numerology, geomancy or divination. In fact, the five elements are the basic way for the ancient Chinese to understand the world. Ancient Chinese philosophers used the five elements theory to explain the formation of the world of all things and their mutual relations.


As the matter of fact, in the Chinese medicine; The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, the five elements stand for the five internal organs. The liver is for the wood, the fire for the heart, the earth for the spleen or stomach, the gold for the lung, and water for kidney. If you want to learn the numerology and the feng shui, the relationship of the 5 elements and the 5 organs is not to be ignored. It is a knowledge that you have to master in.


When we study a person's bazi reading, if you find that person has strong wood and should avoid strong wood, and the individual parts of the body of that person that may have the most problem is his liver. And if that person's bazi is a strong fire and should avoid fire, generally the part of the body that may has the most problem is his heart and blood circulation.


Why things are called EAST WEST in Mandarin instead of north and south?


In feng shui, we say that the East is wood, while the West is gold. The ancients called things as EAST WEST in Mandarin rather than north-south, because the fire is south and north is water, and thing must be tangible. Wood and gold can form the thing but thing cannot be formed by water and fire. Water and fire are intangible. In Chinese, we say 'Warm-heated and gentle enough like water', these feelings cannot be formula by things or use money to buy it.


So if the lung of your family members often has a problem, it may be caused by there is a missing corner in the West of your house or this place is very dirty. So if your bazi’s undesired element is not gold, then basically you do not have to be worry too much about the Covid-19 infection, it lowers your chances of infection or becomes severe casualty. On the contrary, then you have to be careful. Similarly, during the Covid-19 pandemic in the meantime we have to pay attention to your house's west and north-west which are the areas of gold element in the Later Heaven Bagua.


Why do we say 'left-right' in Mandarin and not saying 'right-left'?


In the Feng Shui Later Heaven Bagua, the fire on top which also represents the South and the heart is in the upper of our body. Whereas, in the bagua, the water is in the north and it is at the lower part of the bagua, the kidney in the body is at the lower part of our bodies. East is wood, the West is gold, the middle is the earth. This is what we call the left is the Green Dragon, White Tiger at the right, the red phoenix in front and black turtle at the back. In Chinese medicine left represents the liver, liver processes the blood (All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and breaks down, balances, and creates the nutrients and also metabolizes drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body or that are nontoxic); the right is the lung, the lung controls the air (qi) circulation. Due to the fact, the air (qi) moves faster than the blood, so the blood has to move first then only the air moves, so both can reach the organs simultaneously. Thus, as to balance the left and right, so we say 'left-right' in Mandarin and not saying 'right-left'. It is the wisdom of the ancients.


To a deeper level of understanding, White Tiger is at the right, the right (lung) governs the air (qi) mainly, which is the west and the gold. All weapons are made by the metal (gold), can be used to hurt people, so the white tiger also represents murderous (sha qi), but also represents autumn. The ancient executions also were carried out at autumn when yellow tree leaves were gone.  That is why [tiger] autumn has the lonely and chill atmosphere. (Hence, left, west, lung that control the air (qi), which is the autumn too.)


When you further the learning, you can find five elements also affect the five virtues of Confucian because wood is benevolence, gold is righteousness, fire for politeness, water for wisdom and earth for reliability. Thus, if the study found that a person's bazi is the earth is very strong, then that person is like a stone. His advantage is that he speaks with credibility and he walks his talks; but if the earth is too strong, then he's drawback is he is too stubborn like a stone which will not change its shape even under a strong flow of water.


If the study found that a person's bazi is water strong, then that person will be very high IQ, very smart, very intelligent. But if the water is too strong, his drawback is easily cranky, are daydreaming every day, or is easy to think a lot, cannot concentrate because the water in the river always flows and cannot be fixed in one place.


What is the common in between the Confucius' Five Virtues and Gautam Buddha's precepts ?


I have made a video before, in the video I said 2,500 years ago is a very important era, this era we call it the Axial Age. We have in the East the Confucius, Lao Tzu and Buddha Sakyamuni these great characters. Although Confucius and Buddha had not met each other, but we can find a lot of common ground in their thoughts, and these relationships have in common with the five elements . Confucius' Five Virtues’ and Gautam Buddha's precepts can see common ground. Not to kill in Buddhism is benevolence in Confucius' Five Virtues’, do not drink is for the wisdom (because drinking may cause you to act without much thinking.) Do not lie is to the reliability, and so on. (Please refer to the YouTube that I have done earlier.)


Five Elements therefore is not only used in feng shui and numerology only, in fact, it affects every aspect of our lives.