
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Saving Lives in Japan

Received an email from Mr. Yeoh Chee Beng and Ms. Lycia Yap of S. P. Setia that requested me to spread the message to my readers by posting about the ‘1 blanket 4 Japan’ program. Program aims at delivering new blankets to the survivors of earthquake disaster in Japan.

Below is an extract from an email from Dr Brendan J Gomez, a Director and Consulting Psychologist of Asian Research Center for Child & Adolescent Development (ARCCADE)
'It is heart wrenching to see on the news that thousands more lives of tsunami victims could be lost due to freezing temperatures in Japan. Thousands of families and children are in make-shift shelters with insufficient heating/blankets. .........
As what I always stress again and again that a man's life is determined by 5 factors. The 5 factors according to importance are: destiny, luck, feng shui, good-will and education.
Good will--Do good and perform good deeds to make your life better.

If you wish to donate, please pass a new blanket to the S. P.Setia Office.

For further details, please refer to .

This is the song I love to listen when there is a major disaster ....WE HEAL THE WORLD TOGETHER!

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