
Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Feng Shui Talk at PISA

Wow, the response was overwhelming! I have to apologize to those who did not get my name cards as I did not expect to have so many audience who approached me at the end of the talk. Thus I did not bring enough name cards with me. I hope that the audience can still find me via my blog, website or Facebook.

Once again, thank you so much, KH Event Management Sdn. Bhd. for inviting me to the Mega Home Electrical and Home Fair 2012 at PISA Penang Indoor Stadium. I hope that the audience could gain some knowledge about feng shui from my sharing. Thank you so much.

Someone asked me what have I talked about during the sharing session and I told him that I have talked about 四書五經, I-CHING 易经, Earth, Universe, Atom, Flag of Korea, BUDDHA 佛, CONFUCIUS 孔子, 孙子兵法, human being, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Yellow River, Bukit Timah, e-gate, Komtar, Penang, Gurney, The Palace of the Sultan of Brunei, King of Thailand, Taiwan, Forbidden City, 永乐皇帝, Mid Valley, Korean Presidential Residence, 秦始皇, 刘備, 诸葛亮, 刘邦, 项羽, Tibet, Lee Kuan Yew and many more.

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