
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

There are many headline news about Penang and Kedah such as the recent PPS has been declared illegal. 最近有许多有关于槟城和吉打州的头条新闻如最近的檳州志願巡邏隊違法

I noticed that there are many headline news about Penang and Kedah such as the recent PPS has been declared illegal, 50 years old drunk man burned the house of a singer, tornado attacks, boyfriend killed and separated the body of his girlfriend, gun shoot at funeral ceremony and etc. This is due to the worst star no 5 is at the North West and we are at the North West of Malaysia.

Before I start my prediction for 2015, let do a study on whether the feng shui theories that I have adopted to predict what are going to happen to the year of horse 2014 works. The feng shui theories that I applied are the annual flying star chart and the bazi reading of the Li Chun of 2014. Li Chun is the first day of the year which is the birthday of the year. The Li Chun of 2014 is 4 Feb 2014 6.04am.

The bazi reading of the Li Chun of 2014
  1. The day master of the Li Chun 4 Feb 2014 6.04am is Bing yang fire. Nevertheless, there are strong fires and plants in the bazi, coupled with two goat blades (羊刃) in the bazi, hence there are wars, disputes, demonstrations, violent crimes like IS, planes crash everywhere.
  2. The strong plant and fire have made the Bing Yang Fire stronger and hence there are bombing everywhere particularly the incident at Kaoh Siung City at Taiwan.
  3. There is no direct officer 正官 in the bazi of Li Chun thus that does not provide help to the governments or the leaders in general. Thus, there are governments change in India and Indonesia, the two largest democratic countries with the most population in the world.

The annual flying star chart of 2014
The worst star no 5 is at the North West, male master or king palace, the Qian Kua :-
Hence it is bad for the leaders. Thus, the 2 largest democratic countries, India and Indonesia changed the ruling governments.
Ukraine at the Northwest, where the worst star no 5 is, hence war and MH17 happened there.  
Also, North West is the Qian Kua which means the sky. Hence, there are many planes crash incidents.

The argument star no 3 at the South East:-
Hence conflicts in the South East Asia like Thailand, also between Vietnam, Philippine, and China.  
Serious anti-China protest in Vietnam.
Selangor MB conflict, PPS has been declared illegal and religion dispute in Malaysia.

Broken army star no 7 at North East and China is at the North East of World:-
We noticed the violent crimes of the Uighur Ethnic Group 维吾尔族 from Tibet, which is at the North West of China as the most star no 5 is at the North West. We noticed the bomb incidents at the train stations in both Kunming, Yunnan and Urumqi.

The fire star no 9 enters into the North sector which is the sector of water element:-
The fire crushes the water; hence there will be huge fire and flood. There are bombing everywhere particularly the incident at Kaoh Siung City at Taiwan, serious bomb incidents at the train stations in both Kunming, Yunnan and Urumqi.

In my blog dated 13 Nov 13, I said "The warrior star no 6 is the West. It means the West and the United States may declare war against other countries."
. The United States attacked the IS.

Please stay tuned for my prediction for 2015.

我注意到,最近有许多有关于槟城和吉打州的头条新闻如最近的檳州志願巡邏隊違法, 50岁的男子醉酒烧女歌手的房子和汽车,龙卷风的袭击,男友杀死女友又分尸,丧府的枪击案等。这是因为最凶的飞星5黄是在西北,我们在马来西亚的西北方。

在我还没发表我的2015年预测之前,让我们回顾一下我在2014年的预测,看看我所采用的风水理论是否行得通. 我是以流年飞星和立春八字来预测和解读2014年的整体运程.


  1. 2014年立春日为2014年2月4日上午06点04分. 那一天的日元为丙阳火, 八字四柱火强木旺, 木旺使火更强, 因此有强烈的火灾,再加上有两个’羊刃’,所以有战争,纷争,示威,IS暴力犯罪,飞机坠毁无处不在。 尢其发生在台湾高雄的大轰炸。
  2. 八字四柱没有”正官”因此对政府或领导者不利。因此,两个最大的民主国家,世界上人口最多的民主, 印度和印度尼西亚换了政府。 


•最糟糕, 最凶的飞星5黄在西北. 西北为乾宫男主人或国王宫: - 
•此外,西北为乾宫, 也代表着天空。因此,有许多飞机坠毁事件。 

是非三碧星在东南: - 
•雪兰莪MB的冲突,马来西亚的宗教争议, 檳州志願巡邏隊違法。 

破军星7号在东北, 中国是在世界的东北方: - 
•我们注意到,西藏的维吾尔族在中国的西北. 那里有最糟糕的5黄因此发生了云南昆明和乌鲁木齐火车站暴力炸弹事件。 

•九紫火星进入北水宫: - 
•水火不容;因此会有巨大的火灾水灾。到处轰炸事件不断, 台湾高雄的大轰炸,云南昆明和乌鲁木齐火车站的严重的炸弹事件。 



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