
Monday, July 11, 2016

Portugal won the Euro Cup led me to think about I-Ching’s 群龙无首

This morning, one of my friends said in our chatroom that “Portugal could play better without Ronaldo? “

Another one replied “Because everyone got chance to play, no need to pass the ball to him every time.”

I strongly agreed with them.

It is exactly like what I-Ching said i.e. the best system is 群龙无首 means anybody can be leader. You will notice the top ranking of the world richest, happiest, healthiest and safest countries like Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand and Canada , no matter who to be their PMs, the countries are almost the same. All the systems have been well established and nobody can simply manipulate the systems.

In our normal understanding 群龙无首 [qún lóng wú shǒu] means no leader among a host of dragons; a group of men in a common cause without a leader; a host of dragons without a head.

But in I-Ching 乾为天卦用九: 群龙无首 means when a dragon flies on sky, you won’t be able to notice which the head is and where is the tail as it moves too vagrantly and speedily. It means the best stage of human beings development is when there is no leader or head in an organization whereby anyone can be the leader as  all the systems have been well established and nobody is able to simply manipulate the systems. Countries that ranked the top in the list of the world richest, happiest, healthiest and safest countries are at that stage as they are well established.

龙总是变化莫测. 神龙见首不见尾, 龙如飞在天上, 分不清首和尾, 形成一个不断流变的过程, 即”穷则变, 变则通, 通则久, 久则穷. 无首无尾, 不断流变.

Dragon always vagrant, change and move about. It is in fact referring to the lizard which is 变色龙 in Chinese means dragon that changing colors.

Therefore, in any country or organization, the head should be able to replaced easily if the country or organization wish to be richer, happier, heather and safer. 

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