
Saturday, August 12, 2017

: Turtle tells us the secrets of the universe. Penang Island is like a turtle swims in the sea and hence is very good feng shui. Please do not damage it. 乌龟告诉我们宇宙的秘密。 槟岛就像一只海龟在海里游泳,因此槟岛风水很好。 请不破坏它。

Please watch this video to have a better understanding about this topic.


Feng shui is a science about the natural environment. We have to learn from the natural environment how to live a better life. Today we are going to use an auspicious animal to explain it. The auspicious animal is TURTLE. The TURTLE has existed on the Earth before mankind.

风水是自然环境科学。 我们必须从自然环境中学习如何过上更美好的生活。 今天我们要用吉祥的动物解释一下, 这个吉祥的动物是乌龟。乌龟比人类存在于地球上久得多

Turtles have existed in the world much longer than men. Turtle is a very long life animal and it is considered to be very auspicious animal 灵兽 and is a symbol of longevity.  They have existed in the Earth during Late Jurassic 157 million years ago.

Turtle swims in the waters so it has water element but it can come to the land also and land is considered as earth element. Nevertheless, turtle is a vegetarian so it also belongs to plant element as well. The shell of the turtle is oval or round. This is the shape of gold element thus turtle also have gold element in it too. Green Dragon at the left which is considered to be the east. White tiger at the right which is the west. Turtle head is like a snake head and snake is fire element in zodiac horoscope. Therefore, basically turtles carry all the five elements; water, plant, fire, earth and gold elements. All the 5 elements 五行 completely can be found in turtle.


海龟在水中游泳,所以它有水元素,但也可以到陆地,土地被认为是土元素。而且,乌龟是素食者,所以它也属于木元素。乌龟的外壳是椭圆形或圆形的。这是金元素的形状,因此乌龟也有金元素。乌龟的头蛇的头, 蛇在五行是属火。因此,基本上乌龟都携带着五个元素;水,木,火,土和金元素。五行完全可以在乌龟中找到。  

5 Elements 五行

Black Turtle at the Forbidden City, Beijing.

The back and front portion of the shell of turtle.

There are three blocks at the centre of the front portion of the shell which represent the heaven, human and earth.

在乌龟壳的前部的中心有三个块,代表天,人与地; 天人地三才,这意味着人是顶天立地。

In I-Ching bagua, you will find 3 lines. There is the YANG yao and YIN yao. Why there are always 3 lines instead of 4, 5 or 6 lines? It is because 3 lines represent the Heaven (Sky), Human (Men) and Earth (land).

The theory of Sun Tzu's Art of War is from the Book of Changes, I-Ching, the oldest book in the world. This is the reason why when we pray, we use 3 joss-sticks instead of 2 or 4 because we pray the Heaven (Sky), Human (Men) and Earth (land).

The sky is on top of us and we step on the Earth. The sky always changes. It can be sunshine now but may turn cloudy later. The land that we step on does not change. We (Human) are in between them. We have to face the choices of changes. If we change too much, we destroy the Earth but if we do not change, the development will stop. Hence, we need to balance up, whether to change or not, which is very hard for mankind to choose.

在在人类最古老的书 , 易经八卦里,你会发现三条线。 有阳爻和阴爻。 为什么总共有三条线而不是4, 5 条线或6条线? 这是因为3条线代表天(天空),人(人类)和地(土地)。

孙子兵法的天时地利人和是来至于易经的天人地. 这就是为什么当我们祈祷的时候,我们使用3柱香而不是24? 因为我们拜天(天空),人(人类)和地(土地)。

天空在我们之上,我们踏着地。 天空总是在变化。 现在可以是阳光普照,但等一下可能会变得多云。 我们踏着的土地没有改变。 我们(人)在他们之间。 我们必须面对变化的选择。 如果我们改变太多,我们摧毁地球,但如果我们不改变,发展就会停止。 因此,我们需要平衡,无论是否改变,这对人类来说是非常困难的平衡。

Feng Shui Compass风水罗盘

One of the greatest inventions of China is ‘Luo Pan’, which is the compass we use today. There are 24 blocks which represents the 24 mountains in 24 directions 二十四山 in feng shui compass 罗盘. The four great inventions of ancient China refer to papermaking, gunpowder, printing techniques and the compass.  Basically in the compass, we have 8 directions which are the east west north south Northeast Southwest Southeast and Northwest. But, back in the olden days all the directions were actually divided into 24 directions which is called the 24 mountains 二十四山。


中国古代的四大发明是造纸,火药,印刷技术和指南针。基本上罗盘就是指南针. 在指南针上,我们有8个方向; ,西, , , 东南, 西南, 东北和西北。但是,在过去的日子里,所有的方向实际上分为24个方向,称为二十四山。

Ancient Coin 古代硬币

Temple of Heaven 天壇

An ancient coin represents the heaven, human and earth too because the ancients see the sky is round in shape. Thus, the shape of the coin is round; In the five elements, the shape for the earth is square. Human is at the middle, hence, the ancient emperor title in at the middle of the coin. This coin was made during the era of the Emperor of  Yongzheng .Heaven, human and earth 天人地三才can be clearly represented the ancient coin.

Confucius: facing the South while listening to the world 南面而听天下. Because the 'before heaven bagua indicates that the South is the direction of heaven. Therefore, the South of the Forbidden City are the Tiananmen Square天安门 and the Temple of Heaven天壇 which mean the heaven 'tian' . Temple of Heaven天壇 is round in shape.

古代硬币代表天人地三才因为古人看天空是圆的, 因此钱币型状为圆型; 地在五行为土, 土为四方型. 人是顶天立地, 因此人在中间, 古代皇帝的尊称号在古代硬币的中间, 此钱币为雍正皇帝时代所制作的.

紫禁城的南方为天或易经里的乾卦, 因此有天安门和天壇, 天壇是圆形的因为圆形代表天. 紫禁城的北方为地或易经里的坤卦, 因此有地壇, 地壇是方形的因为方形代表地. 古代铜钱是圆形而中间有方形的洞代表着天包圍着地呀!

Also, you can also see ten blocks which represents the 10 Heaven stems 十天干 in the calculations of bazi 八字. Heaven Stems in bazi calculation is formed by YIN YANG and five elements. YIN YANG is 2 and five elements is 5, 2 X 5 = 10. Therefore we have 10 Heaven Stems.

At the bottom of the shell you will see 12 blocks which represent the 12 earth root 十二地支 in the calculations of bazi八字. the 10 Heaven stems 十天干 and the 12 earth root 十二地支 form the basic of the 60甲子. For further information, please refer to my bazi book 如何以科学DIY透視八字算命?

Feng shui compass has 24 directions, known as the twenty-four mountains, that is our familiar 12 zodiac horoscope, plus 8 of the 10 stems in bazi reading,  plus 4 hexagrams of the 8 hexagrams (bagua in I-Ching) and line into Twenty Four Mountains, 12 + 8 + 4 = 24.


乌龟壳的后部,你会看到12个块,它们代表了八字里的十二地支, 也就是我们熟悉的十二生肖。风水罗盘的24方向, 称为二十四山, 由十二地支, 也就是我们熟悉的十二生肖组成, 加上十个天干的八个, 再加上八个卦的四个卦而行成二十四山, 12+8+4=24.


My bazi book 如何以科学DIY透視八字算命?

Hence, from the shell of turtle, we can see the secrets of the universe.

Turtle is telling us the secrets of the universe. It is used together with the ancient coins to anticipate the future of a person and a matter in I-Ching bagua analysis which has been used since 7 thousands years ago. Of course, it is considered as a very auspicious animal in feng shui.

Penang Island is like a turtle swims in the sea 得天独厚. I have written my first book  that Penang is a good place to enjoy life and is good for holiday makers as turtle moves slow and gentle.

Singapore looks like a crab hence is very aggressive. The crab is like want to take in everything. Turtle being an very auspicious animal on both land and sea . It has existed longer than man kind. It lives longer than any of us here. Penang island is the only turtle swims in the sea in the world. Why damage it? We enjoy peaceful and relaxing life because of that. Thus, don't alter its turtle shape coastline unless you make it a bigger size turtle.

乌龟告诉我们宇宙的秘密, 可以与古代硬币一起使用,使用七千年的易经八卦一起来预测分析人和事物的未来。当然,它被认为是风水中非常吉祥的动物。

槟城岛就像一只乌龟游泳在海, 得天独厚。我的第一本书 提到槟城对于度假者来说是享受生活的好地方,因为乌龟的动作缓慢而温和.
新加坡看起来像一只螃蟹,因此是非常积极的, 螃蟹就像想要一切, 占为己有

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