
Saturday, September 7, 2019


I-Ching says the best system is 群龙无首 means anybody can be the leader. You will notice the top ranking of the world richest, happiest, healthiest and safest countries like Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand and Canada , no matter who to be their countries' heads, the countries are almost the same. All the systems have been well established and nobody can simply manipulate the systems. A healthy system should be a system whereby there is a check and balance in the system. Nobody can over-rule and monopoly it.

When an organization is well established with all the people highly educated with equal wealth then the organization can run by itself, isn't?

How successful a country or an organisation is should not be measured by its wealthy but the distribution of wealth. A country is not successful if only a small portion of the people control the wealth but majority of the people are still suffering. 

It also should be measured by whether the education level of the the citizen and people in the the country and the organisation is evenly high. If all of them are highly educated, then all are capable to be the leader to lead the organisation, isn't it?

Last but not least, it should be determined by whether the citizens are satisfy with their quality of lives. If you have a tonnes of money but you live a stressful life, then you are not staying in a happy country.

In our normal understanding 群龙无首 [qún lóng wú shǒu] means no leader among a host of dragons; a group of men in a common cause without a leader; a host of dragons without a head.

But in I-Ching 乾为天卦用九群龙无首 means when a dragon flies on sky, you won’t be able to notice which the head is and where is the tail as it moves too vagrant and speedily. It means the best stage of human beings development is when there is no leader or head in an organization whereby everyone can be the leader as  all the systems have been well established and nobody is able to simply manipulate the systems. Countries that rank the top in the list of the world's richest, happiest, healthiest and safest countries are at that stage as they are well established.

Honestly, until now, I still do not know who are the Prime Ministers or the heads of Norway, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden? It doesn't really matter. This is because all the people there are equally highly educated and wealthy. Thus, it does not matter who is leader if the system is well established and nobody can simply manipulate it.

龙总是变化莫测神龙见首不见尾龙如飞在天上分不清首和尾形成一个不断流变的过程即”穷则变变则通通则久久则穷 无首无尾不断流变.

当一个体制 , 凡事都是最有权的那个说了算,那大家都会争着做最有权那个, 他身旁都是充满着奉承他的人, 大家都会想方设法去讨好他迎合他, 他不犯错才怪.

绝对的权力可以让一个人认为自己已是至高无上。 互相的平衡才能让我们国家前进, 物极必反 ,绝对的权力会让一个人疯狂。 历史已经证明了这一切但是历史一直在重演。

Dragon are always vagrant, change and move about. It is in fact referring to the lizard which is 变色龙 in Chinese means dragon that changing colors.

Therefore, in any country or organization, the head should be able to be replaced easily if the country or organization wish to be richer, happier, heather and safer. 

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