
Friday, January 27, 2023

什么是立春? 2023立春日应该怎么做? What is Lichun? What should I do on Lichun Day2023?

Lichun is the first hexagram of the 12 消息卦hexagrams in the Book of Changes.

否极泰来. 否卦是易经第十一卦, 否卦之后是易经第十二卦泰卦
After the 否卦hexagram is the twelfth hexagram of the I Ching, Tai hexagram

紫禁城里的龙脉是在交泰殿 The dragon veins in the Forbidden City are in the Jiaotai Hall.

In the Jiaotai Hall, you can see a picture of the phoenix above and the dragon below. 

立春,阳历二十四节气中的第一个节气,立春决定一年的运势. 大地回春, 喜气洋洋. 24节气里有立春, 立夏, 立秋和立冬也就是春夏秋冬的第一天, 立春日为三阳开泰,在易经8x8=64卦中是天地泰卦。否极泰来,处之泰然,泰山北斗的泰。

很多人都搞错 , 其实20232410.42am 立春出生的孩子生肖才为兔子虽然22/1/22是农历初一.  立春就是新的一年了因为大地已回春了, 立春之后各方面的吉凶也随着变动了. 立春当天自身的氣色会影響你一年運程, 当天不要吵架,不可生气,要和和气气高高兴兴的度过立春这一天,这就给一年开个好兆头。

20232410.42 am 是兔子年了, 立春来了, 立春是三阳开泰大地回春 的好日子,一年的开始。立春是二十四节气之首,立春是易经八八六十四卦12消息卦的第一卦,地天泰卦,它是天卦在下地卦在上。三个阳爻在下面三个阴爻在上面,那就是平衡, 这是天气最平衡的日子。因为冷空气在上,热空气在下。冷空气较重会下降因此冷气机空调都是装在上面, 而火燃烧火炎会向上; 冷空气可以下降而热空气可以上升,那就可以交流,那就可以交泰, 因此北京故宫紫禁城的龙穴是在交泰殿, 交泰殿是皇帝住的乾清宫和皇后住的坤宁宫的中间。

在交泰殿里你可以看到凤在上,龙在下的一个图,龙永远是高高在上吧,皇帝永远是高高在上,但是在交泰殿里你是可以看到龙下面和凤在上面,这就其实是代表着易经里面的泰卦,就是阴爻在上面而阳爻在下面,也就是坤卦在上面,而且乾卦下面, 因此紫禁城里的龙脉是在交泰殿。

否极泰来. 否卦是易经第十一卦, 否卦之后是易经第十二卦泰卦, 否卦和泰卦是综卦, 综卦是两个卦倒转过来. 地天泰卦是天卦在下; 地卦在上, 而否卦是刚好相反, 否卦是天卦在上; 地卦在下, 那就是不平衡. 热空气在上, 冷空气在下, 热空气往上, 冷空气往下; 兩者并无交流. 立春为泰卦, 12消息卦的第一卦, 一年的开始, 12消息卦是一年的十二个月. 祝福大家否极泰来, 立春吉祥.



立春當天建議包个红包, 里面放168元,放在您的财箱, 那些找过我的客户都应该知道您的财位在那儿,沒找过我建议您在2023年流年飞星八白财位也就是南方放个财箱里面放168元红包; 也建议您在当天202324日早上10.42am出去头顶朝阳, 在草地上脚踏实地 5分钟, 赤脚在草地上踏青, 沐浴阳光,感受大地回春的温暖, 保持心情愉快,不可骂人,不可动怒。

在那个时候把家里的灯火都打开, 风扇都打开, 向上天祈祷, 并在米容器装满米,并且根据我所教导的2023年流年飞星的布局来布局, 那么你将在2023年肯定万事顺心. 丰衣足食


4/2/23 10.42am is the actual time for us to enter into the Year of the Rabbit. It is the day of Lichun and Lichun is a good day for “San yang Kai tai” to rejuvenate, and the beginning of the year. Lichun is the head of the twenty-four solar terms. Lichun is the first hexagram of the 12 消息卦hexagrams in the Book of Changes. Di tian tai hexagram is the hexagram of heaven at the bottom and the hexagram earth is above. Three yang lines on the bottom and three yin lines on top, which is balance. This is the day when the weather is most balanced because the cold air (yin) is at the top and the hot air (yang) is at the bottom. The cold air is heavier and hence it will drop so the air conditioner is installed on the top and when the fire burns, the flame will go up. Cold air can drop and hot air can rise, then they can communicate and mix. Therefore, the Dragon Cave (best feng shui spot) in the Forbidden City in Beijing is in the Hall of Jiaotai. Jiaotai Hall is the middle of Qianqing Palace where the emperor lives and Kunning Palace where the queen lives.

In the Jiaotai Hall, you can see a picture of the phoenix above and the dragon below. The dragon is always above, and the emperor is always above, but in the Jiaotai hall, you can see the dragon below and the phoenix above. In fact, it represents the Tai hexagram in the Book of Changes, that is, the yin line is above and the yang line is below, that is, the Kun hexagram is above, and the Qian hexagram is below, so the dragon veins in the Forbidden City are in the Jiaotai Hall.

When bad situation comes to the extreme the good will return. 否卦is the eleventh hexagram of the I Ching, after the 否卦hexagram is the twelfth hexagram of the I Ching, Tai hexagram. The 否卦hexagram and the Tai hexagram are zong hexagrams, and the zong hexagram is the reverse of the two hexagrams. The 地天泰卦is heaven hexagram on bottom and the earth hexagram is on the upper side, while the 否卦 hexagram is just the opposite, the 否卦hexagram is the heaven hexagram on the upper; and the earth hexagram is on the lower, that is imbalance. Hot air (yang) is on the top, cold air (yin) is down, the hot air will flow up as it is light, and the cold air will move down as it is heavy; there is no communication and mix between the two.

Tai hexagram, Lichun is the Tai hexagram, the first hexagram of the 12 消息卦 hexagrams, the beginning of the year, I wish everyone whether it is extremely peaceful, and the beginning of spring is auspicious.

4 Feb 2023 10.42am is the beginning of spring or we call it LI CHUN立春. It is the first day of the 24 solar terms and the first day of spring. In the 24 solar terms, there are beginning of spring, beginning of summer, beginning of autumn and beginning of winter立春, 立夏, 立秋和立冬. They are the first day of the seasons. Thereafter the beginning of spring is the entire New Year. The first spring day is the three yang opening the Tai, and in the Yijing 8x8=64 hexagram, it is the heaven and earth hexagram.

This year the child that born on the 4 Feb 2023 10.42am onwards is a rabbit zodiac child, although 22 Jan 2023 is农历初一 , the first day of the Lunar calendar, but only those babies born from 4 Feb 2022 10.42am onwards are zodiac Rabbit, not on Chu 1, 22 Jan 2023 .

Li Chun, the first solar eclipse in the 24 solar terms, Li Chun will decide the fortune of the year. The colour of the spring will affect your year of luck. Thus, don't quarrel, don't be angry, and spend the day Lichun with joy and happiness, which gives a good sign for the year.

On the day of Lichun, I suggest you not to cut your hair. Do not wake up too late in the morning. It is recommended to go to the bank to bank in some money into your bank account on the day of Lichun. It is also auspicious to practice some good deeds, make some donation for some charity organizations, change the new clothes, and the New Year will definitely be a big luck year for you!

You can go to the bank to deposit money in the beginning of spring (Li Chun), but don’t write your bank check dated as February 4th, and try to reduce the payment of utility bills or other fees because the money should get in and not out from your pocket. However, it is encouraged to give donation in Lichun because if you are willing to give up, you will get something if you give up舍得舍得,有舍才有得。

On the day of Lichun, I recommend you put a red packet (ang pow). Put RM168 in it and put it in your treasure box. Those who have looked for me should know that where your treasure box position is. Those who have not consulted me before, I suggest that you put a RM168 red envelope (ang pow) in a treasure box in the 2023 Flying Star Eight White Wealth Position, which is the South. It is recommended that you go out for the morning sun at 4/2/23 10.42am, step barefoot on the grass for 5 minutes, bathe in the morning sun, feel the warmth of the earth, keep your mood happy, don't be tempted, and don’t be angry.

At that time, the lights in the house should be turned on; the fans are also to be turned on and fill the rice container full with rice. Don't forget to pray to the Heaven. Please arrange your house according to the layout of the 2023 flying stars that I taught Then you will be sure that everything will go smoothly in 2023.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

请关注农历 2023 年初一星报上我的 2023 年预测 Please Stay Tuned for my 2023 Predictions in the Star Newspaper on Chu 1

If you refer to my 2022 predictions which have been published in the Star Newspaper on the 1st day of Lunar Calendar 2022, there are many of predictions for 2022 have happened. For instance :-

1. I have predicted wars and the most serious war that impact the whole world between Russia and Ukraine happened at the beginning of 2022.

2. I have predicted earthquakes and landslides and there are many earthquakes happened in the world and the most serious landslide incident in the Malaysia's history happened at Batangkali.

3. I have predicted the Covid 19 pandemic will improve on April 2022 and Malaysia has announced the major Covid 19 SOP loosen on the beginning of April 2022.

4. I have predicted that 2022 is a favorable year for tourism and aviation industries and obviously the local tourism spots are full of tourists. No doubt, the air tickets are highly demanded in 2022.

5. I also said that I m almost certain that the political situation in Malaysia in 2022 full of challenges and this is the first time, Malaysia has its unity government.

6. I also predicted that the discord between Taiwan and China will continue. It is definitely true when the Speaker of the the United States House of Representatives, Pelosi Nancy flew to Taiwan.

7. I also mentioned the female country leaders will easily get sick and that happened for the Queen Elizbeth.

Please stay tuned for my 2023 predictions which will publish in the Star Newspaper on the 1st day of Lunar Calendar 2023 and it will based on my earlier predictions in my Youtube channel and blog:-

如果你参考我在农历2022年一发表在星报上的2022年预测,有很多关于2022年的预测已经发生, 例如 :-

1. 我曾预测战争, 影响全世界的最严重的战争发生在 2022 年初俄罗斯和乌克兰之间.

2. 我预测过地震和,世界上发生过很多次地震,马来西亚历史上最严重的事件发生在Batangkali。

3. 我曾预测 Covid 19 疫情将在 2022 年 4 月有所改善,马来西亚已宣布在 2022 年 4 月开始放松主要的 Covid 19 SOP。

4. 我预测2022年是旅游业和航空业的利好年,显然地的旅游景点都人满为患。 毫无疑问,2022 年的机票需求量很大。

5. 我也说过,我几乎可以肯定,2022年大马的政局充满挑战,这也是大马第一次有联合政府。

6. 我也预言台湾和大陆之间的急状态会持续下去。 美国众议院议长佩洛西·南希飞赴台湾时确实如此。

7. 我还提到女性国家领导人很容易生病,结果伊丽莎白女王就离开我们

请继续关注我的 2023 年预测,该预测将在农历 2023 年一发布在星报上,它将基于我之前在我的 Youtube 频道和博客中的预测:-

Sunday, January 8, 2023

简单的风水佈局让你2023年过得更好 Enhance Your 2023 Luck with Simple Feng Shui

How to enhance your house / office / shop feng shui in the year of Rabbit 2023? 如何在2023年提升你的房子/办公室/2023流年风水布局?


I want to share with you how to arrange your home, office, and shop in the Year of the Yin Water Rabbit to enhance the Feng Shui.

If you refer to Master Lee’s Book : HOW TO ENJOY YOUR LIFE WITH GOOD FENG SHUI?

The following arrangement suggested is based on the general studies of the annual flying star 2023. Of course, more accurate study need to be done accordingly to the house, office or shop feng shui and the owner’s bazi reading.



Annual Flying Star Chart 2023流年飞星图2023

Actually when is the actual day we enter into the year of Rabbit? It is on the day of Li Chun. 4 Feb 2024 is the beginning of spring or we call it LI CHUN立春. That is the day of “3 yang kai tai 三阳开泰”. They are the first day of the seasons. Thereafter the beginning of spring is the entire New Year. The first spring day is the three yang opening the Tai, and in the Yijing 8x8=64 hexagram, it is the heaven and earth hexagram.

Please do the following for the year of RABBIT 2023 on the "Li Chun 立春" 4 Feb 2023. Of course, please kindly clean your house and yourself before you do it. First of all, please switch on all the fans and lights to activate the qi when you do it. Don't forget to pray to the Heaven before you do it.


1.        Annual Flying Star 1 (White) is at the South West. It is good for wealth, love and career. Spend more time there. Place a Water Feature there. If your house has a water feature at the South West of your house, office or shop, it will be awesome particularly for those whose bazi desired element is water.

Those who wish to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend, enhance your sales volume and increase your wealth, please do not forget to put a water feature at the South West on this year. How do you find the South West of your house? It is easy. First, get the layout plan of your house and draw 2 cross lines and the intersect is the middle of the house. Then switch on your digital compass in your smart phone. You do not have to know where you face. Find the SW which is the South West in the compass. That is the South West of your house. Put a water feature at the South West to activate the wealth, love and career.

1.     流年飞星1(白色)位于西南方。对财富,爱情和事业都有好处。花更多的时间在那里。在那里放一个水景图或者流动的水。如果你的房子,办公室或者商店的西南部有一个水景图或者流动的水,那么对于那些八字需要水元素的人来说,这将是非常棒的。


                                  'Fortune water' 安忍水

2.     Annual Star 2 (Black) is at the East. This sector will cause illness, loss of wealth and this is where the unwanted spirits like to gather. Place a set of 'Fortune water' or 5 old coins or bronze turtle.

Clean the Fortune Water 安忍水 by changing the water and rough salt when it is dirty. It is advisable to clean it from time to time, especially during the time when you feel that your luck is not that promising. You should also do it when someone in your family / office falls sick or not doing well.

Please beware that the East is also the place for the grand duke太岁位; hence no renovations, knocking or breaking of wall should be done in this area.






3.     Annual Star 3 Jade 三碧 (plant) is at the South East. It will cause constant arguments and in extreme cases, it may lead to legal lawsuits. Place a Red Carpet and red light or something red like a red sofa at the South East. The best is place a Sun Rise picture there.


Oriental ancient studying tool 文房四宝

4.     Annual Star 4 Green (plant) is at the Centre. It is the best place for studying and thinking, particularly if you need to make important decisions. This is the place to enhance the study luck of your children. Get them to study in this sector to get good results in their examinations. There may be potential romantic encounters and better relationships for couples if you utilize this sector. Place an oriental ancient studying tool 文房四宝 with 4 calligraphy brushes or a pagoda 文昌塔 there. As a matter of fact, it is not only critical to enhance the intelligent star 4 for the kids, who are studying in schools, it is also very important for those who work, have to come out with brilliant and creative ideas. Thus, go to the Centre of your house if you need to make an important decision.

4. 流年飞星4绿位于中间。这是学习和思考的最佳场所,特别是当你需要做出重要的决定。这是提高你的孩子学习运气的地方。让他们在中间读书,以便在考试中取得好成绩。如果你使用这个方位,可能会有潜在的浪漫遭遇和更好的恋人关系。在那里放一个文房四宝和或一座文昌塔。事实上,这不仅仅是加强在学校学习的孩子们的智慧星,而且对于那些工作的人来说也是非常重要的,必有出色的创意。因此,如果您需要做出重大决定,请到您家的中间思考。

5.     Annual Star 5 Yellow at the North West of your house. It is the worst place and the most dangerous sector. No renovations, knocking or breaking of wall in this area. Beware of accidents and obstacles. Place a set of 'fortune water' but do not place ‘moving water’ there.


6. What is the star that will fly into the West of the home or office this year? It is the star or the Liubai. What is the so-called indirect wealth? In fact, it is the money that you don't get from your direct wealth. What is included? Including investment, buying lottery tickets, and part-time jobs. Put a crystal ball and a Six Emperors ancient coins to strengthen it. If you wish to hit lottery you may spend more time at the West of your house.

The ‘3 killings’ also at the West, hence, put 3 small qi lin there to reduce the negative impact.

Please beware that the West is also the place for the clash grand duke Chong Tai Sui冲太岁位; hence no renovations, knocking or breaking of wall should be done in this area.


6. 家今年是有什么星飞入西呢?是偏财星是六白,就是所谓的偏财,其实你不是通过你的正财得到的财富,包括什么?包括投资,买彩票,part-time job 所得到的财富。放个水晶球和一个六帝古钱来加强。如果您想彩票中獎,可以在房屋的西花更多時間。




7.     Annual Star 7 (gold) is at the North East. It is a place for possible arguments, potential robberies and medical compilations. Please place a glass of water with rough salt there.

  7.流年飞星7(金)位于东北。这是一个发生争执, 抢劫和疾病干扰的地方。请在那里放一杯加粗盐的水。

8.     Annual Star 8 White (Earth) is at the South.  As we are in Period 8, no. 8 star is the best star of all. It is the wealth location. Place a fan or clock to circulate the flow of the good qi. To further enhance the qi, place a treasure bowl which is formed by crystals as the figure below. Please place a ‘moving water’ there too.

8.流年飞星8白位于方。我们正在8运,第八星是全部飞星里面最好的一颗飞星。这是财富的位置。放一个风扇或时钟来让好气流通。为了进一步加强,放置一个如下图由水晶形成的聚宝盆, 也请在那里放一个流水

Treasure bowl 聚宝盆

9.     Annual Star 9 Purple (fire) at the North of your house or office. It is a very good place. You may expect to enjoy a lot of happy events such as a new born baby and marriage if you utilize this sector. It is also the 2nd wealth sector. Place 9 pots of plants or 9 bamboo plants there. Tight the 9 bamboo plants with a red string. Also, please have a light and red carpet there too. Please activate this place if you wish to have a baby in particular.


 If you do not know where to purchase the feng shui items that suggested above and wish to have it, please kindly call my brother 016-4208378 or write to us at

It is advisable to use a clean cloth and dip into the water which has dissolved rough salt in it, then use the cloth to clean the items from time to time, especially during the time when you feel that your luck is not that promising. You should also do it when someone in your family / office falls sick or doing well.

如果您不知道如何购买以上建议的风水物品,请致电我的弟弟016-4208378   或致函

建议使用干净的布,浸入溶解了粗盐的水中,然后用布清理; 特别是在你觉得运气不好的时候。当你的家人或同事生病了, 你也必须这样做。

Hopefully with the simple feng shui arrangement can help you to enhance your feng shui. It is basically just applying the simple five elements, gold, plant, water, fire and earth at the right places. They help to enhance the auspicious qi at the auspicious places and for those inauspicious places, they help you to minimise the impact of the negative qi. This year the best location is South and the worst place is North West. Hence, activate the South and minimise the bad qi at North West. Hopefully with the simple feng shui arrangement can help you to enhance your feng shui. Wish you a prosperous and all your wishes come true in this year.

希望通过简单的风水布置可以帮助您增强风水。 基本上,它只是在适当的位置应用了简单的五个元素,即金,木,水,火和土。 它们有助于增强吉处的吉气,对于那些凶位方,它们可以帮助您最大程度地减少负面气的影响。 今年最好的位置是部,最差的地方是西北。 因此,激活部并最大程度地减少西北部的凶气。 希望通过简单的风水布置可以帮助您增强风水。 祝你今年所有愿望成真。