
Saturday, October 21, 2023

2024年属蛇运程 Master Lee's 2024 Snake Zodiac Forecast (with English Subtitle)

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Snake 19291941195319651977198920012013

2024年属蛇的人运势亨通,头脑明晰,聪慧过人,社交活动频繁,情绪愉快, 喜气洋洋。

People born in the Year of the Snake in 2024 will have good luck, clear thinking, exceptional intelligence, frequent social opportunities, and a cheerful mood. They will be in high spirits.

There is English subtitle available in the video. 视频中有英文字幕.

吉星 Auspicious Stars : 太阳 天喜 Tian Xi 文昌 Wen Chang天厨

凶星 Inauspicious Stars :晦气 弧辰 劫煞

对于生肖蛇的人来说,2024年预计有吉星如太阳, 天喜, 文昌, 天厨, 代表积极发展、智力成长和潜在成功。然而,需要小心凶星如晦气, 弧辰, 劫煞, 它们可能带来挑战和困难。

2024 for those born in the Year of the Snake is expected to have auspicious stars like 太阳, 天喜 Tian Xi, 文昌 Wen Chang, and 天厨, which signify positive developments, intellectual growth, and potential success. However, it's essential to be cautious of inauspicious stars like 晦气, 弧辰, and 劫煞, which may bring challenges and difficulties.


太阳 (Tai Yang):带来活力和能量。

天喜 (Tian Xi):与幸福和喜悦有关。

文昌 (Wen Chang):象征着学术和文学的成功。

天厨 (Tian Chu):表示烹饪技能和享受。


晦气 (Hui Qi):代表厄运和不幸。

弧辰 (Hu Chen):与孤独和被孤立有关。

劫煞 (Jie Sha):表示冲突和挑战。

Auspicious Stars:

太阳 (Tai Yang): Bringing vitality and energy.

天喜 (Tian Xi): Associated with happiness and joy.

文昌 (Wen Chang): Symbolizing academic and literary success.

天厨 (Tian Chu): Indicating culinary skills and enjoyment.

Inauspicious Stars:

晦气 (Hui Qi): Signifying bad luck and misfortune.

弧辰 (Hu Chen): Associated with obstacles and hindrances.

劫煞 (Jie Sha): Linked to conflicts and challenges.


【太阳】is a powerful traditional auspicious star, symbolizing light that reaches far and receiving assistance from noble individuals, leading to great success in the workplace. It signifies the spreading and diffusion of strength, making it particularly suitable for considering expansion into foreign territories. Those in business may contemplate extending their operations into overseas markets. Additionally, ​【太阳】​represents support from male benefactors. For women, this year promises better prospects in love, with an increase in charm and an enhanced ability to attract the opposite sex. Therefore, if you are a male, whether you're a customer, boss, colleague, relative, or friend, you may find that people of all genders are more inclined to assist and support you.

【天喜 Tian Xi】这颗吉星象征着喜庆的时刻将接连而来,特别是对已婚者而言。有望迎来新成员的到来,延续喜庆的运势。对于那些曾经经历分手的人来说,这颗星也代表着认识新的潜在伴侣的机会,关系可能会迅速发展,甚至可能迅速步入婚姻的殿堂。【天喜 Tian Xi星的出现预示着一年中将会充满喜悦和愉快的时刻。这是一颗与快乐和积极情感相关的吉星。

【天喜 Tian XiThis auspicious star signifies an abundance of joyous occasions, especially for those who are already married. There's hope for the addition of new family members, extending the streak of happiness. For those who have experienced breakups, there is an opportunity to meet new potential partners, and relationships may progress rapidly, even leading to the possibility of a quick marriage. The appearance of the ​天喜​star heralds joyful and pleasant events in the year. It's a star associated with happiness and positivity.

【文昌 Wen Chang




【文昌 Wen Chang

This auspicious star is favorable for studying, taking exams, and career advancement. It's a great year to actively pursue further education and prepare for the future. Having Wen Chang in your destiny signifies exceptional intelligence, so should strive to excel through wisdom this year. It also has the power to transform adversity into good fortune. Individuals with this star tend to have an elegant disposition, gentle manners, a thirst for new knowledge, and a strong drive for self-improvement. Throughout life, they often enjoy the favor and prosperity that come with intelligence.

This also means that you are even smarter this year. Make the most of your intelligence to benefit your career and business.

Many people mistakenly believe that the Wen Chang star is only relevant for students. However, this is not the case. In today's society, both employers and employees need wisdom. Employers require wisdom to enhance their businesses, and employees need it to showcase their talents, earning the recognition of their superiors. Whether you are a student, a boss, or fall into any other category, wisdom is essential. If the Wen Chang star is present in your destiny, it signifies a clear mind and exceptional intelligence. It is beneficial for exams and can also help those seeking career advancement or increased wealth. Therefore, this year, winning with wisdom should be your goal.



【天厨】is a favorable star associated with food and social gatherings. It signifies that you will have more social events and opportunities to indulge in delicious food, which will uplift your overall mood. During this year, you may be invited to various feasts, gatherings, and events, allowing you to savor culinary delights while strengthening bonds with friends and family. The presence of 【天厨】​ enables you to fully enjoy life, relish a variety of delectable cuisines, and simultaneously cultivate your social circle, leading to greater joy and satisfaction. For those involved in the food industry or chefs, thanks to【天厨】​, your business or career will experience significant improvement.



A breakdown in interpersonal relationships, often resulting from inadequate communication, can lead to complaints. "晦气" refers to an unfavorable or unsightly complexion when someone is ill, signifying encountering difficulties. In social interactions, a lack of effective communication can deteriorate relationships and give rise to dissatisfaction and complaints. "晦气" specifically denotes an unattractive appearance when one is unwell.



This star signifies a sense of isolation and loneliness, primarily manifesting as solitude and low spirits. Married individuals may find themselves sleeping alone due to frequent business trips, spending less time with their spouses, leading to strained relationships due to inadequate communication. Unmarried individuals may face breakups and, at times, feelings of loneliness and helplessness.



One of the primary characteristics of [劫煞] is its tendency to bring disruption and conflict. In daily life, this can manifest in various forms of issues and challenges, including arguments, competition, disputes, or discord with others. These conflicts can extend across various domains such as family, career, friendships, and romantic relationships.

Given the negative influence of [劫煞], individuals need to exercise heightened vigilance to avoid getting entangled in conflicts and disputes. This may require improving communication skills, maintaining a calm and composed mindset, and actively seeking methods to resolve issues.

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