
Friday, December 1, 2023

2024年属鼠运程 Master Lee's 2024 Rat Zodiac Forecast (with English Subtitle)


RAT 19361948196019721984199620082020

吉星 Auspicious Stars : 【将星】

凶星 Inauspicious Stars : 【白虎】【天雄 Tian Xiong】披头


将星 (Jiang Xing):这颗星带来了升迁和成功的机会。


白虎 (Bai Hu):代表冲突和障碍。

天雄 (Tian Xiong):意味着挑战和对抗。

披头 (Pi Tou):表示挫折和阻碍。

Auspicious Stars:

将星 (Jiang Xing): This star brings opportunities for advancement and success.

Inauspicious Stars:

白虎 (Bai Hu): Associated with conflicts and obstacles.

天雄 (Tian Xiong): Signifying challenges and confrontations.

披头 (Pi Tou): Indicating setbacks and hindrances.

对于生肖鼠的人来说,2024年预计有吉星如将星, 代表着积极事业的机会和可能晋升。然而,需要小心凶星如白虎, 天雄, 披头, 它们可能带来挑战和障碍。

2024 for those born in the Year of the Rat is expected to have the auspicious star 将星, which signifies potential positive career developments or promotion. However, it's crucial to be cautious of inauspicious stars like 白虎, 天雄, and 披头, which may bring challenges and obstacles.


This year, there is a lucky star called "将星" (Jiang Xing), which signifies leadership and managerial abilities. If you are involved in administrative or managerial roles, you will benefit from the presence of this star. "将星" represents the qualities of a general, who typically holds significant power and authority. Therefore, it symbolizes leadership capabilities and your authoritative presence. For those in higher positions, this year will be a time when your leadership talents can shine. If you are actively engaged in group activities, "将星" will also contribute to your performance within that group.





白虎"White Tiger" symbolizes the possibility of injury, especially by animal bites or metal accidents, which could result in minor bleeding. Additionally, it suggests the likelihood of verbal disputes or legal conflicts.

The "White Tiger" represents a tiger, and tigers are known for biting, so one should be cautious about animal bites. People working in animal-related industries, such as veterinarians, should also exercise extra care. Furthermore, metal accidents may occur, leading to some incidents involving bleeding. The White Tiger also symbolizes verbal disputes, so extra caution is necessary when handling matters. Always read carefully before signing any agreements or contracts.


The Tian Xiong star brings harm to one's career and official luck. When it appears alongside the White Tiger, it may lead to financial losses, illnesses, and unexpected disasters. This is a highly destructive inauspicious star, primarily focused on financial losses and damage to property. Therefore, one should exercise extra caution in their actions, especially when driving, and avoid speeding.


The "Pitou Star" is a malevolent celestial body associated with the "Pima Star," which signifies sorrow, distress, sadness, worries, mourning, inner pain, conflicts with relatives, and household disturbances.

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