
Saturday, January 6, 2024

2024年属虎运程 Master Lee's 2024 Tiger Zodiac Forecast (with English Subtitle) by Penang Feng Shui


Tiger 19261938195019621974198619982010, 2022

吉星 Auspicious Stars : 【驿马】【禄勳】

凶星 Inauspicious Stars : 【天狗 Tengu】【吊客 】【天哭 Tian Ku


For individuals born in the Year of the Tiger, auspicious stars like "驿马" (Post Horse) and "禄勳" (Fortune and Merit) are expected in 2024. The "驿马" indicates that you will travel more frequently, experiencing continuous journeys and enjoying the pleasures of travel. However, it also suggests a busy schedule and environmental changes. "禄勳" symbolizes opportunities for commendation, promotion, and salary increases.

【驿马】在过去,人们乘马作为交通工具,而在旅途遥远时,他们会停留在驿站换马, ​【驿马】象征着外出旅行,向远方发展的最佳时机,也是考虑出国留学的好时机。当【驿马】出现在你的命盘中时,表示你会频繁外出活动,吉凶的影响将取决于你如何处理事情。【驿马】是一颗中级吉星,照耀在特定年份的人身上。它可能带来工作变动、搬家或遇到贵人。今年,你将更频繁地出行,离家时间更长。【驿马】星所推荐的贵人将为你的职业创造机会。你将不断奔波,享受旅行,但也会面临繁忙的日程和环境变化。

【禄勳】"祿勳貴人" 是一颗吉星,象征着受到褒奖、升职加薪的机会,对于职业生涯带来积极的助力。这里的""指的是财富。“福禄寿”象征着幸福、富足和健康。如果你仔细观察“福禄寿”图像,你会看到“福”抱着一个孩子,这意味着他有很多孙子、子孙满堂,所以幸福。“禄”则抱着元宝,寓意着富贵,而“寿”则是老者,寓意着健康和长寿。

【禄勳】The "Blessings and Honor Nobleman" is an auspicious star symbolizing opportunities for rewards, promotions, and salary increases, bringing positive assistance to one's career. Here, "" (Lù) represents wealth. "福禄寿" (Fú Lù Shòu) symbolizes happiness, abundance, and good health. If you look closely at "福禄寿," you'll see "" (Fú) holding a child, indicating the abundance of descendants and a full, happy family. "" (Lù), on the other hand, holds a treasure, symbolizing wealth and prosperity, while "寿" (Shòu) represents elderly people, signifying good health and longevity.


'Tengu' 天狗 is an ominous star, second only to 天狼 (greedy wolf), and brings calamities and the risk of injury. You must be extremely cautious during this period.​

【吊客 】对家宅运势可能产生冲击。因此,尽量避免去医院或葬礼,反而应该参加亲朋好友的喜庆活动,吸取正能量,有助于增强个人运势。此外,你也应多行善举,捐赠慈善,帮助有需要的人。

【吊客 The inauspicious star ​4​ may have an adverse effect on your family's fortune. Therefore, try to avoid visiting hospitals or attending funerals. Instead, participate in festive gatherings with relatives and friends to absorb positive energy, which can help enhance your personal fortune. Additionally, engage in acts of kindness, make charitable donations, and assist those in need.


Tian Ku Star, also known as the penalty star and mourning star, is primarily associated with funerals. It may disrupt romantic relationships, lead to emotional fluctuations, and result in a gloomy mood.

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