
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

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To make more money, please finish reading this article first.


In the principles of Feng Shui, water represents wealth. To obtain wealth, one must understand water. In fact, money and water are very similar entities. Wise individuals understand the importance of water. In Laozi's "Tao Te Ching," Chapter 8 states: "The highest good is like water. Water benefits all things without striving." Confucius said, "The wise find joy in water." Even Buddha said, "A compassionate heart is like water." Laozi further believed that water is closest to the "Tao." In Chapter 1 of the "Tao Te Ching," Laozi states, "The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao," meaning that the Tao is difficult to understand. He believed that water's nature is closest to the Tao.


The most important principle in Feng Shui is often summarized by the saying, "Mountains govern people, while water governs wealth." Mountains are static and represent yin, while water flows and represents yang. At night, when we sleep and remain still, it is yin. During the day, when everyone is active, it is yang. Mountains with spiritual energy attract talented individuals. Water governs wealth because humans rely on water for survival. The earliest civilizations, such as the Indus Valley Civilization and the Yellow River Civilization, flourished near water. Major cities like Singapore and New York are situated near water.


People can survive for three days without food, but they cannot survive without water. Without water, they will perish. Therefore, the character for "livelihood" () consists of three drops of water. Humans rely on water for survival. Where there is good water, life flourishes, and wealth follows.


In essence, money and water share similar characteristics. Both are fluid and adaptable. Water has no fixed shape; it can blend into any environment, nurturing all things while maintaining its selflessness. This is why Laozi said, "Water benefits all things without striving."


Money, like water, flows from one place to another, from one pocket to another. It does not cling to its owner. Money only has value when it circulates. Money that remains stagnant, like water that never stays, holds no value and cannot benefit others.


Water gives life to all things, and money can do the same. All the world's skyscrapers, scientific advancements, and tangible assets are created through money. Money can also create intangible things like happiness, satisfaction, status, and power. However, money can also bring about scheming, pain, struggle, and destruction.


Fetching water is arduous, yet the reward is often meager. It is more effective to find ways to let water flow naturally toward you. Similarly, money is not earned; it is the natural result of helping others solve their problems. The more people you help, the more money you will receive. Many people work hard but cannot earn money because they only see money as an end goal, without considering how to bring value to others. It's like fetching water without thinking about how to channel it towards yourself.


Wealth, like water, is not obtained through contention or seizing. It naturally flows towards those who understand how to attract it. Capable doctors have patients lining up for their treatments. Competent employees receive promotions and salary raises from their bosses. Astute businessmen invest in products that cater to the needs of the populace, resulting in wealth. Skilful lawyers know how to win lawsuits, benefiting their clients and themselves. Capable hawkers have customers queuing up for their food.


Therefore, to improve oneself and enhance positive energy, one must help others meet their needs. Make yourself indispensable to others, and positive energy will attract wealth to you, just like water. Hence, Laozi said, "The highest good is like water. Water benefits all things without striving."

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