
Sunday, September 22, 2024

2025乙巳青蛇年风水预测 Feng Shui Prediction for the Year 2025 - Yi Si Green Snake Year (Part 2)



2023823日,我在 [博客] 上发表了对2024年的预测,当时提到:2024年立春的四柱八字冲煞严重,天干甲庚相冲,地支辰戌、寅申相冲,七杀透出,预示着这一年局势动荡,国与国之间的冲突、政治动荡都不可避免,恐怖组织的反扑与战争的威胁尤为突出,尤其是中东地区,因为2024年三碧是非星飞临中宫,意味着战争不断。山崩、地裂、地陷等灾害频发。2024年八字中没有显露财星,意味着全球经济表现平稳,建议大家以稳为主。 


### 2025年展望


 #### 根据紫微斗数的推算:

1. **天机化禄**:天机如同诸葛亮,象征智慧与策略,而禄代表财富。因此,像会计师、律师等专业人士将在这一年获得财富,提供专业顾问服务的行业如风水、玄学也将受益。天机属木,因此与木相关的行业如教育、家具、文具和农业也将迎来不错的一年。天机掌管兄弟关系,意味着团队合作的事业,如营销、保险行业,将表现出色。


2. **天梁化权**:天梁如司马懿,司马懿长寿,是诸葛亮晚年最强的对手。象征老成稳重的智慧人物。2025年,天梁星的影响力将增强,年长、有经验的人物将在这一年展现权威。他们固执、守旧,但也善于照顾后辈,条件是后辈们必须听从他们的建议。因此,老一辈在2025年会有较大的影响力,拭目以待马来西亚的政局,因为马来西亚的政局都是一群老人家在斗来斗去。


3. **紫薇化科**:紫薇为帝王之星,象征权威与地位,化科代表名望。因此,2025年将是学术界扬名立万的一年,学术研究者将有机会获得公众认可和荣誉。


4. **太阴化忌**:太阴为女性星,代表较为阴柔的力量,也与烂桃花相关。2025年对女性的运势不太有利,由于太阴属水,尤其需要小心水灾水难。此外,太阴星带有阴妖性,太阴星影响情感和情绪,容易让人情绪不稳,感到不安。


#### 根据2025年的流年飞星图:

1. **一白星**飞临东南,代表桃花运,东南巽位主长女或年长女性,她们的桃花运较为旺盛。

2. **三碧是非星**飞临西北,意味着年长男性或男性领导者可能卷入是非,家中的父亲也需要多加注意。

3. **五黄星**飞临东北,提醒家中小儿子或年轻男性需要提防厄运,尤其要注意交通安全,避免发生意外。中国、沙巴和北京等地也可能遭遇自然灾害。

4. **三煞**在东方,预示着台湾、日本和菲律宾可能面临灾难,但由于当令九紫星的保护,东方地区有望渡过难关。

5. 此外,西方的文昌星预示着西方国家可能会有新发明的诞生。


#### 立春八字预测:





#### 2025年乙巳年为青蛇年:




**Feng Shui Prediction for the Year 2025 - Yi Si Green Snake Year**


On August 23, 2023, I published a prediction for 2024 on my [blog](, where I stated: The Four Pillars Bazi for the Start of Spring 2024 indicate significant conflicts. The Heavenly Stems clash between Jia and Geng, while the Earthly Branches clash between Chen and Xu, Yin and Shen. The Seven Killings are revealed, signaling a volatile year ahead. Conflicts between nations and political upheavals are inevitable, along with a heightened risk of terrorist activities and wars, especially in the Middle East, as the annual Three Jade Conflict Star will be in the center palace in 2024, indicating continuous warfare. Earthquakes and landslides will frequently occur. The Bazi for the Start of Spring shows no visible wealth star, meaning the global economy will be steady, and I advise everyone to take a conservative approach.


2024 also marks the beginning of the Ninth Period, with the timely Nine Star appearing in the Kun Palace, symbolizing the rise of female power. Female leaders will demonstrate their strength. Meanwhile, the Wen Chang Star will be in the Qian Palace (Northwest), which represents male leadership, especially older leaders. This suggests that elder leaders, such as 76-year-old Anwar, will have the wisdom to solve problems. Compared to 2023, when the inauspicious Five Yellow Star was in the Northwest, 2024 will be a much smoother year for elder leaders. Have these predictions already come to pass?


### Outlook for 2025

On August 23, 2023, I also published my first prediction for 2025 [here]( Now, I will continue to apply metaphysical and Feng Shui theories to delve deeper into what 2025 might hold.


#### Based on Zi Wei Dou Shu Predictions:

1. **Tian Ji Star (Transformation into Lu)**: Tian Ji, like Zhuge Liang, represents wisdom and strategy, while Lu signifies wealth. Therefore, professionals such as accountants and lawyers are likely to gain wealth in 2025. Industries that offer consultancy services, such as Feng Shui and metaphysics, will also benefit. As Tian Ji belongs to the Wood element, industries related to Wood, such as education, furniture, stationery, and agriculture, will have a good year. Tian Ji also governs relationships between siblings, meaning industries that rely on teamwork, such as marketing and insurance, will perform well.


2. **Tian Liang Star (Transformation into Quan)**: Tian Liang is akin to Sima Yi, symbolizing seasoned wisdom and stability. In 2025, Tian Liang’s influence will grow, representing elder, experienced figures asserting authority. These individuals may be stubborn and traditional but also nurturing to younger generations—provided the young listen to them. Therefore, the older generation will play a significant role in 2025. In particular, Malaysia’s political scene will be worth watching, as it is often dominated by older leaders.


3. **Zi Wei Star (Transformation into Ke)**: Zi Wei is the Emperor Star, symbolizing authority and status. Ke represents fame, indicating that 2025 will be a year in which academia and scholars gain significant recognition. This is a favorable year for researchers and academics to earn prestige.


4. **Tai Yin Star (Transformation into Ji)**: Tai Yin is the star representing females and the moon, associated with Yin energy. It also relates to problematic romantic relationships. According to Zi Wei Dou Shu, 2025 may be challenging for women, with risks of water-related disasters, as Tai Yin belongs to the Water element. Additionally, the star also carries a mystical aspect that could cause emotional and psychological unrest.


#### According to the Flying Star Chart for 2025:

1. **One White Star** will be in the Southeast, representing romance luck. This suggests that the eldest daughter or older women in the family may experience an increase in romantic opportunities.

2. **Three Jade Conflict Star** will be in the Northwest, indicating that elder men or male leaders will be involved in disputes and conflicts. Fathers within families should also be cautious.

3. **Five Yellow Star** will be in the Northeast, warning that younger sons or young men in the family may face misfortune and accidents. They should especially be careful when driving. Natural disasters may affect areas like China, Sabah, and Beijing.

4. **Three Sha** will be in the East, suggesting that Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines may face disasters. However, the timely **Nine Purple Star** in the East offers protection, providing hope that these regions will overcome difficulties.

5. The **Wen Chang Star** in the West implies that Western nations might see new inventions or breakthroughs.


#### Bazi Prediction for the Start of Spring in 2025:

The Bazi for 2025 shows that the Heavenly Stem, Day Stem, and Year Stem are all Yin, making the year softer and less stressful than 2024, which had stronger Yang energy. As a result, people may adopt a more laid-back approach to life.


In 2025, both the Day Stem and Hour Stem are Gui Water, competing to combine with the Wu Earth of the Month Stem. Wu Earth represents the official star, which suggests people will compete to flatter their superiors or leaders to gain benefits. Consequently, leaders may become complacent due to excessive praise from subordinates, potentially clouding their judgment. It is crucial for leaders to remain clear-headed in 2025.


#### 2025 Yi Si Year as the Green Snake Year:

Unlike 2024, where the Heavenly Stem clashed with the Earthly Branch, 2025 will see the Yin Wood (Yi) nurturing the Yang Fire (Si). This Wood nourishing Fire signifies a year that will be relatively stable and peaceful.


If time permits, I will continue to share more insights into the Feng Shui predictions for 2025. Please stay tuned.

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