
Saturday, April 4, 2009


三月初九为清明节正日因此无所谓什么生肖的孝子都可以百無禁忌的去扫墓.但如是其他天那就要视那天可否适合去扫墓. 如那天为酉日,那生肖免者最好另选其他日子去扫墓. 住家为阳宅而墓地为阴宅. 如墳墓破损将影响其后代. 墓地也不可冲路. 墓地的风水极可以影响其后代的运气.
4 April 2009 is the real day for Ching Ming, thus it is fine for all to go to the cemetery on that day. However, if it is not the real Ching Ming Day, then we have to know whether it is auspicious for us to do so. For instance, if it is the day of rooster, those that were born in the year of rabbit better avoid that day as rooster is against rabbit. Our house is considered as the 'yang resident' and the tomb is the 'ying resident'. The feng shui of the tomb is crucial and we cannot ignore its importance as its feng shui will influence the luck of the next generation.

墓地四周圍的山的风水极为重要. 是否有好的青龙, 是否有破山都会影响阴宅的风水. 好的山不应该有许多大石头.
The feng shui of the surrounding of the tomb is critical. It is better to higher 'green dragon' hill on the left hand side of the tomb. The nearby hills should be the hills with greenly plants and not the hills with a lot of rocks. It is even worst, if you is a 'broken hill'. (I am going to write an article about the hills in Penang.)
许多人犯了一个大忌, 那就是把旗插在墳墓, 这就如把旗插在先人上!
A lot of people stick a lot of small flats onto the tomb. It is a wrong practice.
墓地的水流的也很重要. 如有反弓水不会是好风水. 除此之外, 墓碑前的明堂也不可忽略.
The water flow around the tomb is equally important. If it is a 'bend bow river' type of water flow, it is inauspicious feng shui. Also, there should be ample space in front of the tomb.
墓地也不可冲路. The tomb should not face a road.
如墳墓破损将影响其后代 If the tomb is not properly maintained, it is effect the next generation.


samyeap said...

i think this article is very interesting but I don't know mandarin. Can you translate it into english? :)

Lee Cheng Hoe said...

Done, Sam.

samyeap said...

Master Lee,

Thanks. You're very fast.

I find this article very interesting and I have two questions.

1) Why one cannot place the flag on the tomb? And can we replace it with stone instead?

2) Why a tomb cannot face the road?

Hope to learn more from you. :)


Lee Cheng Hoe said...

Well. If you place flats onto the tomb, you are hitting the one inside the tomb. As for the question on why is a tomb cannot face the road, it is the same like we cannot stay in a house that face a road which is a 'chong sha'. Please refer to my book page 31.