I was delighted to know from someone who is from the tertiary education industry that the university that I graduated from, the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, is now ranged the 6th best university in engineering in the whole United Kingdom. It is really great, isn’t it? Well done, Strathclyde! Whenever I recall the sweet memory I had in Glasgow, I feel very warm but I lost all the contacts of my university mates after I shifted to the new house. Scottish is a friendly race and it is a nice country to stay in.
A lot of people asked me why I left my profession as engineer to be a feng shui master. I told them repeatedly that after years of exposure on the subject of feng shui, I began to find myself intrigued by its relevancy to our lives and my love for oriental astrology grew deeper and deeper each day. This knowledge is such a great treasure that has been passed down by our ancestors. I am not the one who wants to make lots of money through the astrology even though I have many chances to do so. My belief is help others with whatever I learnt and earns what I should for my living. I am still a poor feng shui master. I am not driving a BMW but a Toyota Avanza. I am not staying in bungalow but an apartment. The picture that you see in my website and book was taken outside my apartment.
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