
Monday, August 11, 2014

我无限感恩因为我终于可以很全面的把那伟大的老祖宗知识传授给有缘人. I am extremely grateful because finally I have managed pass the knowledge of feng shui and bazi reading in a very comprehensive way.

我无限感恩因为我终于成就了我一直以来的心愿, 那就是我终于有机会可以很全面的把那伟大的老祖宗知识教授给有缘人. 一直以来我把传授与分享伟大的老祖宗风水八字知识当着自己的使命和责任, 但是我发觉写书, 讲座, blog都不能很全面完整的把那伟大的老祖宗知识教授给有缘人, 昨天我终于完成我应该做的了. 谢谢你们, 我的学生们, 让我可以有机会很全面的把那伟大的风水八字知识教授给你们.
让我更感到无限感恩的是有些学生更从老远的吉隆坡和新山飞来, 还有个学生不懂华文但她还是坚持不懈地完成那难懂的八字学. 希望你们可以受益, 谢谢你们, 我的学生们. 希望你们也可以把那伟大的老祖宗知识传授给更多有缘人.

I am extremely grateful because finally I have make ​​my wish came true. It has always been my dream to pass the knowledge of feng shui and bazi reading in a very comprehensive way. Finally, I have the opportunity to do it. Delegating and sharing the great knowledge of our ancestors is my mission, but I find that writing a book, giving a talk, writing blog are not allowing me to share the knowledge comprehensively and systematically to others but yesterday I finally did what I should do. Thank you, my students. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share the great knowledge comprehensively.

What made me more thankful is some students are all the way flying from Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru, as well as there is a student who does not understand Chinese perfectly, but she still tirelessly completed the complicated bazi reading class. I salute them for their patience and determination. Hope you can benefit from my teaching. Also, I wish that you can do a better job than me in sharing this great knowledge to more people. Thank you so much.

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