
Sunday, March 22, 2020

你知道‘物以稀为贵’这一说源自于6000年前的无字天书吗? Do you know that the principle ‘Rare is more valuable’ originated from the Wordless Heaven Book 6000 years ago?

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A lot of knowledge is actually from Yi Jing. For instance, in the subject of economy, we say物以稀為貴 which means “Rare is more valuable” has been spelled out in Yi Jing 6000 years ago. In Yi Jing, when you make a divination占卜, if you get 2 yang and 1 yin, you take yin as the yao. Whereas, if you get 2 yin and 1 yang, you have to take yang as the yao .


易经占卜Yi Jing divination

Therefore, in an army troop, there is only one military general 将帅but there are many soldiers. The soldiers have to protect the general将帅. If the general is captured then the soldiers will lose their direction and will be defeated easily. The theory of物以稀為貴“Rare is more valuablehas been spelled in Yi Jing.


Instead of saying Yi Jing is science. We should say science today is trying to explain what Yi Jing has said many years ago. If you study in detailed, actually human really seriously used science to enhance the quality of our lives was during the industrial revolution工业革命. If you study the history of oldest universities in the world, I thought it is Oxford University or Cambridge University but when I googled, it was University of Bologna, Italy, 1088. However,  Yi Jing, it was established 6000 years ago.

与其说《易经》是科学, 我们应该说,今天的科学正在试图解释易经多年以前所说的话。如果您进行详细研究,实际上是人类在工业革命期间才真正认真地使用科学来提高我们的生活质量。如果您研究世界上最古老的大学的历史,我以为它是牛津大学或剑桥大学,但是当我用Google搜索时,它是意大利的博洛尼亚大学(1088)。然而,易经网成立于6000年前。

Oxford University 牛津大学

Cambridge University剑桥大学

意大利的博洛尼亚大学(1088University of Bologna, Italy, 1088.

We seriously used ‘science’ to change our lives by emphasizing in education and set up universities and offering degree certificates less than 1000 year ago. However, Yi Jing has established very primitively. No written language has developed during that time.  甲骨文 Oracle only developed about three thousand years ago. Then周文王 has written it down and established Yi Jing.

Instead of saying Yi Jing is science, we should say science is Yi Jing.




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