
Sunday, March 29, 2020

How China managed to stop the Covid-19 with 火神山? 中国如何通过火神山制止Covid-19?

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Do you know why the two emergency hospitals in Wuhan are named Fire God Mountain and Thunder God Mountain?

武汉两座应急医院分别取名火神山和雷神山,很明显有易学高人指点,也体现了中国官方对中国优秀传统文化的高度认可。从五行角度来讲,肺为金,肺病为邪金,2020庚子年,庚为阳金,金怕火克,取名火神,很明显寓意是用火来克制邪金。雷神也是如此,雷为电、也为火,雷又为震卦,震卦五行为木可生火,雷神助力火神,双管齐下,克制瘟神。不仅如此,火神山、雷神山,后面都有一个山字,山为艮卦,艮为止,为停,山代表停止的意思因为古人看到山走不过去所以必须要停止,很明显就是止住传染之意。中国国家卫健委高级别专家组组长钟南山, 钟南山将成为此次疫情克制的最大功臣。南,火也, 后天八卦,  南方为离卦, 也就是火的方位;山,止也。钟南山和火神山、雷神山配合到了极致,天上之“雷”、地上之“火”和人间之“钟南山”,彰显了天地人三才合一,三座大山将彻底阻止疫情。

I always confident that China will able to fight the Covid-19 Virus. If you see the steps that used by the China Government to stop the virus. Obviously, there are expert advice from Yi Jing, which also reflects the Chinese government's high recognition of China's excellent traditional culture. Many say China is communist country and they should not believe in any religion. But, from what they have done to fight this Covid-19, there is application of Yi Jing

Don't you feel funny when you see China named the two hospitals in Wuhan? The two emergency hospitals in Wuhan have been named Vulcan Mountain 火神山and Lei Shen Mountain雷神山, respectively. I have never seen a hospital named with such name. Obviously Yi Jing Feng Shui knowledge has been used.

Why FIRE is used?

From the perspective of the five elements, kidney is water element. The lung and respiratory system is gold. I always analyze the bazi and found that those undesired element is water, then it is easy for him to hit by kidney problem. If the person is easily flu and cough, then his undesired element is GOLD. “Balancing is the key” 中庸之道 too much of anything is bad and vice versa. If your bazi your gold element is too strong, then please care of your respiratory system.

 The lung disease is evil gold. In 2020庚子年, the year of Gengzi , Geng is Yang gold, gold is afraid of fire, and it is named Vulcan火神. Obviously, the meaning is to use fire to restrain evil gold. The same is true for the thunder god, thunder is electricity and fire. The thunder god assists the fire god. Not only that, there is a mountain word on the back of Vulcan Mountain and Thunder God Mountain. The mountain is Gen Gua, and the stop is Gen. In Yi Jing, there are 'Before Heaven Bagua' and 'Later Heaven Bagua', 'Later Heaven Bagua' also named as 文王八卦. Bagua , Eight Gua 八卦represent the eight natural phenomena. For instance, Qian Gua is Heaven or sky. Kun is Earth or Land. Kan is water. Gen is mountain.  Why is Vulcan Mountain 火神山 used? Mountain means stop. This is because the ancients saw that the mountain they could not passed through it, they have to stop. Obviously it was stop.

火神山” : Used fire to burn the evil gold, lung virus Covid-19 and mountain to stop it.

Zhong Nanshan钟南山, the leader of the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission of China is the biggest contributor to the epidemic's restraint. His name 'Nan' is South and 'Shan' is mountain in Chinese respectively. In Later Heaven Bagua, Li Gua is FIRE. The south is the fire, which is the direction of the fire; Zhong Nanshan, Vulcan Mountain, and Lei Shen Mountain are matched to the extreme. The "thunder" in the sky, the "fire" on the ground, and the "Zhong Nan Mountain" on earth, and the three mountains will completely prevent the epidemic.

Our Director General of Health, Datuk Dr Noor Hisham, if you translate his name in Chinese, he is called 山. We also have a mountain, 山, shan. Stay home and be strong and positive Malaysians. We will be OK.

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