
Thursday, May 28, 2020

从《易经风水》理解为何新冠肺炎潜伏期14天? (关于数字7,第3部分) Understand from "I Ching Feng Shui" why incubation period for Covid-19 is 14 days? (About number 7, part 3)

之前讲的那个7, 7可以一个星期, 可以7个月,每七百年是中国的一个盛世, 现在这个时候就是中国盛世的时候,你可以看看我之前的YouTube视频去了解.

一周一个星期七天是根据阳历, 中国祖先很久很久以前已经把一个星期定为七天。其实是周而复始,生生不息, 就是一个人你早上起来工作, 然后就慢慢就休息就是一天, 一个星期也是这样, 就是慢慢的你越来越有冲劲, 之前所说的就是你到了周末的时候你要休息来调整所以休息之后也要重新开始工作, 这个其实是大自然的一个规律.

黄帝内经有七日节律, 有一种说法是如果我们的身体外感风寒,如果没有治疗七日之内如果没有并发症 ,我们的身体就会自然地产生免疫能力而康复 ,如果七天不能康复就是7x2= 14天,或7x3=21; 还有一个说法是我们的细胞是人死后七七49天之后才完全在我们的身体灭亡, 因此死者家属都要戴孝7x7=49天。

动物和人的怀孕周期都是七的倍数,鸡孵蛋7x3=21, 猫怀孕7x9=63天,兔子怀孕期是7x4=28, 老虎怀孕期7x15=105, 人类怀孕期7x40=280.

古時代的高智慧, <天人合一>, 如果地球是一个大宇宙, 那人体就是一个小宇宙。 地球的三分之二是水,人也一样。 七日节律是如何形成的?它是受太阳和月亮的共同作用形成的,因为农历一个月有28天,一个月有四次潮汐,28除以47, 因此新冠肺炎一般被接受的潜伏期的期限是7x2=14.

现在大家在研究新冠肺炎的疫苗,它的反应期也是14, 如果14天没有反应就要看28天所以都是7.


The 7, 7 mentioned earlier can be one week, 7 months, every seven hundred years is a prosperous age in China. Now this is the prosperous age of China, you can look at my previous YouTube video to understand.

Seven days a week is based on the solar calendar. Chinese ancestors have set a week as seven days long ago even before the solar calendar started. In fact, 周而复始,生生不息actually means the world will move on endlessly. You wake up and work in the morning, and then you need a rest end of the day, and it ’s the same for a week. You slowly become more and more motivated after the Monday Blue. When you get to the weekend, you must rest to let your body adjust to it, so you have to start working again after the break. This is the law of nature.

The 黄帝内经has the seven-day rhythm. There is a saying that if our body catch a flu, if there is no treatment within seven days and if there are no complications, our body will naturally develop immune capacity and will recover. If it cannot recover in seven days, it is 7x2 = 14 days, or 7x3 = 21 days; there is also a saying that our cells are completely destroyed in our body after the death of seven x seven = 49 days, so the family of the deceased must wear filial piety for 49 days.

Animal and human pregnancy cycles are multiples of seven, chicken hatching eggs 7x3 = 21 days, cat pregnancy 7x9 = 63 days, rabbit pregnancy period is 7x4 = 28 days, tiger pregnancy period 7x15 = 105 days, human pregnancy period 7x40 = 280 Days.

The high wisdom of the ancient times, "Heaven-Man Unity", if the earth is a large universe, then the human body is a small universe. Two thirds of the earth is water, and so are human-being. How is the seven-day rhythm formed? It is formed by the combined action of the sun and the moon, because the lunar calendar has 28 days in a month and four tides in a month, 28 divided by 4 = 7 days, so the period of the incubation period that is generally accepted for Covid-19 is 7x2 = 14 days .

For the analysis of the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine, and its response period is also 14 days. If there is no response for 14 days, it depends on 28 days, so it is 7.

Please stay tuned for the next video.

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