Last week, I finally met my blog friend-A Feng Shui Master in Penang.I was so glad we finally met as I had planned since Feb 09 besides spending sometime with my long lost friend. It's an honour to be consulted by him as he gave an honest explaination on my Bazi reading.I can accept the good & the bad as I'm a realistic person where I know myself I'm not perfect but I'm willing to change no matter what circumstances.
Master Lee has given me many important points on how to enhance my lucks in Feng Shui.I learned a lot from him .........
He has 'Pai' my Chinese name from a small Swallow to a big bird with the same pronounciation.I like my new name as it gives me a new hope of achieving a better, higher & greater life.TQ so much Master Lee! I also removed my little mole just under my right eye as it affects my marriage parlour......but I know with these actions, I can live out my life with a peace of mind.We chose an auspicious date for my marriage as I don't believe in marriage by paper but with his expertise in consultation, I can accept the marriage now.He's a kind Master I can connects to & follow through as I have met many 'Sifu's, he is consider a humble & nice Master who's willing to help people.Many has benefited from his consultations as he's a 'Ding Tin Lap Dei' Master who speaks the truth & not 'Pau Sate' kind of master. I strongly recommends him to all of U who wish to consult 'Feng Shui' for a better life in future.Yeaaah, I'm alive...
Born Anew,