
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Tong Seng predicted accurately bad 2020, what does it say about 2021 通胜准确预测糟糕的2020那它如何预测2021- part 1

 Tong Sheng 2020 has predicted accurately the bad situation of 2020, let use Tong Sheng 2021 to predict 2021. (part 1)


大家好, 我是Penang Feng Shui Master Lee. 里面的地母经有一张图,图上面一定会有一只黄牛还有一个牧童,为什么呢?


以前农耕时代,耕种对于人民是最重要的。 所以通胜以这个来代表,就是一只黄牛和一位牧童,这黄牛牧童也有意思的。你把那只黄牛当‘初一’,然后牧童当着是“立春”。 如果黄牛在牧童的前面初一来得比立春早,相反的,如果是牧童是在黄牛的前面就是立春来得比初一早。


牧童如果当年是穿草鞋的代表着当年炎热,没有什么雨水。他如果说是没有穿鞋的,就是说当年很多雨水,你也可以看看的blog, 参考我的文章,我说在过不同年如果牧童是一个小孩子,它代表什么年,中年农夫代表什么年?什么生肖的年,还有就是老农夫的话,它又在代表着什么年,我在这里就不要再多说,可以看出我的blog, 参考一下。


我今天就是在讲的是2020年通胜的地母经, 为什么它可以很准确的有一点吓死人的预测到今年这么差?其中几点我要在这里强调的就是我之前也在我blog FB 那边已经有讲解过了, 现在我要强调几点,看看今年的地母经,然后再看看明年的地母经,看看明年会不会更好? 今年大家都知道今年很差,你可以看到它说“春秋虽淹流” , 你可以看到现在春天秋天中国发生大水灾, 就是差不多超过一半的中国都是淹在水里面,然后还有就是“秋冬多饥渴” 直接下来就是秋天和冬天了可能会发生一些饥渴的问题,所以经济并不是很好。通胜以前是用在农耕, 预测我们的天气然后看收成,现在可以把它用来预测明年的经济。


“高田犾得半”高田只可以得到的一半,收成只可以得到一半,“晚稻无可割”,稻都没有什么可以割,“秦准足流荡”就是说流荡,就是没有得回家,困在一个地方,就是所谓的MCO. 大家必须隔离 或者是在外国的回不来,在新加坡的过不来,我们过不去新加坡工作,这种种都可以探测到。


“茧娘情不悦” 为什么不悦?因为“见茧不见丝”因为只看到茧看不到丝,就是做不成衣服。 所以“徒劳用心切” 所以可以说的今年的经济是相当的差的。






相继我会跟大家来分享,看看我们明年是不是一个好的一年, 这一集我跟大家分享到这里,下一期我们要看2021年通胜告诉我们什么. 明年会不会更好呢或者是更差呢? 我会跟大家分享. 既然它今年可以很准确的告诉我们今年2020年庚子年老鼠年是不好的,那下一年辛丑年是不是不好还是好呢?请收看我下期的YouTube. 谢谢大家.


Hello, everyone, I’m Master Lee from Penang Feng Shui. There is a picture of Earth Mother Sutra in Tongsheng. There must be a scalper and a shepherd boy on the picture. Why?


In the old farming era, farming was the most important to the people. So Tongsheng is represented by this, that is, a scalper and a shepherd boy. You think of that scalper as the first day of the Chinese New Year, and then the shepherd boy pretends to be "Lichun". If the scalper comes in front of the shepherd boy then the first day of Chinese New Year comes before Li Chun. On the contrary, if the shepherd boy is in front of the scalper, then the beginning of spring comes earlier than the first day of the Chinese New Year.


If the shepherd boy is wearing straw sandals, it means it was hot and there is not much rain. If he does not wear shoes, it means that there was a lot of rain in the year. You can also read the blog, refer to my article, I said that if the shepherd boy is a child in different years, what year does it represent? the middle-aged farmer represents What year? What is the year of the zodiac, and what is the year of the old farmer? I don’t want to say more here. You can read my blog and refer to it


Today I’m going to talk about Tongsheng’s Earth Mother Sutra in 2020. Why can it be so accurate and a little scary to predict accurately this year? Some of the points I want to emphasize here are that I have already explained them on my blog and FB. Now I want to emphasize a few points. Look at this year’s Earth Mother Sutra, and then look at next year’s Earth Mother Sutra. And see if it will be better next year? Everyone knows that this year is very bad this year. You can see that it says "The spring and autumn are flooded." You can see that there is a major flood in China in spring and autumn. That is, almost half of China is submerged in water. "Autumn and winter are hungry and thirsty" Directly down, some hunger and thirst problems may occur in autumn and winter, so the economy is not very good. Tongsheng used to be used in farming, forecasting our weather and then looking at the harvest. Now it can be used to predict the economy next year.


"Takata gets half a bit" Takata can only get half of what the farmers can get, and only half of the harvest. "There is no late rice to harvest." There is nothing to harvest for rice. "Qin Zhun wandering" means wandering in a place, it is the so-called MCO. Everyone must be isolated or cannot come back from foreign country. Those used to work in Singapore, can't make it to work in Singapore. All of these can be detected.


"Lady Cocoon is unhappy" Why is it unhappy? Because "see the cocoon but not the silk" because you only see the cocoon but not the silk, hence can't make clothes. Therefore, "futility and diligence" can be said that this year's economy is quite poor.


There is also a very accurate saying that "the rat exhausted everything in the beginning of the year." This year is the year of the rat Gengzi, that is, beginning of this year has exhausted everything. So when you look at the new year, the China Wuhan had started a very serious pneumonia Covid- 19.


The most accurate one is that “there are many graves on the top of the hill” or many people died, so this tells us very accurately that this year is basically not good. Will it be good next year? Next year, if you want to predict what will happen next year, look at the back of this year's 2020 Tongsheng, there will be the prediction of next year's Tongsheng. What will happen next year?


I will share with you if we are a good year next year. That is all that I will share in this episode. The next issue we will see what Tongsheng tells us in 2021. Will it be better next year? Or is it worse? I will share with you. Since it can tell us accurately this year that the Gengzi Year of the Rat in 2020 is bad, will the Xin Chou Year next year be bad or good? Please stay tuned for my next issue of YouTube. Thank you everyone.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Master Lee Prediction for 2021 李老师的2021年预测

 Tong Sheng 2021 hinted 2021 is a better year but beware of…….



通胜 Tong Sheng

Tong Sheng Earth Mother Sutra 通胜地母经 2020 

Earlier I said in my blog that tong Sheng 2020 predicted that 2020 is bad very accurately and miraculously but tong Sheng 2021 does see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Share this article out to your friends. The world needs some light at the end of the tunnel. Instead of living in the dark cloud and feel negative about the future, we need some positive energy to move forward. My dear friends, 2021 is a better year.

这篇文章分享给你的朋友。 世界在隧道尽头需要一些光。 我们需要生活在光芒前进的道路上,而不是生活在乌云笼罩的世界中; 对未来抱以消极的态度。 亲爱的朋友们,2021年会更好。

I do not want to illustrate more here but please click the below link to read about my earlier post 


Among those, I want to highlight now that in the Tong Sheng 2020 there is a sentence 春秋虽淹流 which means "Spring and autumn have big flood". China has big flood recently and so did Klang Valley.

其中,我想特别强调一下"春秋虽淹流", 最近中国显然发生了大水灾,巴生谷也是如此。

From my detailed analysis of the tong sheng 2021, the conclusion is virus challenge may still be there until beginning of 2021. However, gradually it will be better.  WEATHER IS GOOD FOR HARVEST GENERALLY. Thus, 2021 economy should be better than 2020People gradually can feel relief and can take a breather. However, beware of diseases that caused by either by horse, ox, goat, chicken, dog or pig by end of the year. Relationship among people is bad. Look like dispute between the East and West (China and USA) continue to bad. Malaysians may continue to sick of the disorder political situation or political frogs. There may be some diseases, hence please take care and do not over relax ourselves. Generally, 2021 is a better than 2020.

根据我对“通胜2021”的详细分析,得出的结论是,直到2021年初,病毒挑战仍然可能存在。但是,逐渐好转。 天气通常有利于收成。 2021年的经济应该比2020年更好人们逐渐可以松一口气。 但是,请注意2021年底由马,牛,山羊,鸡,狗或猪(六畜) 引起的疾病。 人与人之间的关系不好。 东西方(中国和美国)之间的争执似乎一直很糟糕。 马来西亚人可能会继续厌倦这种混乱的政治局势或政治青蛙。可能有些疾病,因此请注意不要太放松。 一般来说,2021年比2020年更好.

Tong Sheng Earth Mother Sutra 通胜地母经 2021

通胜2021 地母经说 Tongsheng 2021 Earth Mother Sutra :-

1.     疾病稍纷纷 (=稍微) (纷纷=多而杂乱) 年头疾病稍微多而杂乱但疾病可能会缓慢或轻微下降。 (基于第一句之后的肯定句)。virus challenge may still be there until beginning of 2021 but diseases may slowly or slightly decline. (based on the positive sentences after the first sentence.)

2.     吳越麻好 (吳越: China 春秋/三国 East) : mulberry. 东方收成好Crop harvest good at the East.

3.     荊襄米麥 (荆襄指的是湖南和湖北两个地方) = 达到, 完美. Crop happy harvest generally.

4.     春夏均甘雨 (甘雨: 适时好雨。) Water rain at the right time all on Spring and Summer.

5.     秋冬得十分 10 marks for Autumn and Winter as well.

6.     桑叶树头秀 Mulberry leaf show

7.     茧娘自喜忻 (: 高興喜悅的樣子。) The cocoon ladies are very happy.



古时候农耕时代因此通胜成为了他们预测来年的天气, 以让农夫们可以知道如何耕种以获得最佳的收获。今天,通盛可以被视为预测来年经济的一种方式。 因此,2021年的经济应该比2020年更好。

In the ancient farming era, so Tong sheng became the forecast of the weather for the coming year, so that farmers can know how to cultivate to obtain the best harvest. Today Tong Sheng can be considered as a way to predict the economy for the coming year. Thus, 2021 economy should be better than 2020.

8.     人民渐蘇息 People gradually can relieve, take a breather.

9.     六畜瘴逡巡   六畜=古人所豢养的动物,以马、牛、羊、鸡、犬、猪为主, “瘴”=“毒, [hesitate to move forward]∶因为有所顾虑而徘徊不前, 逡巡而不敢进。May have diseases caused either by horse, ox, goat, chicken, dog or pig.

岁丑牛为首 2021 ox is the head.

高低好种田 High ground or low ground farms good for farming.

人民多疾恶 疾恶= 1、憎恨坏人坏事。2、憎恶。疾= disease or hate Relationship among people is bad. Look like dispute between the East and West (China and USA) continue to bad. Malaysians may continue to sick of the disorder political situation or political frogs. There may be some diseases, hence please take care and do not over relax ourselves.

人与人之间的关系不好。 东西方(中国和美国)之间的争执似乎一直很糟糕。 马来西亚人可能会继续厌倦这种混乱的政治局势或政治青蛙。 可能有些疾病,因此请注意不要太放松。

快活好丰年 Merry good year.


通胜Tong sheng which can predict exactly when sun eclipse and moon eclipse happen without a telescope, has predicted accurately that this year is a bad year.

From my detailed analysis of the tong sheng 2021, the conclusion is virus challenge may still be there until beginning of 2021. However, gradually it will be better.  WEATHER IS GOOD FOR HARVEST GENERALLY. Thus, 2021 economy should be better than 2020. People gradually can feel relief and can take a breather. However, beware of diseases that caused by either by horse, ox, goat, chicken, dog or pig by end of the year. Relationship among people is bad. Look like dispute between the East and West (China and USA) continue to bad. Malaysians may continue to sick of the disorder political situation or political frogs. There may be some diseases, hence please take care and do not over relax ourselves. Generally, 2021 is a better than 2020.

根据我对“通胜2021”的详细分析,得出的结论是,直到2021年初,病毒挑战仍然可能存在。但是,逐渐好转。 天气通常有利于收成。 2021年的经济应该比2020年更好。人们逐渐可以松一口气。 但是,请注意2021年底由马,牛,山羊,鸡,狗或猪(六畜引起的疾病。 人与人之间的关系不好。 东西方(中国和美国)之间的争执似乎一直很糟糕。 马来西亚人可能会继续厌倦这种混乱的政治局势或政治青蛙。可能有些疾病,因此请注意不要太放松。 一般来说,2021年比2020年更好.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

怎样用风水来克服2020年新冠肺炎的围攻? How to use Feng Shui to overcome the attack of Covid-19 in 2020?

Click the below link to learn for FREE. 点击下面的链接来免费学习。

各位大家好,我是Penang Feng Shui Master Lee. 这一集要跟大家分享2020年因为新冠肺炎疫情让经济受创 还有,大家的健康也是要注意 所以第一要加强我们的财位, 2凶位要处理好, 还有就是二黑小病的地方也要处理好.


最重要的是要增加你的财 然后凶位病位处理好, 把凶星给压下来 要怎样做呢? 其实很简单. 今年的财位在西北 把你家的西北方找出来, 要怎样找你的家的西北方呢? 站在你的家, 你的店铺或者你的办公室的中心点, 打开智能手机指南针app, 然后找出你的西北方, No 1今年花多一点时间在那个地方. No 2 把流动的水放在西北方, 让那个地方财的磁场流动, 强化和提升这个地方. No 3把这个地方弄得很干净,No 4 放个水晶或者是聚宝盆, 去加强财运。 如果你找不到水晶组成的聚宝盆, 你可以联络我们 这个地方好,我们就加强它, 也可以放流动的风扇在哪边.


那不好的地方在哪里呢? 今年的凶位是在东方 东方今年是5黄的地方, 刚才说水可以放在西北方, 那么今年水就不放在东方, 如果你把水放在东方, 尤其是流动的水,那么会使到凶星的力量更加的强大。 我们要做的东西是no 1不可以去动它, 不要有动土,不要有装修, 2不要放红色的东西或者是很亮的灯着那边, 如果有的话请把它们移开, 第三, 放五帝铜钱在哪边。 就是放多一点金五行的东西在那边,白色或者是圆形, 椭圆形的东西在那边.


今年的病星在南方 所以新加坡在南方新冠肺炎的确诊病例比较多, 所以南方是一个病的地方. 处理的方法和处理5黄的方法是同样的道理, 不要放红色的东西在哪里, 也不要去动这个地方, 不要在南方动土, 放一个五帝铜钱或者是铜龙龟在哪里。


刚才说的这两个地方,一个是二黑病星南方,另外一个是5黄凶星东方,这两个地方如果可以不要花太多时间在那边 记得记得红色的东西请你们把它离开。这个视频相当的重要,请你们把它分享出去 告诉你的朋友要怎样才会增强他们今年的财位, 2要注意凶星病星的地方要特别注意,不要让那个病星凶星又来攻击我们。

Hello, everyone, I’m Penang Feng Shui Master Lee. In this episode, I want to share with you how to deal with the economic damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, and everyone’s health should also be paid attention to as well. So first, we must strengthen our financial position, the second, the inauspicious star must be dealt with, and the 2 black sickness star must also be dealt with carefully.


The most important thing is to increase your wealth, and then deal with the evil position, and suppress the evil star. What do you want to do? It's actually very simple. This year's financial position is in the northwest. Find out the northwest of your home. How do you find the northwest of your home? Stand at the center of your home, your shop or your office, switch on the compass app in your smartphone, and find out your northwest. No 1 spend a little more time in that place this year. No 2 put flowing water in the northwest, let the wealth magnetic field of that place flow to strengthen and enhance this place. No. 3 makes this place very clean, and No. 4 puts a crystal or a treasure bowl formed by crystals to strengthen the wealth star. If you can't find the treasure bowl made of crystals, you can contact us. If this place is good, we will strengthen it, and we can also put the flowing fan at this side.


Where is the worst star in 2020? This year's fierce position is in the East. The east is 5 yellow this year. I just said that water can be placed in the northwest, however instead this year the water will not be placed in the east. If you place the water in the east, especially the flowing water, the power of the evil stars will be even greater and powerful. What we are going to do is no 1. Don’t touch it, don’t break the earth, don’t decorate it. Also don’t put red things or bright lights over there. If there are any, please remove them. Third, put a five emperor copper coins there. Just put a little more golden five elements over there, white or round, and oval items over there.


This year sickness star is in the south, so Singapore has more cases of Covid-19 as Singapore is in the south, so the south is a sick place. The method of handling is the same as the method of handling 5 yellows. Don’t put red things where, also Don't TOUCH this place, don't break the ground or earth / renovation in the south, put a five emperor copper coin or a bronze dragon tortoise.


Of the two places mentioned earlier, one is the south of the second black disease star, and the other is the east of the 5 yellow inauspicious evil star. If you can, don't spend too much time there. Remember to remove all the red thing from these 2 places.

This video is very important. Please share it and tell your friends how to enhance their financial position this year. Second, pay attention to the evil star and the sick star. Stop the inauspicious stars come and attack us.