
Sunday, April 23, 2023

为什么皇帝被称为九五至尊?Why is the emperor called the Nine-Five Supreme?


马来人政治权力在减少 马哈迪:17届大选后首相或非马来人 (东方日报)

我常说用五黄来形容马哈迪是最恰当的,五黄是风水玄空飞星里的最凶的一颗飞星。在后天八卦里五黄在中心,因此它是最强的一颗星,它要控制大局,但时不宜我因为现在不是五运所以他并不当令。那就好比一个很强势的人但他不在高位因此不能发挥,而变得一直不断地发牢骚的破坏王,他还认为自己是最强的,其他的人都不及他的能力. 他本来是皇,现在却变成了魔,就是凶星五黄的本质。这就好比是个曾经大权在握而现在却这个失势的破坏王, 但是五黄的破坏力量是不可以被突视的,不可掉以轻心。





九五至尊帝王象征 一种简单的说法为:中国古代把数字分为阳数和阴数,奇数为阳,偶数为阴。 阳数中九为最高,五居正中,因而以象征帝王的权威,称之为九五至尊

另一个说法就是从易经更精准的来描述九五至尊。您可以参考我的ebook易经入门 易经入门来更了解易经八卦学。

易经第一卦为乾卦, 乾卦是非常重要的,这个卦是其他卦的基础。要明白易经就先要了解这第一个卦。


易经64卦的第一卦是全部六个爻都是阳爻的纯阳乾卦,阳是刚健,所以这个是相当刚建的一个卦,充满着动态,所以六个爻都是以龙来代表。龙是变化无穷,充满着动力,而且非常的刚建。卦名是乾为天;老百姓就是要靠天吃饭,因此是非常重要的一个卦。在易经第一卦乾卦, 乾卦是父是天, 父亲像天一样刚建, 自强不息, 地球有天因为地球的地心引力夠大, 月球沒有天, 天给了我们空气和水, 沒有天就沒有人类, 沒有父亲就沒有我们.





1. 五福临门的五福wu fu为长寿, 富贵, 康宁, 好德与善终longevity, prosperity, healthy and peaceful, passionate and good ending of lif

2. 三纲五常:三纲即君臣义父子亲夫妇顺,五常 wu chang仁、义、礼、智、信 kernel, righteousness, ritual, wisdom, reliability。三纲五常(纲常)是中国儒家伦理文化中的架构。Confucious thoughts.

3. 五谷wǔgǔ [the five cereals of rice, two kinds of millet, wheat and leans] 指粮食,五谷即稻、黍、稷、麦、豆

4. 五官wǔguān[facial features; five sense organs of ears, eyes, lips, nose and tongue] 指耳、眼、鼻、口、身,通常指脸部器官

5. 五戒 wǔjiè [Five Buddhist Disciplines] 佛教中在家的男女教徒所应遵守的五项戒律:不杀生,不偷盗,不邪淫,不妄语,不饮酒.

6. 五洲wǔzhōu [all over the world] 指世界各地.

九五爻之后就上九爻是亢龙有悔。一个人如果飞龙在天之后,如果不懂得退下来, 继续往上飞的话就会亢龙有悔,意思是说一个人如果到了巅峰, 往往都不会看到事情的真相,因为下面的人都会一直在奉承他,他也很容易得意忘形.

历史一直在重复, 当一个人得意忘形高高在上的时候就会容易犯下很多错误,继续的往上飞,就会有后悔了。一个人在最开心的时候就是防备心最脆弱的时候,你完全没有防备, 得意忘形,些酒后喝醉的商人,他们将会毫无防备地签署商业协议。所以第十六豫卜,豫是快乐,但易经提醒我们要小心乐极生悲。豫,鸣豫,野鸡叫,商纣王只顾享乐,身边都是小人,小人当道,身边像被一群野鸡包围着, 他所听到的都是奉承他的话因此后来商朝灭亡而周朝成立。三国演义里有扶不起的阿斗的乐不思蜀.

易经是孔子儒家四书五经之首, 很多人说这本书是特别的难懂, 因为要读懂得上古人的智慧是不容易的。但是这本书一直在影响着我们中华民族。研究了易经,我有一个体会,那就是我们的祖先对我们最刻骨铭心的教诲就是要居安思危。这原理就是从易经而来, 未雨绸缪,要居安思危, 要有防范意识。所以中华民族就有了节省储蓄的习惯,友族很少有这种观念。

信 + 者 = 储

储蓄的字为什么是一个有信用的,和一个呢?因为有储蓄的人是可以相信的人, 完全没有储蓄的人还拿什么做信用呢太子也被称为储君因为将来要成为皇帝的人,必须也是要有信用的人。这就是古人造字是有一套逻辑的。从小我们的父母亲就会教导我们, 如果有了十块钱,就要把尽量的把三块钱收起来做储蓄, 这个观念是来自那里?这个观念是来自于易经。易经里面我们常提醒我们的道理就是物极必反,否极泰来,乐极生悲,周而复始。这也是为什么华族最少提EPF 的民族。

我之前说今年最凶的五黄飞星在乾卦因此今年老大很难做, 希望老大安华可以度过今年这个难关。

#fengshui #fengshuimaster #fengshuitips #astrology #风水 #易经风水 #玄学 #iching #yinyang #IChing #astronomy #BookofChanges #metaphysic #易经 #YiJing #易经智慧 #penangfengshui #玄空飛星 #风水命理 #五黄飞星 #安华 #马哈迪

Mahathir: Malay political power is decreasing After the 17th general election, the prime minister may be non-Malay (Oriental Daily)

I often say that it is most appropriate to describe Mahathir with 5 yellow five yellows. Five yellows are the fiercest flying stars among the flying stars in Feng Shui Xuan Kong. In the Later Heaven Bagua, Wuhuang is in the centre, so it is the strongest star. It wants to control the overall situation, but the time is not suitable for it because it is not Wuyun Feng Shui Period 5, so he is not in time. It’s like a very strong person but he is not in a high position so he can’t perform, and he becomes the king of destruction who complains constantly. He still thinks that he is the strongest, and other people are not as capable as him. He was originally a king, but now it has become a demon, which is the essence of the evil star Wuhuang. This is like a king of destruction who once held great power but now loses power. However, Wuhuang's destructive power cannot be underestimated and should not be taken lightly.

Let me explain how powerful Wuhuang is.

Why is the emperor called the Nine-Five Supreme?

Ninth Five-Symbol of the Supreme Emperor. A simple way of saying is: In ancient China, numbers were divided into positive numbers and negative numbers, with odd numbers being Yang and even numbers being Yin. Among the Yang numbers, nine is the highest, and five is in the middle. Therefore, "nine" and "five" symbolize the authority of the emperor, which is called "nine five supreme".

Another argument is to describe the Nine Five Supremes more accurately from the Book of Changes, I-Ching. You can refer to my ebook FUNDAMENTAL OF I-CHING to learn more about the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes.

The first hexagram in the Book of Changes is "Qian Gua", "Qian Gua" is very important, and this hexagram is the basis of other hexagrams. To understand the Book of Changes, you must first understand this first hexagram.

The first hexagram of the 64 hexagrams in the Book of Changes is the pure Yang Qian hexagram in which all six lines are Yang lines. represent. Dragons are infinitely varied, dynamic. The name of the hexagram is "dragon flies is the sky; the common people depend on the sky for their food, so it is a very important hexagram. In the first hexagram of the Book of Changes, Qian Gua, Qian Gua is the father and the sky, the father was just built like the sky, constantly striving for self-improvement, the earth has a sky because the earth’s gravity is strong enough, the moon has no sky, the sky gave us air and water. If not, there would be no human beings, and there would be no us without the fathers.

Why should we be thankful? Why do we have to worship heaven and earth first when we get married? It is because the root of the whole world comes from sky and earth. What's the use of the earth without the sky? What is the use of the sky without the earth? With the two, then everything in the world can grow. Only with them, then go to the continuous birth and death, which is called endless birth and death. Until today, human cannot find another planet that can have both air and water which suitable for us to live comfortably.

The fifth line of the Qian hexagram is the ninth five, the flying dragon is in the sky, and it is beneficial to see the noblemen.

We call the emperor the 95. This name originally comes from the fifth line of Qian Gua in the Book of Changes. Flying dragons can fly to make clouds and spread rain in the sky, showing their talents, so 95 is the son of heaven! It symbolizes that adults with complete morality can call on their companions to display their talents together, show their talents, and benefit the people of the world. The kung fu "Flying Dragon in the Sky" in Jin Yong's novels is originally from the fifth line of Qian Gua in the Book of Changes.

Five is a strong number, and the Chinese flag has five stars on it.

1. The five blessings of the five blessings wu fu are longevity, wealth, well-being, good virtue and a good death longevity, prosperity, healthy and peaceful, passionate and good ending of lif

2. Three cardinal principles and five constant principles: The three cardinal principles are "righteousness of the monarch and ministers", "father and son", "satisfaction of husband and wife", and wuchang wu chang refers to "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness" kernel, righteousness, ritual, wisdom, reliability. The Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Constant Principles (Gangchang) are the framework of Chinese Confucian ethical culture. Confucious thoughts.

3. Wugu wǔgǔ [the five cereals of rice, two kinds of millet, wheat and leans] refers to food, and the five grains are rice, millet, millet, wheat, beans

4. Wuguan wǔguān[facial features; five sense organs of ears, eyes, lips, nose and tongue] refers to ears, eyes, nose, mouth, body, usually refers to facial organs

5. Five Precepts wǔjiè [Five Buddhist Disciplines] The five precepts that lay Buddhists should obey: no killing, no stealing, no adultery, no lying, and no drinking.

6. Wuzhou wǔzhōu [all over the world] refers to all parts of the world.

Going up after the ninth and fifth lines is “Kang long has regrets”. If a person is at the peak, if he does not know how to retreat and continue to fly upwards, he will regret it. It means that if a person reaches the peak, he will often not see the truth of the matter, because the people below will peace him with beautiful words. He was also easily carried away by flattering him all the time.

History has been repeating itself. When a person gets carried away, he will easily make many mistakes. If he continues to fly upwards, he will regret it. When a person is at his happiest, his defences are at his weakest. You are completely defenceless, carried away, and some businessmen who are drunk after drinking, they will sign business agreements without defence. So the sixteenth divination, Yu is happiness, but the Book of Changes reminds us to be careful that extreme joy gives rise to sorrow. Yu, Ming Yu, pheasants crowing, Shang Zhou King only cares about pleasure, surrounded by villains, villains are in power, surrounded by a group of pheasants, all he hears are flattering words, so the Shang Dynasty fell and the Zhou Dynasty was established. In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there is the unbearable A Dou who is reluctant to leave as he was too happy with what he had during that time.

The Book of Changes is the first of the four books and five classics of Confucianism. Many people say that this book is particularly difficult to understand, because it is not easy to understand the wisdom of the ancients. But this book has been affecting our Chinese nation. After studying the Book of Changes, I have an understanding that the most unforgettable teaching of our ancestors is to be prepared for danger in times of peace. This principle comes from the Book of Changes, to plan for a rainy day, to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and to have a sense of prevention. Therefore, the Chinese nation has the habit of thrifting and saving, and the foreign races seldom have this concept. 

                   信 + 者 = 储

               creditable + person = save

Why is the word "save" in savings a “creditable " word and a "person"? Because people who have savings are trustworthy people, what can a people who have no savings at all take as credit? The crown prince is also called the prince with creditable because the person who will become the emperor in the future must also be a creditable person. This is the logic of the ancient man-made words. Our parents taught us since we were young, if we have ten dollars, we should try to save three dollars as much as possible. Where does this idea come from? This idea comes from the I Ching. In the Book of Changes, we often remind us that the truth is that things must be reversed when they are extreme, if they are not extreme, happiness will come, and extreme happiness will lead to sadness, and the cycle will start again and again. This is why the Chinese is the least ethnic group to withdraw the EPF recently.

I said before that this year's most vicious five yellow flying stars are in the Qian Gua, so this year the big boss is very difficult to be. I hope the boss Anwar can overcome this difficulty this year.

#fengshui #fengshuimaster #fenghuitips #astrology #风水#易经风水#玄学#iching #yinyang #IChing #astronomy #BookofChanges #metaphysic #易经#YiJing #易经智慧#penangfengshui #玄空飞星#风水论理#五黄飞 Star#Anwar#Mahathir