
Saturday, March 17, 2018



在风水学里, 我们常说”山管人丁水管财”, 有好山就有好人才. 有好水就有好财富. 
山灵人杰, 地灵人杰, 山有灵气, 此处便有豪杰和优秀的人才. 山是管人丁的,水是管财的。人丁指的是家里人口,家里人的健康,和家里是否可以出现人才. 日本之所以有许多长命百岁的人瑞是因为日本的山很美。


可知道为什么吉隆坡可贵为马来西亚的首都? 也是最繁荣昌盛的商业中心吗? 因为吉隆坡位于巴生谷, 它被茂盛肥沃的山脉包围着。巴生谷的山脉是“玉带环抱”着吉隆坡。所谓的“玉带环抱”是指中国的古老时代官员的腰间带着的玉带, 而巴生谷茂盛肥沃的山脉正是“玉带环抱”包围着,拥抱着并且保护着吉隆坡, ”山管人丁“吉隆坡因此吸引了许多卓越的人才。 这些人才都从马来西亚其他地区勇往吉隆坡谋生。

除此之外, 吉隆坡以前的因为锡矿而吸引我们的祖先从中国漂洋过海来谋生, 以前的锡矿现在已是矿湖了, 而形成吉隆坡的水, 水为龙的血, 有好水就有好财富.


四大文明古国, 古埃及、美索不达米亞、古印度及中国黄河此四处为人类文明最早诞生的地区。四大文明古国都是建立在河川台地附近,原因是有固定的水源使农业和商业较容易发展。人类也固然离不开水. 人类总是向有水的地方去生活谋生。水就是人类的财富. 人类自古以来靠水来得到财富, 世界四大文明古都都建在水的旁边.




看看香港的海水, 您就大概可以同意“山管人丁水管财” 有好水就有好财富了吧.

然而,如果您看看新加坡。 新加坡实际上是一个非常平坦土地的岛屿。新加坡最高的山是只是537英尺的Bukit Timah武吉知马山。李光耀确切地知道他不可能依靠新加坡山脉,也意味着他知道他只不可能单靠新加坡本地的人才,因此他使用了水。

1977年,李光耀开始清理新加坡河, 开始凝聚财富的新加坡成功吸引全世界的人才。 以他们的财富作为新加坡吸引人才的本饯。

一位新加坡学院资深讲师告诉我,在她的高等教育学院的许多最杰出学生都来自马来西亚。 许多本地学校最杰出学生在还没毕业新加坡政府就已经提供了奖学金. 人才外流可是马来西亚的严重问题不是吗?



因此,有好山就有好人才. 有好水就有好财富.  

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Feng Shui Talk for Bank of China 中国银行风水讲座

With BOC Deputy CEO, Mr Huang Lei. 


This is my first CNY feng shui talk for Bank of China but it is my last talk for CNY 2018. I actually lost my voice during the talk but luckily the audience tolerate it and compliment me by saying too bad you lost your voice as it was getting more and more exciting to listen to my talk.

这是我第一次为中国银行主讲的风水讲座,但这也是我最后一次谈论2018年风水。在讲座到一半我突然间失去了我的声音,但幸运的是观众可以包容我,并赞美我说得太棒了,他们说可惜你失去了声音不然将会更棒, 听我的演讲越来越激动人心和精彩。

Chinese New Year Feng Shui Talk for IOI Properties

I m glad that the Management of the IOI Properties and audience of the talk liked my talk. Thank you so much IOI Properties for giving me the opportunity to share the great knowledge.

Chinese New Year Feng Shui Talk for Nirvana

Chinese New Year Feng Shui Talk for Nirvana

Some said I m a good speaker. I m just do not want to miss out any good opportunities to share with all about the great knowledge that passed down by the ancestors.

Chinese New Year Feng Shui talks for UOB, BSG and Prudential Assurance.

My Chinese New Year Feng Shui talks for UOB, BSG and Prudential Assurance Ipoh, Penang, Butterworth, Sungai Petani, Alor Setar and Kuantan.

Glad that after one of the talks, a doctor approached me and said thanks to me for helping him to understand the complicated feng shui theory by making it easily and systematically understand to him. He is very keen to learn feng shui but no times to analyse it.

Also felt good that some of the top management of UOB and Prudential headquarter KL said I m a scholar. Am I? No lah, I m just like to share the knowledge I have with all and will take whatever opportunities I have to share those knowledge that I feel it is important for all.

Friday, March 9, 2018

My Chinese New Year Feng Shui Talks for Citigold and AXA Affin Assurance.

Awesome Chinese New Year Feng Shui Talks for Citigold and Citi Bank Penang, Johor Bharu, Kuala Lumpur and Puchong.

I m glad they liked my talks and some of the staffs even said "What a successful talk! So far, I have never seen a talk that all the audience paid attention from the beginning to the end to a speaker."

I feel great that some of the guests even asked me to take pictures with them after the talks.

Thank you so much Citibank and AXA Affin Assurance.