
Saturday, January 30, 2021

2500年前最了不起的物理学家老子已经发现了原子 Lao Tzu, the greatest physicist 2500 years ago, has already discovered the atom


中国最神最古老的物理学家, 老子The oldest and smartest physicist in China history, Lao Tzu. PENANG FENG SHUI.


2500 years ago, Lao Tzu had discovered the atom.


各位大家好,我是Penang Feng Shui Master Lee,今天让我们来一个看看中国最古老的物理学家老子,let's go


2500年前,那老子告诉我们什么呢?老子告诉我们"". 他其实说’道’有两个定义,一个定义就是就是所谓的道法自然就是所谓的大自然的规律啊,人总是要知道这个大自然的规律,然后才可以顺着它去做。就比方说你要去月球,你必须要知道说月球的大自然的规律,它是没有地心引力,然后你要顺着它才可以达到月球上。



Hello everyone, I am Master Lee of Penang Feng Shui. Today, let's take a look at Lao Tzu, the oldest physicist in China, let's go!


2500 years ago, what did Lao Tzu tell us? Lao Tzu tells us "Tao". He actually said that "Tao" has two definitions. One definition is the so-called Dao law. Naturally, it is the so-called law of nature. People always need to know the law of nature before they can follow it and do things in the right way. For example, if you are going to the moon, you have to know the laws of the moon's nature. It has low gravity, and you have to follow it to reach the moon.


The second way, Lao Tzu is talking about atoms. Why do I say that? Laozi's "Tao De Jing" Chapter 25, 'Something is mixed, born innately'. Lao Tzu tells us that there are something that mixed together to form the world, the smallest atom that you can't see was there before sky and earth were formed, because the sky and the earth were all made by the smallest particles.

老子又说: 寂兮寥兮,独立而不改,周行而不怠。寂兮寥兮的意思是那个自然界的最小最小的原子里是没有声音没有颜色没有气味。最小的粒子混合电子,質子而成。独立而不改的意思是原子不依靠任何外力而独立长存, 每一种基本粒子,它的性质是独立的电子就带阴电荷,質子阳电荷,中子不带电,独立而不改,各自独立的行成,而且周行而不殆(怠),不会衰减,大的宇宙也是一样,地球绕太阳转,九大行星绕太阳转,它不会衰竭,因此說周行而不怠。

Lao Tzu said again: It is lonely, independent and not changing, Keep on revolving without stop, Lonely and lonely means that the smallest atom in nature has no sound, no color, and no smell. The smallest particles are formed by mixing electrons and protons. Independence without change means that the atom does not rely on any external force to survive independently. Each elementary particle, its nature is that independent electrons have negative charge, protons have positive charge, neutrons are not charged, and they are independent without change. It is independent, and it travels around without being idle, and does not decay. The same is true for the big universe. The earth revolves around the sun and the nine planets revolve around the sun.

老子接着说: 可以为天下母。这个东西(原子)就是可以作为万物的根本, 它是我们所有你看得见的物质万物的母亲。

Laozi went on to say: You can be the mother of the world. This thing (atom) can be used as the foundation of all things, it is the mother of all the things you can see. It is the basic of all things.

老子又说吾不知其名,字之曰道, 强为之名曰大。意思是说,我不知其名,我不知道该给他什么名字啊,只能叫它道,勉强的叫它大。因为这个最小的原子就是形成万物的根源因此叫它大。


Lao Tzu also said that I don't know the name, I don't know what name to give him, so I can only call it Dao, and reluctantly call it big. Because this smallest atom is the root of all things, it is called big.


Lao Tzu went on to say that Great will vanish, vanish is far, and far away as to reverse. It means that the atom is vast and boundless and moves endlessly, it stretches far away and returns to its original origin.


你看我们说水,水是什么形成的,H2O。说当H2O分开了,H 是形成自己的H,然后O形成自己的O,但是他们又可以结合在一起又形成水H2O

You see, when we talk about water, water is H2O. When H2O separates, H forms its own H, and then O forms its own O, but they can combine together to form water H2O back.

如果按照物理学来讲,物质是不灭的,那就会物质变成不同的物质在转,比如说太阳是氢的元素所构成。那么万物分裂跟融合,太阳是氢原子跟氢原子融合,然后释放的能量衰变,变成其他的元素。那么就变成了由氢这个元素融合以后衰变成其他的元素,然后再衰变成其他,氢核的聚变会消耗氢以产生氦气和能量。 氢气是该过程的燃料。 随着氢的消耗,恒星的核心凝结并加热得更多。 这促进了越来越重的元素的融合,最终形成了直到铁为止的所有元素。一直下去。这个粒子世界会一个一个衰变,它只是不灭,粒子真正跑得远的是完全不见, 完全找不到它真的可以消失,然后再从完全不见再生出来就叫反,从无中生有.

If according to physics, matter is indestructible, then matter will turn into different matter. For example, the sun is made of hydrogen. Then everything splits and merges. The sun is the fusion of hydrogen atoms with hydrogen atoms, and then the released energy decays and becomes other elements. Then it becomes the fusion of hydrogen, which decays into other elements, and then decays into other elements. The fusion of hydrogen nuclei will consume hydrogen to produce helium and energy. Hydrogen is the fuel for this process. As hydrogen is consumed, the core of the star condenses and heats up even more. This promotes the fusion of heavier and heavier elements, eventually forming all the elements up to iron, and continue on. This world of particles will decay one by one, and it’s just immortal. The particles that really run far are completely gone, and they can disappear if they can’t find it, and then regenerate from completely invisible, it’s the opposite, and it’s born out of nothing.

他说: 故道大,天大,地大,人亦大,域中有四大,而人居其一焉。宇宙当中有四个大,一个自然界的规律最大, 最小的原子就是形成万物的根源因此叫它大。人也大,为什么人也大呢?因为只有人可以了解这个道理,万物不能了解这道理。其实人一旦啊能够理解这个自然界的道理,人去学习大自然,人法地,地法天, 天法道,道法自然,老子叫我们人法地就是要我们人要取法于大地, 学习大地. 大自然,向大自然學习, 顺其自然, 顺着自然, 而非逆天而行, 逆天则亡, 不可以去与天相争。所以人定胜天这句话是错。那老子在2500年前已经提醒我们,人最大的智慧就是人群取法于自然。连跟着天走,不要自己去用自己所发明的知识,最科学物理本来是研究自然,以研究自然作为开始。可是今天的空气污染,水污染,环境污染也是因为这套知识把它造成所以老子告诉我们,人最重要的观念就是要取法乎自然。

He said: Hence the Tao, Nature and the atom is big, the sky is big, the earth is big, and the person is also big. There are four big things in the domain, and people occupy one of them. There are four majors in the universe. The law of nature is the largest and the smallest atom is the root of all things, so it is called the big. People are big, so why are people big? Because only humans can understand this truth, all other things, animals and plants cannot understand this truth. In fact, once human beings can understand the truth of nature, they should learn from nature, human beings follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the Tao follows the nature, Lao Tzu tells us to learn from nature, and let nature take its course. , Follow nature, not against the nature. If you go against the nature, it is bad for human. You can't fight with the nature. So the saying that man will conquer the nature is wrong. That Lao Tzu reminded us 2500 years ago that the greatest wisdom of man is that we follows nature. Even follow the sky, don't use the knowledge you have invented by yourself. The most scientific physics is originally the study of nature, starting with the study of nature. But today's air pollution, water pollution, and environmental pollution are also caused by human knowledge of the nature, so Lao Tzu tells us that the most important concept of human beings is to follow nature.

老子告诉我们人类要学习和跟随大地。你看大地啊,你怎么样掏空它,它什么都不出声,它就让你拿,所以这是最包容的,然后地要法天。天 (大气层) 赐给我们空气, , 阳光. 你把它拿走的话你还如何生活?两千五百年前老子就是在提醒我们要取法以自然,人最大的智慧就是要取法自然,不要用自己的方式是发明一些知识而破坏大自然,本来我们学习物理我们是要学习大自然,比如你要去月球,你要知道月球上面是没有空气,你不能冒冒然上去,所以我们要学习大自然,顺着大自然。而是今天我们人类因为自己要舒服,就是把空气也污染了,环境也污染着,把那个物质都掏空了,我们用学习大自然的科学来破坏大自然,这个就不对的道理,老子告诉我们人要道法自然,所以在风水学里面,我们有一句重要的原理叫天人合一。

Lao Tzu tells us, Human beings follow the mother earth. Look at the earth, how do you hollow it out, it makes no sound, it lets you take it, so this is the most tolerant, and then the earth to follow the sky. The sky (atmosphere) gives us air, water, and sunlight. How will you live if you take it away? Two thousand and five hundred years ago, Lao Tzu reminded us to learn from nature. The greatest wisdom of man is to learn from nature. Don’t use your own method to invent some knowledge to destroy nature. Originally, when we study physics, we want to learn nature. For example, if you are going to the moon, you have to know that there is no air on the moon, and you can't go up rashly, so we have to learn from nature and follow nature. But because we humans want to be comfortable today, we pollute the air and the environment, and empty up the earth resource. We use the science of studying nature to destroy nature. This is not right, Lao Tzu told us humans to learn from the nature and don’t spoil and go against it, so in Feng Shui, we have an important principle called the unity of nature and man.

因此风水学就是其法以自然。风水学里的阴阳五行,我之前所说的天人合一, 都是其法以自然的道理。

Therefore, Feng Shui is the method to follow nature. The five elements of yin and yang in Feng Shui, and the unity of nature and man I mentioned before, are the principles of nature.

人和天可以合在一起,就是说大自然里可以找到和人的共同点。你看人体内七十%是水,地球七十%也是水. 人体内最重要的骨spinal cord24, 24个骨结合在一起。我们有24个节气, 其中我们所学熟悉的有清明,立春,立夏,冬至。罗盘里面有24个方向。我们也有24节令鼓。


DNA 64个组合, 易经有八八六十四卦。我们穴道有365个也是一年有365天。我们有12条经络,一年有12个月,有12个生肖,那个九大行星最大的行星木星,因为他最大,它影响了我们最多,它有它还绕太阳一圈有十二年,易经里面告诉我们阳就是单数,阴是双数,阴阳必须要结合在一起才是好的,而且是对的,就说纯阳不好,纯阴也不好。太不好,太也不好,就是太热也不好啊,太冷也不好,太亮也不好啊,太阴暗也不好,所以要平衡。你看一个人的身体里面,男性身体有男性的荷尔蒙比较多但是不能完全是男性荷尔蒙,还是有一些女性荷尔蒙。同样的相反的女性身体也是一样的结构,不能完全是女性荷尔蒙。





Man and the sky can be united together, which means that we can find common ground with man in nature. You see 70% of the human body is water, and 70% of the earth is also water. The most important bone, spinal cord in the human body has 24 knots, and 24 bones are combined together. We have 24 solar terms, among which we are familiar with Qingming, Lichun, Lixia, and Winter Solstice. There are 24 directions in the Chinese compass. We also have 24 season drums.


There are 64 combinations of DNA, and the I Ching Bagua has eight sixty-four hexagrams. We have 365 acupuncture points and 365 days a year. We have 12 meridians. There are 12 months in a year and 12 zodiac signs. The planet Jupiter, which is the largest among the nine planets, has affected us the most. It revolves around the sun for twelve years. The Book of Changes tells us that yang is singular and yin is even, and yin and yang must be combined to be good, and it is correct. It is said that pure yang is not good, and pure yin is not good either. Too hot is not good, too cold is not good, too bright is not good, too dark is not good, we have to balance all up. You see in a person's body, there are more male hormones in the male body, but not entirely male hormones. There are still some female hormones. The same opposite female body has the same structure and cannot be completely female hormones.


The singular number is yang, the double number is yin. This is said in the Book of Changes. You see, we have one head and two feet. Therefore, the combination of yin and yang can be considered good.


Look at my fingers. There is only one thumb. How many knots are there in that one? Two. This is yin in yang. The other is the four fingers, how many knots are there? Three. There are three in four. Four is even, yin; three is singular, yang. There is yang in yin; it is right to have yin in yang. So look at the fisheyes of the I Ching Bagua. There is a dot of white in the black and a dot of black in the white, which reminds us that the combination of Yin and Yang is a good one. According to the doctrine of the mean in the Book of Changes, things must be reversed, and you throw your ball up. When it reaches the highest point, it will fall. This is the so-called matter-extreme must be reversed. If a person climbs too high, it will fall again. We must understand the principle of this yin-yang. Thank you all!


有物混成,先天地生。寂兮寥兮,独立不改,周行而不殆 ,可以为天地母。吾不知其名,强字之曰“道”,强为之名曰“大”。大曰逝,逝曰远,远曰反。



The twenty-fifth chapter of Laozi's "Tao De Jing":

Something is mixed, born congenitally. Lonely, independent without change, Keep on revolving without idle, can be the mother of sky and earth. I don't know its name. The strong word is "Tao", and the strong word is "Big". Great will vanish, vanish is far, the far is the anti.

Therefore, the Tao is big, the sky is big, the earth is big, and the people are also big. There are four big things in the domain, and people are one of them.

People follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the "Tao", and the Tao follows nat

Monday, January 25, 2021

Penang Feng Shui Master Lee 2021年生肖的运程. 2021 Zodiac Sign fortune. 完整版 full version



终于轮到我说老鼠的运程啊,其实大家都是因为老鼠排第一,所以呢都会先说老鼠,但是今年我决定了就是random的, 属猪的就是最后一个,要等很久, 所以我决定乱乱跳。这样才公平. 我常常会受到一些 messengers,就是属猪的什么时候啊?生肖属鸡又是什么时候呀?为什么这样久啊?所以我就今年呢就打破惯例,就是做完什么就把它post上我的youtube



Finally, it’s my turn to talk about the luck of the mouse. In fact, everyone will talk about the mouse first because the mouse is ranked first. But this year I decided to be random, and the pig is the last one. It will take a long time, so I decided Jump around. This is fair. I often get messengers. When is the pig? When is the rooster of the Chinese zodiac? Why is it so long? So this year, I broke the convention, just post it on my youtube whenever I have completed editing them randomly.


We are talking about the rat now. In 2020, because it is the year of the rat in the year of Gengzi, it is not good to commit the Tai Sui, but in 2021, the rat will be better. An important lucky star, we see Suihe, that is, the rat and the ox are one of Liuhe, so it is good. Next year's ox will be the match partner of rat, so Liuhe will have nobles to help. Compared to 2020, Rat 2021 will be a better year. It is much better than 2020, and most of it is that we can pass a year without much problems.

吉星 Auspicious Stars


[岁合] 六合太岁相合之年,获贵人扶持,大部分可度过无风无浪的一年.


【文昌】则有利读书,考试及升迁,不妨趁这年积极进修,为未来做好准备。文昌入命运代表着聪明过人,所以今年属老鼠的要以智慧取胜。又主逢凶化吉. 气质雅秀, 举止温文, 好学新知, 具上进心. 一生近官利贵. 今年头脑清醒, 特别聪明, 有利于考生.

这也意味着你今年更聪明。 请利用您的智慧在您的职业和业务中获益。


[Suihe] The year when the Luhe Tai Sui meets, with the support of the nobles, most of them can spend a year without much problem.

【文昌】It is good for reading, examination and preferment. It is good to have more training in this year and prepare for the future. [Wenchang] represents being smarter than others, so this year the rat will win with wisdom. It will turn the evil into the good. The temperament is elegant, the manner is gentle, and the new knowledge is easy to learn. [Wen Chang] means intelligent and good fortune. It is helpful for students in their studies.

It also means that you are smarter this year. Please use your intelligence to gain your benefit in your career and business.



Many people misunderstand that Wenchangxing is only used for your children to study. It is only used for students, but it is not. Why? Because we are all working hard in this society today, the boss must be wise to make your business better, what about the employees? Of course, you must be wise, and you must rely on your wit to show your talents so that the boss can appreciate you, so no matter whether if you are a student, or a boss, no matter what class you are, you need wisdom. If Wenchangxing is in his life, it means that he is sober-minded and extremely clever. Of course, it is good for examinations. For those who become officials, it will help you get promoted and fortune, so this year you must win with wisdom.

There is a 病符星 in the evil star, which means we must pay attention to our health. Exercise more, eat on time regularly, and if best, do a full-body examination before the beginning of spring.


凶星 Inauspicious Stars


【病符】take care your health, colds and other trivial problems. Your body easily have problem, it may be better to exercise more physically to help prevent problems before they happen.


【陌越】The pressure brought by the strange environment, who has converted the working environment, personal anxiety is more, if the emotions are not handled properly, it will affect interpersonal relationships, especially emotionally easy to be suspicious.

你可能换一个工作啊,换新的环境,或者是去到一个新的地方去学习,或者是搬到一个新的地方,让你会感觉到在新的环境,你感觉到陌生,所以你会感觉到焦虑,有时候,情绪方面可要处理的好,如果处理不当就会影响 你的人际关系也会影响我们的感情,感情方面也容易疑神疑鬼,如果它是出现在我们八字年柱,之前所说的年月日时,年柱就代表着我们的环境。对于新环境,我们感觉到陌生,如果它是出现在日柱就代表着我们的人际关系,所以会影响我们和另外一半的感情因为我们疑神疑鬼呀,这个情况可能会对感情的发展是不利的。所以这是属老鼠的要注意的事项。

You may change your job, change a new environment, or go to a new place to study, or move to a new place, so you will feel in the new environment, you feel strange, so you will Feeling anxious, sometimes, the emotional aspect can’t be handled well. If it is not handled properly, it will affect your interpersonal relationship and affect our feelings. The emotional aspect is also suspicious. If it appears in our eight-character bazi year pillar. In the earlier YouTube when I mentioned previously that the year, month, and day pillars in bazi represent different things, the year column represents our environment. We feel strange to the new environment. If it appears in the day column, it represents our interpersonal relationship, so it will affect our relationship with the other half, spouse or life partner. Because you are suspicious, this situation may be detrimental to the development of the relationship. So this is something those rat zodiac to pay attention to.



大家都知道属牛的,就是明年是牛年啊,2021年是牛年,牛就是本命年就是轮到你坐在太岁上。为什么坐太岁冲太岁不好?因为太岁是很大,是必须要受到尊敬的,但是因为轮到你坐在太岁上所以基本上是不好,所以如果今年你犯太岁或者是坐太岁就要在立春之前,就是今年的立春是二月三号的凌晨所以我把他当是立春的日子 23号之前,你必须要去庙里拜拜,祈求一年平安,要怎样去处理这个犯太岁的问题呢?有一句话叫做一喜挡三灾,意思说如果有结婚,添丁,置业创业那都是喜事,今年如果你把办喜事,对你是好的。结婚啊,办一个生日会,请大家来祝寿,一些宴会,结婚啊,老人家生日宴会啊,公司开长都可以去参加,就是避免如果能够一些白事或者是少去医院,这些都是凶气 比较重的地方。


Everyone knows that 2021 is the year of the ox. The ox is the natal year and it is your turn to sit on the Tai Sui. Why is it bad to sit on the Tai Sui or clash punch Tai Sui? Because Tai Sui is very great and must be respected, but because it’s your turn to sit on Tai Sui, it’s basically not good. So if sit on Tai Sui this year it is better to show respect to Tai Dui before Li Chun. This year’s Li Chun is at the midnight of the February 3rd, we regard 3/2/21 as the day of the beginning of spring. Before February 3rd, you must go to the temple to pray and pray for a year of peace. How do you deal with this problem? There is a saying called "One Happiness can cure Three Disasters", which means that if you get married, add a family member, buy a house or start a business, it is a happy event. If you celebrate them this year, it will be good for you. Get married, hold a birthday party, invite everyone to celebrate your birthday, some banquets, weddings, birthday parties for the elderly, you can participate in the company's open ceremony, just to avoid if you can do some funeral or go to the hospital less, these are all inauspicious qi place.

Why is it bad to commit Tai Sui and Chong Tai Sui? Basically, there are more changes this year, so you must be mentally prepared to face the changes. It may not be peaceful or smooth, so pay more attention to your personal health. It is easy to get hurt, and interpersonal relationships may also enter a moment of regression. Don't be impulsive, it will make your luck worse.

吉星 Auspicious Stars


【岁驾】= Emperor visits to your place during ancient time, is representing successful career development, excellent work performance, talents will also be recognized by the boss. So it does not necessarily mean that it is not good to commit Taisui because there are lucky stars in Taisui.


【华盖】representing outstanding artistic talent, especially for creating creative such as advertising design, scriptwriters or writers


【华盖】将会影响我们的人际关系,那些需要常常跟人家接触的, 要加倍的小心, 光芒太露的话,别人将会眼红。华蓋也是一颗的宗教有关的星,如果你的生辰八日里面有很多华蓋,这个人很可能就是尼姑,可能就是和尚,因为和尚你能喜欢我行我素,享受孤独,所以今年会我行我素,享受孤独,对感情是不利啊。

【华盖】This year will be inspiration, can hope to express themselves, and get a good development in career; 【华盖】Easy to impact interpersonal relationships. Need to be in constant contact with people and pay more attention. Because arrogance and cause human disputes. Then, 【华盖】is religious related, represent enjoy loneliness and are more unfavorable to the development of love. This year I will do my own way and enjoy loneliness. It also represents persuasiveness. When nuns and monks give lectures, everyone will listen quietly. It is quite persuasive. Hence, you have to apply its benefits or advantages, that is applying our persuasive power and inspiration, but we must beware of the attitude of lonely self-respect and be humble.

Hua GaiIt will affect our interpersonal relationship. Those who need to be in contact with others frequently should be more careful. If you to high profile or like to show off, others will be jealous. Hua Gaiis also a religious star. If you have many Hua Gaiin your bazi, this person is probably a nun or a monk. Because monk you can like to go your own way and enjoy loneliness, so this year you will go your own way and enjoy being alone is not good for love relationship.

凶星 Inauspicious Stars


【剑锋】Easy to hurt and fall, especially if you need to touch metal or machine, you need to be more careful, avoid the bloody disaster.


【太岁】【一喜挡三灾,无喜是非来】If there is a happy marriage, born a boy, a home business or an entrepreneurial event, the New Year’s fortune will be more stable, otherwise, you must be mentally prepared to welcome more changes in the year. Pay more attention to personal health, it is easy to have injuries and falls, and interpersonal relationships will regress, therefore, everything needs to be more patient, in order to avoid impulsive actions and dragging the fortune.


【伏尸】New year needs to pay more attention to the health of family and partners. Go see doctor if there is any symptoms of illness.


【黄幡】feel pressure on work and have more chances of injury.


You can donate blood to resolve this unnecessary disaster of blood. Donate blood before Lichun, i.e. before February 3rd 2021.



吉星 Auspicious Stars



Great 吉星 Auspicious Stars appears in TIGER zodiac this year i.e. the SUN,【太阳】Representing light reflect long distance, will be assisted by nobles, success in the workplace. Have the power to spread, suitable for foreign development, merchants may wish to consider expanding their business to overseas markets. Representing male nobles, ladies's love will have better development, charm improve, easy to be welcomed by the opposite sex.

【天乙】吉星驾临,大贵人星,事业上倍添助力,尤其是工作需与人接触或对从事销售者更为有利。[天乙贵人] 人命逢之,  如得生旺及有贵格吉星相扶助, 主气宇轩昂, 福寿双全, 富贵人间.

【天乙】strong noble star, get help at work, especially work needs to be in contact with people or more beneficial to those involve in sales, marketing and business. [天乙贵人] means there are lots of helps, mentors and noblemen available.




The Sun Star is a powerful male noble star, so if it is a male customer, male boss, male colleague, male relative, male friend, it will be helpful to you. There is also a noble star called Tianyi noble star if both the Sun and the noble person of Tianyi appear on our zodiac horoscope. If Tianzhu is appearing in your zodiac sign in this year represents whether your environment is helpful, so it means that this year's nobleman is very strong.

If it is in your bazi day pillar, just mean your relationship with others is good. It will also help the relationship with others, and it is especially helpful for those girls who want to find the other half this year.

Tianyi noble star is also a great noble star, it helps you to develop in your career, especially those who are engaged in the sales industry at work and need to be in contact with others to help your popularity.

【天空】则主宰创意及灵感,今年的创造作力澎湃,倘若本身从事天马行空的行业如设计,广告, 写作及编剧等将会灵感不绝。

【天空】Dominate creativity and inspiration, creative work imposing, if you are engaged in an industry that is unconstrained, such as design, writing, advertisement and scriptwriting will be inspirational.


There is also a lucky star called Hongluan Star, the so-called “Hongluan Heartbeat”. If it enters your s day pillar, the eight-character (bazi) day pillar of a person represents interpersonal relationship, family relationship, and spouse relationship, so “Hongluan Heartbeat”. It means that there will be peach blossoms but be careful, as there may be a lot of entertainment. Because of its Influence, there will be more opportunities for treat with courtesy and good things, have a partner remember that everything needs to be controlled, appear 【墙外桃花】,trapped into unwanted romance.


【红鸾】A life of romances, it is easy to have a love at first sight, and even have a decision to flash marriage. 【红鸾】companionable, popular life. As the overall interpersonal network is smooth, it is also beneficial to have a great relationship in the workplace. In this year, the appearance of the [Hong Luan] illustrates there will be some happy events such as wedding and adding of new member to the family. If you are still single, you may look forward to find a suitable companion in this year.

凶星 Inauspicious Stars

【晦气】则是人际关系上的破败,容易因为沟通不足而遭人埋怨。[晦气 ] 不吉利;倒霉, 指人倒霉或生病时难看的气色, 指遇事不顺利。

【晦气】Devastation in interpersonal relationships, easy to complain because of insufficient . [晦气] is referring to the ugly color when sick.

【孤辰】则有被孤立之意, 主孤独且闷闷不乐。已婚人士可能会因为经常远走外地,孤枕独眠,而且与配偶聚少离多,以至沟通不足彼此关系疏离。未婚者可能会与伴侣分手. 而且,有时你会感到孤独和无助。

【孤辰】means is to be isolated. It is a loneliness star means you may be lonely as your partner may leave you alone to work or study elsewhere or you may feel lacking of help around. Unmarried persons may break up with their partner. Also, you will feel lonely and helpless sometimes.


[劫煞] work without merit. You have put in more effort to complete a job and even waste your effort that you have put.



吉星 Auspicious Stars


兔子呢,基本上今年没有吉星。,如果没有吉星。意思是说你必须要自己靠自己,助力是不大的一年。凡事都要靠自己所以你要平心静气的, 要很独立的完成你的事啊.

Rabbits, basically don’t have auspicious / lucky stars this year. If there is no auspicious / lucky star, it means that you have to rely on yourself and help is not that significant this year. You have to rely on yourself in everything, so you have to calm down and complete your tasks independently.

凶星 Inauspicious Stars

【喪门】代表家中长辈的健康容易出现问题,尤其出入有机会受伤,需加倍注意安全,提防碰撞跌损。流年见[丧门] 出现主老人患病,则主年级大的人士必须要谨慎饮食,注意出入安全以防发生不测的意外。年轻人要多留意家中老人的身体状况。若发觉健康出现问题,就要马上就医。



【喪门】representing the health of the elders in the family is prone to problems, especially there is a chance to get hurt physically, and you need to pay more attention to safety and beware of collision. There is a [Sang Men] which mean the old person will fall ill. It also indicates that those elderly people should control the diet and food that they consume, and also they have to care good take of their safety in order to avoid any accident. Young people will have to take care of the body condition of old person at home. If there is any health problem arises, immediate medical attention need to be taken place.

披头星" =【披麻】Not only pay attention to personal health, but also care about family health. You may be can try to take the initiative to buy a home, decorate the home or replace the furniture to enhance the fortune.

Disaster  , 灾煞星the main disaster, is the general term for natural disasters and man-made disasters, and usually refers to external disasters such as accidental disasters. Disasters are devastating and many disasters are inevitable, and the disasters are often more violent, bringing blood and light disasters such as disease, plague and accidental injuries to the life master.

所以要特别注意一些灾祸的事情,所以灾祸可能比较大。也要注意健康, 意外啊,血光之灾,所以出门要特别的小心!不要开快车. 这一点属兔子的特别特别要注意的一点,

Therefore, we must pay special attention to some disasters, so the disasters may be relatively more this year. Also pay attention to health and accidents, bleeding related disasters, so be especially careful when going out! Don't drive fast. This is something that rabbits should pay special attention to.


吉星 Auspicious Stars

【太阴】代表女性贵人星,倘若直属上司或老板是女性,将容易受到赏识。一颗稳步上扬的财星,只要不过分急进。 [太阴]出现是一颗强力的女贵人星.

【太阴】representing female nobles, if the boss is a woman, you will be easily appreciated. A steadily rising wealthy star, as long as it is not too fast. [太阴] appears mean there is a strong female noblemen star that comes in to help.


If your boss and superior is a woman, you will be appreciated. In terms of your fortune, you can get money from women. Your female customers, your female family member for instance, your mother, your sisters, and female relatives are the most helpful to you. For those single men who want to find a girlfriend, because of the appearance of the lunar star太阴星, it is helpful to the development of your relationship.


凶星 Inauspicious Stars

【贯索】即口舌是非, 常主是非词讼, 钱财不能自主, 行动都受到了限制.

【贯索】quarrel. Often means argument.  You cannot be independent in wealth management or control. Your action may be restricted or confined.

[勾神] 常表现为是非不断,口舌风波。

[勾神] often manifested as unwanted argument.


What DRAGON should pay attention to this year is your tongue. Don't over involve in other people's affairs.


Suisha is one of the three evil spirits. which will cause fleeting troubles and various disasters and disadvantages. Therefore, we must avoid them. It means to avoid those dangerous places. Travel, if that place is dangerous and we can see dangerous ones, we should not go. This is something that people with the Chinese zodiac of the dragon should pay attention to.



吉星 Auspicious Stars


【三台】is an auspicious star that means 3 staircases to go up. It is a lucky star of [Going Up Step by Step].

【三台】is strong leadership is expected in career . [三台】representing your personal talents will be shown and successful career development especially for civil servants and management. Boss will appreciate your effort. You will find that there is an appearance of [San Tai] and it is your powerful helper star, which means you can achieve what you aim for. [San Tai] is good for career promotion and successful career development. Also, excellent achievement in the examination. Thus, this is a year that you will have the opportunity of promotion and getting flying colorful result.


[Guo Yin] is the ancient emperor’s seal and stamp, career-related lucky star, with great power. You will be very powerful.【国印】Is a business-related, powerful power; this star is especially beneficial for paperwork or creators, and will have outstanding performance and opportunities for promotion.


凶星 Inauspicious Stars

凶星提醒我們,虽然蛇在2021年也大权在握,但也必須謹慎。 如果出現在您的年支柱和月支柱上,那麼您將非常強大。 我之前說過,年支柱代表您的環境,月支柱代表您的能力。當您擁有強大的权力時,您必須提防不必要的是非,因為別人可能會嫉妒您。 基本上,”SNAKE2021年大权在握,但是有很多不必要的是非。

The Inauspicious Stars reminded us even SNAKE is very powerful on 2021 but they have to be cautious too. If the SNAKE appears at your year pillar and month pillar then you will be very powerful. Earlier I said, year pillar represents your environment and month pillar represents your ability.  When you have great power then you have to beware of unwanted bad mouth as may be others will jealous on you. Basically SNAKE is powerful in 2021 but there are lots of unwanted argument.


"Finger Back Star" represents unwanted back stabbing.


【五鬼】The villain appears, it also means that the individual is under great stress and is prone to doubts, especially for emotional and personnel relations, the most affected.

[官符] 主有官非诉讼,代表流年与人合伙业不利,易有口舌和官非之灾。签署任何协议时要格外小心。

[官符] a star of argument and may have some legal problem. Put extra care when you sign any agreement.

如果有这样的转变的话,你要好好的把握好你的心态,不可以急躁,不然的话,你的结果就会不好;还有一点在感情方面, 那样口舌的情况下, 夫妻或伴侣有什么问题都要跟你的另外一半的讲出来, 不要沉默, 如果什么事情都放在在心里面,有话不说,都不坦白讲的话,将对感情的发展是不好的,容易产生误会,那你要调整好你的心态所以2021年这些属蛇的要注意是非口舌,所以可以看到的基本上今年属蛇的权力很大但是也要小心是非,今年是非三碧星飞去西南,因此在你家,办公室或者公司的西南放一盏灯,把它打亮或者是放红色的地毯,就是放的那边来减轻这个是非星,这个属蛇的今年一定要做,谢谢。

If there is such a change, you must take good care of your mentality. Don't be impatient, otherwise, your results will be bad; What does the couple or partner have to do in the case of such situation? Talk to your other half of the problem. Don’t be silent. If you keep everything in your heart, don’t say anything, and don’t speak frankly, it will be bad for the development of your relationship and will easily lead to misunderstandings. You must adjust your mentality, so in 2021 those “snakes” should pay attention to unwanted finger pointing. You can see that basically this year is a powerful year for ‘snakes” but also be careful of unwanted quarrelling. This year, the no 3 argument star fly to the southwest, so in put a light in the southwest of your home, office or company, brighten it or put a red carpet on the side where you put it on ‘fire’ to reduce the impact of the argument star. The “snake” must do it this year.




Horses have a great star this year, this powerful nobleman. As I said before, when there is a year, month, day and time in our horoscope, we must see it clearly. If the horse is also appearing on your year column, it also represents your environment, and your help which means you will have a lot of big nobles which can turn things into good things.

吉星 Auspicious Stars


【月德】A powerful noble star, representing everything that is going to be turned into good things, kindness and joy. [Yue De] is a good fortune star which prolongs one’s life and prevents one from committing any official punishment. [Yue De] is your powerful person star. There will many noblemen or helps available whenever you require helps.

【玉堂】则有【金玉满堂】之意,人才华得到发挥,配合其他吉星助力。钱财方面也是相当好的,所以属马的人啊,如果说今年要做一些投资或者发展, 钱财方面是好的. 所以它如果说是出现在你的年月日时的时,就代表着你今年所做的计划,你的投资对未来是好不好的,所以如果是出现在你的八字里的时柱,如果你是出生在午时的人就是11点到一点中午的人啊,那个时间点出生今年你的投资是好的,所以大家不妨可以考虑投资啊。

【玉堂】Talent and wealthy star, with other lucky stars. 【金玉满堂】= full of money. Money is also quite good, so people who are horse zodiac, if you want to invest or develop this year, it is a good time to do so. Hence if it appears at the time of your birthday year, month, day and time 4 pillars, it represents the plan you have made this year, and your investment is good for the future. If you are a person that are born at noon, i.e. from 11 am to 1pm, your investment is good this year, so you might as well consider investing this year.


【天厨】will have more opportunities for entertainment and a big meal, the overall mood is happy.


凶星 Inauspicious Stars


【小耗】representing breaking the small amount of money, investment mistakes, or more unnecessary expenses. It is advisable to keep your money in a safe place like bank instead of going to high risk investment.


【死符】pay special attention to the health of the elders at home, especially the male elders in the family, if feel sick, seek medical advice immediately. The star of [Si Fu] represents you will may encounter some argument problem in work with other staffs. This will cause the delay in the completion of the tasks that assigned by your boss and will make your boss unsatisfied with your performance. Another condition is your colleague may try to strive for good performance and back-stab you and this causes every work that you have done ends up in a complete mess and your effort finally is irrevocability lost.

【六害】代表容易找人陷害. 马和牛相互伤害,这意味着争执和冲突。

【六害】Symbol is easy to be framed. Horse and Ox are harm to each other which means argument and conflict.

【咸池桃花】属于不稳定的桃花星,代表【镜花水月】的短暂恋情,关系快来快去。[桃花]特旺尤其是[咸池]的出现, 要小心令你意乱情迷的不好桃花. [桃花][咸池]同时出现代表今年的桃花运特别旺.

今年你很容易吸引异性的注意力。 对于那些仍然单身且正在寻找生活伴侣的人,请好好利用今年桃花运特别旺的好时光。 对于那些已婚,请注意令你意乱情迷的不好桃花。 然而,这意味着今年,您的社交生活将变得非常丰富多彩,对于涉及销售和营销行业的人来说尤其有利,因为当您接触销售时,您会受到其他人的欢迎。

【咸池桃花】Unstable love, represent short-term romance, relationship is easy to end. The exempt of [peach blossom] especially with the appearance of [Xian Chi] happens thus has to be watchful of undesired romance with confused feelings.

This year is very easy for you to attract the attention of opposite sex. For those who are still single and are looking for a life partner, please make use of the good time to find one. For those have already married, please be alert of unwanted romance. Nevertheless, it means this year, your social life is going to be very colorful and it is particularly good for those are involving in sales and marketing industry because you will be welcome by others when you approach them for sales.


Peach blossom also represents popularity and interpersonal relationship. If there is no peach blossom in a person's Bazi, basically that person is unpopular. In this case, it is difficult in sales career. Everyone must handle it well. Those who are already married must pay attention and remind yourself not to get confused and get some unnecessary peach blossoms. The social aspect is colorful.


2021 is the year of the ox and goat is right opposite the ox which is clash Tai Sui. Why is it bad to sit on the Tai Sui or clash punch Tai Sui? Because Tai Sui is very great and must be respected, but because it’s your turn to sit on Tai Sui, it’s basically not good. So if sit on Tai Sui or clash Tai Sui this year it is better to show respect to Tai Dui before Li Chun. This year’s Li Chun is at the midnight of the February 3rd, we regard 3/2/21 as the day of the beginning of spring. Before February 3rd, you must go to the temple to pray and pray for a year of peace.

吉星 Auspicious Stars



In fact, there is an auspicious star in the sheep. It is also an auspicious star to help you solve your problems. It means that there are noble people to solve your problems. So this star is good.

【地解】representing opportunities for relocation or home ownership, there are also noble people who solve problems on behalf.

凶星 Inauspicious Stars

因为冲太岁,所以运气方面是反复无常,有一些凶星,使到你很乱,让你精神不能集中,所以必须要做的东西其实是放松心情, 多做善事。

有一句话叫做一喜挡三灾,意思是说一个喜事可以挡掉三个不好的事情。但如果你是犯太岁或者冲太岁的话,我们必须要 多去沾一点喜庆喜气。怎么说呢,我们可以去 参加多一点喜事如婚宴,自己本身也可以庆祝生日。意思说如果有结婚,添丁,置业创业那都是喜事,今年如果你把办喜事,对你是好的。结婚啊,办一个生日会,请大家来祝寿,一些宴会,结婚啊,老人家生日宴会啊,公司开长都可以去参加,就是避免如果能够一些白事或者是少去医院,这些都是凶气 比较重的地方。

冲太岁, 运气反复无常, 要在立春日3/2/21前到太岁庙作福,有助驱散凶星的缠扰。要守别攻, 放松心情多做善事.

Because of Tai Sui, luck is erratic. There are some fierce stars that make you in a mess and make you unable to concentrate. So what you have to do is to relax and do more good deeds.

There is a saying called "One Happiness can cure Three Disasters", it means that one happy event can block three bad things. If you are sit on Tai Sui or clash Tai Sui, we must be more festive.  We can go to a little more happy events like a wedding banquet, birthday parties for the elderly, happy events like new born babies, birthday parties, and we can also celebrate the birthday ourselves, invite everyone to celebrate your birthday, just to avoid if you can do some funeral or go to the hospital less, these are all inauspicious qi place.

Your luck will not be very promising. It is advisable for you to go to the temple or church before li chun 3/2/21 to pray for good fortune and it is helpful to dispel the disturbance of the fearful stars.


【岁破】Devastation in interpersonal relationships, the new year is easy to offend the dignitaries and will also lose of wealth.


Because this year is relatively bad, it's best to bear with all things a little bit more patient. Don't force your head on anything. If you involve in helping others without much consideration and knowing your ability, bad things will happen.


【栏干】representing difficulties, twists and turns, will encounter more obstacles, need a lot of patience.



Simultaneously, there is a star of [Da Hao], which indicating a leak of wealth and not easy for you to gather wealth. If it appears in your bazi year pillar or hour pillar, you may suffer unexpected personal financial losses. You have to be careful in any investment. You may purchase carelessly stock that has no potential to grow. It is advisable not to invest into those investment that promise high return without solid base. Hence, keep your money in a safe place like bank instead of going to high risk investment.


对我来说,我认为2021年最佳的十二生肖是猴。 为什么? 有一颗强大的吉星被称为[紫微],它进入了猴的命宮。 你知道明代皇帝和清代皇帝的紫禁城故宫<紫禁城>是以这个星来命名的吗? 因此,您可以想象这颗紫微星有多强大。

For me, I feel that the best Chinese zodiac for 2021 is MONKEY. Why? There is a powerful auspicious star which is called [紫微] enters into the luck of MONKEY. Do you know that Forbidden City故宫<紫禁城>, the imperial palace of Ming Dynasty and Ching Dynasty is named after this star? Hence, you can imagine how powerful this [紫微] star is.

吉星 Auspicious Stars



紫微indicates that you have great potential in your career. You do not have to work too hard but the helps that you require will come naturally. The opportunities will appear in front of you. If you can grasp the good fortune in time and take all effort to accomplish the tasks assigned by your boss, your boss will appreciate what you have done. He will let you take charge and provide more responsibilities to you by letting you managing more important projects. You have to cherish it as this is his initial step to promote you.

Furthermore, there will be  [龙德]helps available this year.


【紫微】and【龙德】Will be a year of opportunity everywhere, the career is more rewarded by the nobles, and the overall year is a steady rise.


【紫微】Prominent position, represent status upgrade, 【龙德】is a noble star, Most beneficial to working people and administrative workers, personal talent and leadership can exert, It is also possible to use the interpersonal context to make a big shine in the development of the business, take advantage of the help and move forward.


If MONKEY zodiac appears in either one of the bazi pillars, regardless of whether it appears on your bazi time, day, month or year pillar, it is good.


【天喜】吉星同样代表喜事重重,倘若已婚。有望可添丁,延续喜庆运势。已经历分手者,有机会认识新对象,关系更可迅速发展,甚至有【闪婚】的可能。今年有[天喜]星出现, [天喜]星为快乐的星, 主有喜事和愉快事情发生.

【天喜】representing many happy events are coming, sure as giving birth to baby or getting marriage. Those have experienced the breakup, 【天喜】also is a romance star and hence you will have the opportunity to find new lover, the relationship can develop more quickly, and even have the possibility of flash marriage. The star of [Tian X]’ is happy star. You may expect to enjoy some happy events and you feel happy and positive.



凶星 Inauspicious Stars

【暴败】【言多必失】,因为意气风发而不自觉树敌,拖垮整体运势。常常记得要如易经所说的,我所一直强调的8864卜里面最好的一个卜是谦卜,谦卑的谦。无论做什么东西都要谦卑谦虚,就会勇往直前,没有问题。【暴败】困难阻滞及运势的上落较大,表面看似发展顺遂,但却容易遇上突如其来的变化。【见好即收】的态度,凡事适可宜止,提防运势突然顺转而令自已陷入困境。很多时候,人会在一切顺利时炫耀自己,并可能导致说话或表现傲慢,并会导致他人嫉妒并给您带来麻烦。 不要以为你比别人聪明,并试图不当地批评别人。


【暴败】【言多必失】,too much you speak or show off will lead you to failure or dragging the overall fortune. Always remember that as the Yijing says, the best one of the 8864 divinations that I have always emphasized is the humility, the humble humility. No matter what you do, you must be humble and humble, and you will move forward without any problem. It will be difficult block and fortune ups and downs if you show off. 【暴败】You seem to be developing smoothly, but it is easy to encounter sudden changes. 【见好即收】, Never act over the limit and everything is to be appropriate, and beware that the fortune suddenly turns and causes you to be in trouble. A lot of times, men tend to show off when everything is smooth and may lead to saying or acting arrogantly and will cause others to jealous and cause trouble to you. Don’t think you are smarter than others and try to critic others inappropriately. 


【暴败】Fortune easy to reverse.


【天厄】It is easy to encounter small accidents, and should be extra cautious.

[亡神],主耗败,亦主官非和是非、容易卷入是非的漩涡;所以记得当我们很好的时候因为有好的星入命进入猴子的运,但是我们同时也要记得我们的口德很重要啊,不要自以为是,说人家一些不好听的话而得罪别人。另外,「亡神」发威时会使人失去主张,让事情做了却没有结果,因而最后引申为钱财的损失。 「亡神」,有人说是代表阴气重的地方,因此令人情绪低落而容易钻牛角尖.

[亡神] easy to get involved in the whirlpool of right and wrong or unnecessarily argument. So remember that when we are good, because there are auspicious stars will enter the luck of the monkey, but we must also remember that our verbal morality is very important. Don't be self-righteous and can offend others by saying something bad. In addition, [亡神] will make people lose their ideas, so will not complete the works that have been planned and finally extended to the loss of money. It is only about situation that will create depression and easily enter into a dead end.



吉星 Auspicious Stars

属鸡的, 今年看到的吉星是将星将星是将军的星。将军都是很有权力的,所以它代表着领导能力,也代表着你的权威,所以那些高层,今年你的领导才华将能够展现出来的时候。那些活跃在团体的, 将星也是有助于你在那个团体的表现。



For rooster, the lucky star this year is the “military general star”. Generals are very powerful, so it represents leadership and your authority, so those high-level leaders will be able to show your leadership talent this year. Those who are active in the group also help your performance in that group.

This year the fortune for the rooster is quite good. It is also very good in terms of money, why? There is one named Lu Xun, what is Lu Xun? What we call "Fu, Lu, Shou, Lu" means money. People in the past said that 受朝廷俸禄is receiving the royal salary means taking the royal salary to do things. So it represents wealth, so this year the rooster has wealth progress, so take good opportunity in investment, your bonus, wealth and salary have good development. There is also a very important auspicious star called Tianjie to help you solve your problems. It is a lucky star that turns bad luck into good. It can help you to solve any disasters, diseases or court case so this Tianjie It is a very good lucky star.

Basically, you can see that the rooster is quite good this year, if you look at the lucky stars just mentioned. Now let’s take a look at what is the evil star of the rooster? The first fierce star is the “white tiger”. A “white tiger” is a tigers will bite, so be careful of animal bites. Those who are engaged in animal-related industries such as veterinarians must be careful, and they may be injured by metal, so you may see some blood related disasters. The white tiger also represents the argument, so we must be careful in handling things. If you sign any agreement and contract, you must read clearly before signing. In addition to this fierce star, we also see representing accidental injury stars such as【飞廉】and【大煞】must be alert, it is definitely not suitable for any high-risk activities such as rock climbing, skydiving, diving, etc., so as to avoid accidents.


【将星】symbol leadership, if they are engaged in administrative work or management.


【禄勋】Symbol money can be credited.


【天解】resolve issues, dangerous situation becomes safe, easy after the difficulty. [Tian Jie Xing] is a star of luck. Its function is to resolve all disasters, argument and diseases.

凶星 Inauspicious Stars


【白虎】Injury, especially by animal bites or metal injuries, Easy to have a slight bloody disaster. It is an argument star too.


Easy to have a slight bloody disaster. Representing an accidental injury 【飞廉】and【大煞】must be alert, it is definitely not suitable for any high-risk activities such as rock climbing, skydiving, diving, etc., so as to avoid accidents.

【血刃】则分别代表容易受伤及遇上水险,不宜参加攀山,爬石,跳伞,潜水等高危活动,以免发生意外;[血刃], 小心血光之灾. 去捐血来化解.

【血刃】They are easy to get injured and encounter water risks, and should not participate in high-risk activities such as climbing, skydiving, diving and others, in order to avoid accidents; and [血刃] beware of bleeding problem. Be carefully on the road and go donate blood before LI CHUN 3/2/21 to resolve it.

不能捐血的人呢, 最好最少的你要去验血, 做一个全身检查而让你的血先流, 或者去找牙医洗牙, 让你的血先流, 那么在发生的话也没有这么严严重。

还有一颗星,这个星叫做浮沉,浮浮沉沉,代表着感情方面,事业方面可能有大起大落所以做什么东西都要加倍谨慎,切记三思而后行,不要因为前面那个吉星太好了,什么东西都 go all out,没有什么防备,这样你就可能会遇到一些挫折。

总之来说呢,属鸡今年权力是有的,财富是有的,还有一颗天解星,天上的星星来解决你的问题,但是最重要就是小心血光之灾,所以也不要开快车啊,危险的地方尽量避开,就会没有事,然后最好就是在立春之前去捐血 来化解这些所谓不好的凶星.

For people who can’t donate blood, it’s best to go for a blood test at least, do a full-body checkup and let your blood flow first, or go to a dentist to wash your teeth and let your blood flow first, then it’s not so serious when it happens.

There is also a star. This star is called “ups and downs star”. It represents the emotional aspect. There may be big ups and downs in the career. So you have to be more cautious about everything. Remember to think twice before acting. Don't just because the auspicious stars that I mentioned in front are too good, everything you Go all out, without any precaution, as you may encounter some setbacks.

All in all, this year, the Rooster has power and wealth. There is also a star from the Heaven 天解星to solve your problems, but the most important thing is to be careful of blood and light disasters, so don’t drive fast, it’s dangerous. Try to avoid dangerous places as much as possible, there will be nothing wrong, and then it is best to donate blood before Li Chun to resolve these so-called bad evil stars.



【血刃】and【浮沉】They are easy to get injured and encounter water risks, and should not participate in high-risk activities such as rock climbing, skydiving, diving and others, in order to avoid accidents; and 【浮沉】Love and careers are more ups and downs , everything should be more cautious, remember to think twice before acting.



如果你生肖狗的话, 2021年属狗的人那么恭喜你了因为如果说是出现在年柱,请看看我之前说的年柱代表着你的环境,也是助力,今年属狗的特别多贵人,尤其是有一个天德贵人。

If you are a dog of the Chinese zodiac, congratulations to those who belong to the dog in 2021, because if it appears in the Year Zhu (year pillar). Please watch that my previous youtube about what is the more accurate to understand the impacts of zodiac to us). The Year Zhu (pillar) represents your environment, and it is also means helps and noblemen. Especially if there is a 【天德】.


吉星 Auspicious Stars


【天德】represents everything can be settled, 【福星】and【八座】It is a kind and happiness.

[福星]是主福禄双全的星宿,福 = 幸福, = 财富. 代表你在工作上有很大的发挥,而且不须你花太多心思和精神去筹谋,自然会有贵人为你安排一切,让机会出现在你的面前。若你能掌握流年的机遇,尽力把公司派下来的任务做到最好,则老板将会对你刮目相看,让你担任和负责更多更重要的项目, 这个就是他部署提升你的第一步,是否能够达到他的要求,就要看你自己的造化了。

[天德]入命,主福分深厚,长寿,不犯官刑。天德是阳德,其功效明显. [天德]是一颗贵人星,主逢凶化吉, [天德]直接阻止不吉利的事情发生,使你可以专心完成老板委派的工作。

[Fu De] is a superb fortune star. It indicates that you have both happiness and wealth. Also, great potential in your career. You do not have to work too hard but the helps that you require will come naturally. The opportunities will appear in front of you. If you can grasp the good fortune in time and take all effort to accomplish the tasks assigned by your boss, your boss will appreciate what you have done. He will let you take charge and provide more responsibilities to you by letting you managing more important projects. You have to cherish it as this is his initial step to promote you.

This is a very good year to move forward. [Tian De] is a very good fortune star. It means long life and will have good health. Do not commit any offence. Its virtue is positive virtue and its effect is obvious. [Tian De] will turn all the bad luck into good luck. It is different compare to other good stars such as [Xie Shen] and [Di Xie], because these two stars need to see misfortune first before turn them into good luck. However, [Tian De] will directly prevent any bad luck matter from occurring. This enables you to concentrate in completing the work that your boss delegates to you.


【福星】and【八座】It is a kind and happy, happy.

凶星 Inauspicious Stars


【扳鞍】have the idea of changing the working environment, have to pay attention to more emergencies or things that happen in sudden. Have to get a new job first before resigning from the original position to avoid loss in both ends.


【披麻】Not only pay attention to personal health, but also care about family health. You may go for a medical check-up, do regular exercise and consume healthy food. You may be can try to take the initiative to buy a home, decorate the home or replace the furniture to enhance the fortune.


【捲舌】Easy to cause misunderstanding, quarrel, especially easy to turn against old friends or partners.


【寡宿】, 【男忌孤辰,女忌寡宿】,symbol lonely.

If 【寡宿】enters into your day pillar which, it represents your personal relationship. It will affect your relationship with your life partner, spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend. It could be your spouse always travel for work and leave alone and you feel lonely.

Basically, it is a year the dog zodiac has lots of helps available and feel lonely. Please enhance your relationship with your spouse.

如果【寡宿】进入您的日柱,那代表您的个人关系。 它会影响您与伴侣,配偶,女友或男友的关系。 可能是您的配偶总是出差工作而独自一人离开而您感到孤独。

基本上,这是狗生肖年有很多可用帮助并且感到孤独的一年。 请增进您与配偶的关系。


吉星 Auspicious Stars

属猪的今年可以看到一个星,骇马。我们现在有车, 以前的人要骑马 ,骑马从一个地方到另外一个地方如果路途遥远的话我们就会到骇马站去换马.【驿马】代表出门走动,向远方发展,离开原居地发展的最佳时机,亦可考虑到外地进修。[驿马]出现在你的命宫,代表你动象频频,主吉主凶则全凭你自己对事情的掌握了。[驿马]吉星是一颗中级的贵人吉星,凡流年被这吉星照耀的人,必有工作调,升居所乔迁或者是出外遇贵人的喜事。今年你出远门的次数一定比往年多,而且逗留在外地的时间也较长。由[驿马]星所引荐的贵人,将会为你的事业创造发挥机会。你多会东奔西跑, 喜欢旅游, 但忙碌或改变环境.

For pigs this year, you can see a star, “running horse骇马”. We now have car. But, during ancient time, people used to ride horses from a place to another. If the journey is far, we will go to the horse station to change horses, which is like our bus station now. “Running horse 骇马” means going out and moving, developing far away, and developing away from the home.  It also can be considered as the time to study abroad. If the “Running horse骇马” appears in your life palace, it means that you move frequently, it means frequent changes. The master of good fortune and evil depends entirely on your own mastery of things. “Running horse骇马  is a mid-level noble auspicious star. Anyone who is illuminated by this auspicious star in the fleeting years must have a job tune, shift house, or change of environment and go out to meet the nobles. You must have to travel more times this year than in previous years, and you have stayed abroad for a longer time. The nobles recommended by“Running horse骇马” star will create opportunities for your career promotion. You may run around or like to travel, but busy or changing the environment. Also, you may be very busy.


凶星 Inauspicious Stars


Inauspicious Star 【吊客】 [Hanging off] will have an impact on family luck. Thus, try to minimize going to the hospital and funeral if possible, but rather to attend the festive activities of relatives and friends, full with positive energy, which helps strengthen personal fortune.



‘Tengu’ 天狗is a fierce star, second only to 天狼 (greedy wolf), and has calamities and bleeding problem. Be very careful.


出门要小心,不要开快车还因为今年有骇马星出现,要想在外跑的时候要特别注意, 小心血光之灾,不要开快车也别开夜车, 疲倦了就要休息 。谢谢大家。

Be careful when you go out. Don’t drive fast because there are 骇马星 appearing this year. If you have to always on the move, you should pay special attention to the disaster of blood. Don’t drive fast and don’t drive fast at late night. You must rest when you are tired.