
Friday, August 23, 2024

2025年风水预测抢先看 2025年风水预测 by Master Lee 1 A Sneak Peek into the 2025 Feng Shui Forecast 2025 Feng Shui Predictions by Master Lee (Part 1)

2025年将会如何?让我们像往年一样,通过风水和玄学的角度来进行预测。2025年农历正月初一是129日,但其实这个时候蛇年还未正式开始。蛇年要到立春——232025 22:10——才真正降临。因此,在农历正月初一出生的婴儿仍然属于龙年,而非蛇年,很多人对此常有误解。

























What can we expect in 2025? Just as in previous years, we will use Feng Shui and metaphysical principles to make predictions. The Lunar New Year of 2025 begins on January 29th, but technically, the Year of the Snake doesn’t start until the Spring Festival on February 3rd at 22:10 2024. Therefore, babies born on Lunar New Year's Day still belong to the Year of the Dragon, not the Snake—a fact that many people often misunderstand. 

One method to predict the coming year’s fortune is by analyzing the Spring Festival’s Bazi (Four Pillars of Destiny). In my view, the Bazi of the 2025 Spring Festival looks more favorable than that of 2024. This is because the 2025 Bazi shows more harmonious interactions than clashes. The Bazi of 2024 had many conflicting elements, making it a challenging year, with global economic difficulties that many people felt in their daily lives. The 2025 Bazi shows harmony between Gui and Wu, Yin and Hai, and Mao and Hai, while only Yin and Si, and Si and Hai show clashes. If you understand Bazi, you’ll know that in every Year of the Snake, there are usually some conflicts due to the Yin-Si clash during the Spring Festival. This indicates potential criminal activities, disputes, and political instability in 2025. Fraud and misleading events will continue to occur, so everyone needs to be cautious. 

However, I want to emphasize that the Bazi for 2025 has more harmonious aspects. Therefore, compared to 2024, the relationships between countries and people will likely improve, leading to better cooperation and prosperity. 

The 2025 Spring Festival Bazi shows that the Food God star is prominent, symbolizing freedom, indulgence, and a relaxed attitude. Many people will adopt a more laid-back approach, focusing on enjoying life. This will be beneficial for the tourism, dining, and entertainment industries.


According to the annual flying stars, the ruling 9-star will appear in the East in 2025. This bodes well for the economic development of East Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, and the Philippines. However, the East will also experience the Three Killings, bringing potential disasters and conflicts to these regions. The most dangerous Five Yellow Star appears in the Northeast, which is unfavorable for South Korea, North Korea, and China, likely causing economic setbacks and continuous disasters. The Illness Star (2 Black) occupies the center, meaning the world must be vigilant about the spread of diseases in 2025. The Dispute Star (3 Jade) flies to the Northwest, indicating possible political unrest in Penang, Malaysia. On the other hand, Southeast Asia will benefit from auspicious stars, particularly the 1 White Star in the Southeast. Meanwhile, Russia in the North should be wary, as the ongoing war with Ukraine will likely continue, leading to unfavorable outcomes, symbolized by the 7 Breaking Army Star in the North, representing destruction and conflicts. 

What does the 2025 Geomantic Mother Classic say?

The Geomantic Mother Classic states:

High and low crops are lush,

Spring and summer see many floods;

Autumn and winter double the grain yield,

Rice and wheat are abundant;

Mulberries are abandoned in Wu and Hui,

Heavenly insects move inside baskets;

Silkworm women weep for the expensive leaves,

Silk cotton doesn’t weigh,

The price of cloth is unmatched.


Basically, it predicts a good year for agriculture, with abundant harvests. However, spring and autumn weather will be unstable, with possible extreme weather or landslides. In the textile industry, raw material prices are expected to rise, making business challenging due to high costs.

I’ve long wanted to share a very special metaphysical principle with you, which is Qi Men Dun Jia. Qi Men Dun Jia is an advanced metaphysical knowledge that is difficult to master. If you want to learn it, you must understand all aspects of the I Ching, Feng Shui, Bazi, and metaphysics. Qi Men Dun Jia is an ancient Chinese mystical art used for predicting the future and formulating strategies. It combines principles of astronomy, calendar, Yin-Yang, and the Five Elements and is closely related to military tactics and strategy. In ancient times, Qi Men Dun Jia was considered a profound study, often applied in important decision-making areas such as military, politics, and commerce.

The core of Qi Men Dun Jia lies in the use of the "Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams" concept, combined with heavenly stems, earthly branches, eight gates, nine stars, six deities, and three wonders to arrange a layout. Based on factors like time and location, Qi Men Dun Jia can calculate auspicious and inauspicious directions and action strategies to achieve good fortune and avoid misfortune. 

Historically, Qi Men Dun Jia was regarded as an essential tool for emperors and generals, even being called the "Art of Emperors." However, due to its complexity and mystique, it became a secret skill mastered by only a few. If we use the 2025 Spring Festival time to create a Qi Men Dun Jia chart, we find that it is a Fuyin chart. Fuyin represents stagnation, immobility, delay, and maintaining the status quo. This result aligns with the earlier Bazi calculation, suggesting that many people will adopt a less proactive and more conservative approach in 2025, leading to slow economic growth and a lack of motivation.

 To be continued, stay tuned.