Thursday, December 27, 2007
Saturday, December 1, 2007
门的风水非常重要, 因为那是一个地方的口. 如果它吸取好的气, 那这个地方的风水将是好的. 反之, 如果它吸取不好的气, 那这个地方的风水将是不好的. 因此当一位风水师看风水时, 他必看那是一个地方的门.
看门的方向盘是风水理气学. 看四周围环境尤其是门的风水就是峦头学. 看门的风水要注意:-
门对着警察局, 消防局, 寺廟, 电塔和教堂是极不好风水的地方.
门不宜对着两间屋子之间的窄巷 (穿心煞).
门对着斜坡或楼梯不好. 斜坡或楼梯如向下,居住在房子里的人将破财. 斜坡或楼梯向上将影响他们的健康.
如门对着医院,殡仪馆, 火化厂和坟场将聚集哀傷悲痛, 形成一股带负性之气.
除了门口,窗口也要注意. 如窗口同犯以上大忌也要用以上的方法来化煞.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Let The Windchime Helps You
Of course, normally people do not put windchime in the bed room, you can replace it with a gold/silver music box instead. Do not put electronic music box as electric has fire element and fire grows earth instead. Let the music box makes beautiful music from time to time.
Please go and buy gold/silver windchime and remember to hang it at the south.
Can I find my love soon?
The answer is to to put a vase at the location as indicated below according to the year of your birthday. Put some real flowers with water. Change the water everyday. The color of the vase is as illustrated below. The vase is actually a good thing in term of feng shui to enhance your luck in love.
Tiger, horse, dog - East - Green
Monkey, rat, dragon - West - Gold, white
Pig, rabbit, goat - north - black, blue
Snake, rooster, ox - south - red, pick, orange, purple
Gold Fish to Enhance Your Wealth Luck
You may want to put the aquarium at the enhance of your main door if there is no place for an aquarium in the south-west and east of your house. If the main door is located at the right side of your house, the aquarium should be located at the left hand side of the door and vice-verse. If the main door is located at the middle, then put the aquarium inside the house facing the main door. If not, then put it at the left hand side (the place of green dragon)
Unwanted Spirit
Friday, November 2, 2007
Clock Can Enhance Your Wealth
Rat/Pig - North East
Ox - North
Tiger/Rabbit - North West
Dragon - West
Snake/Horse - South West
Goat - South
Monkey/Rooster - South East
Dog - East
Thursday, October 11, 2007
眉毛代表一个人的31岁至34岁, 兄弟姐妹和他的手.
如眉毛长得不好, 那就代表他31岁至34岁的运应是不好, 兄弟姐妹有难或他的兄弟姐妹健康有难题, 更或者他们常为他带来麻烦. 他的手的健康也可能有难题. 这种现象更为明显如有段眉.
一般上粗眉的人较固执, 信心强, 但如过粗那他就会太刚愎自用, 尤其是女性, 她将压住她的丈夫. 但眉毛如过薄, 那他的志向应不高但聪明. 眉薄, 没大志者, 注重小事, 常常给人认为他斤斤计较.无论如何, 一个人不可没有眉毛因人类是唯一种有眉毛的动物, 如一个人没有眉毛, 那他的性格就似乎像动物一般, 小心这种人. 他应是六亲緣薄, 阳险小人.
双眉不可相连. 如双眉相连, 那他将是患得患失爱缵牛角尖的人, 他偏激急燥. 双眉也不可离得太近. 如双眉长得太近, 那他将是悲观主义者. 相反的如双眉离得太远, 那他将是一个什么都无所谓者, 容易听信别人而受骗, 尤其是女性, 更加容易受骗而失身.
压眼眉, 性急多凶, 不动产运差. 眉和眼的距離大, 不动产运佳. 相反的如眉和眼的距離小, 不动产运差.
散乱眉, 不聚财, 好冒险.
眉尾薄, 夫妻情缘淡, 情绪化者.
眉尾卷毛, 倔强, 克父母亲.
高低眉, 有同父异母或者是同母异父的兄弟姐妹.
眉尾朝上, 现实主义者.
眉尾弯下, 多情者.
眉角上扬, 个性强, 喜欢命令别人, 易成名.
短眉, 冲动者, 兄弟姐妹少或与兄弟姐妹无缘.
在40岁前眉毛中长出一条特长的眉毛, 那他将是短命者. 但在40岁后眉毛中长出一条特长的眉毛, 那他将是长命者.
眉骨显露, 富有进取心和观察力. 但如太凸出, 那他将是冲动者
Thursday, September 20, 2007
A Man Ba Zi
妻宫见辰为官符煞, 会因妻而有官非或是非.
此人有做官和做老板命. 如做伙计, 将得上司提拔.
见食神, 因食神生财所以有财.
31 – 36 岁发一大财.
2007年远较差, 今年丁亥年亥为驿马孤神所以常移动及弧度.2008年较好, 可以结婚.
财位在西方(申), 建禄(寅的对面)
亥 – 词馆(语言能力强,有口才)
巳 – 学堂(与学府有缘)
寅 – 劫煞(小心虎年)
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Feng Shui Pa Gua
离代表三女和南方. 命卦为3. 火.
坤代表母亲或女主人和西南方. 命卦为1. 土.
震代表长子和东方. 命卦为8. 木.
艮读为更. 代表小儿子和东北方. 命卦为6. 土.
坎代表二儿子和北方. 命卦为7. 水.
乾代表父亲或男主人和西北方. 命卦为9. 金.
兑读为对. 代表小女和西方. 命卦为4. 金.
From here, we can see why in term of feng shui, our house has to be square and not missing any corner because for instance, if the east part of your house goes missing, your eldest son will go missing i.e. you have no eldest son.
Friday, September 7, 2007

The very important basic of feng shui is to understand the elements. The elements include wood, fire, earth, gold and water.
1. Water will grow plant because plant needs water in order to grow. However, water resists fire as water put out fire.
2. Wood grows fire because we use wood to light up fire. But, wood resists earth as the root of plant grows into the earth and break it.
3. Fire grows earth because if you burn something, it will burn to become earth. Nevertheless, fire resists gold as fire will melt metal.
4. Earth grows gold as earth has metal inside it. All metal is considered as gold in the term of feng shui. But, earth resists water as stone/earth resists the smooth flow of water.
5. Gold grows water as gold will become liquid after heating. But, gold resists wood as we use metal axe to chop down a tree.
Where should I sit?
- Never sit with a door or a window behind your back. You will get stabbed and played out soon.
- If you sit with your back behind a window, do make sure that the window is facing a building that can act as a firm support. Other than that, you can hang a picture of a mountain at the back of your sit.
- If you are a boss, North west is your area. Put a chinese character 乾 there to enhance your luck because 乾 is the master.
- If you are a lady who help your husband in his business, South west is your area. Put chinese character 坤 there as 坤 is the lady master.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Where is your wealth?
2. If you are born with in 19 Feb to 4 May, you are born in spring according to China calendar that is plant element. Spring is the time all the plants and flowers grow. Thus, you need gold/metal to balance it. Gold, silver and white represent metal element.
3. If you are born with in 5 May to 7 Aug, you are born in summer that is fire element which is very hot, thus, you need water to cool it down. Blue and black represent water element.
4. If you are born with in 8 Aug to 7 Nov, you are born in autumn that is metal element, thus, you need plant element i.e.green color.
Rooster Luck
Basing on my research, rooster is very strong in 桃花 and we are very stubborn.
This year, the year of pig 亥, we have the luck of ‘moving about’ i.e. changing job, migrating, traveling or shifting house. In general, rooster tends to ‘move’ in the month of Nov 亥月(Chinese calendar) and you always cannot stay at home from 9pm to 11pm亥时. This applies not only to the year of pig but in general. However, the pig year also a lonely year for you but you are strong in religion belief on this particular year. At the same time, you are strong in sexual demand.
Next year is a very happy year for you as rat 子brings abundant of happiness to you. You will have a lot of happy occasions to celebrate 天喜年. We will have new born babies, marriage weddings and many celebrations 喜事. Roosters tend to get your happiness from 11pm to 1am子时daily and in the month of Dec 子月.
The year of cow 丑年 is the year that we can show our talent and we are good in convincing others.
The years that not that good for us are rooster year 犯太岁, rabbit year 冲太岁, monkey year – 多是非and tiger year. From my research, tiger is very bad for you. Thus, do not keep cat as your pet. But, monkey and tiger years are good for a rooster lawyer. He needs all the arguments to be good.
Of course, all the above are just a reference basing on the rooster feature. It can be inaccurate until your bazi 八字is disclosed. Bazi means your date and time of birth (year, month, day and time).
Feng Shui
For man, I have done some studies to further enhance the romance luck. The below feng shui theory might work:-
左青龙 - represents men.
右白虎 - represents women.
前朱雀 - Phoenix represents your front shd be ample of empty spaces 明堂要大.
后玄武 - represent your back shd have 靠山.
Thus, you shd put a flower plant in a vase at the right region of your house. The right region is identified when you are standing inside your house and facing the door, it is at your right hand side. You have to change the water in the vase daily and keep the area clean.Do not put roses 因为玫瑰有刺, 有刺的植物不放在屋内. Put it outside can help to prevent unwanted spirit though.八宅风水的生气位也是桃花位.