Even though I have managed to predict the political instability in Middle East on 21 Dec 2010 http://penangfengshui.blogspot.com/2010/12/my-prediction-for-2011-year-of-rabbit.html but I did not realize that the impact is that serious. However, I did warn that do not be too optimistic about the economy of the world due to the bad situation in Japan and the "three killings" at the West which create economy instability in the United States and Europe, despite all the articles that I read about the predictions of other feng shui masters suggested that the economy for this year is excellent. Now, with the impact of the situation in the Middle East, the price of the petroleum has risen and it has effected the economy of the world. All the poor people like me will feel the impact very soon.
Now, I have noticed the impact of flying star no 2 which is 2 black, the second worst star after the worst star no 5 showed its power. The star 2 black is in the South this year which is the location for the New Zealand and look at the earthquake in New Zealand! But, we have yet to feel the impact of the worst no 5 yet. Thus, I predict that there will be a more serious earthquake in Japan. Please do all necessary precaution measures, Japan!
To minimise the influence of the star no 2 and 5, please follow my post http://penangfengshui.blogspot.com/2011/01/my-prediction-for-2011-year-of-rabbit_25.html