生肖免在2014甲午, 马年运气不错, 是开心有助力的一年.
‘福德’ 和‘福星’是主福禄双全的星宿,代表你在工作上有很大的发挥,而且不须你花太多心思和精神去筹谋,自然会有贵人为你安排一切,让机会出现在你的面前。若你能掌握流年的机遇,尽力把公司派下来的任务做到最好,则老板将会对你刮目相看,让你担任和负责更多更重要的项目;你知道吗?这个就是他部署提升你的第一步,是否能够达到他的要求,就要看你自己的造化了。
‘Fu De’ and ‘lucky star’ are
two superb fortune stars. They indicate that you have great potential in your
career. You do not have to work too hard but the helps that you require will
come naturally. The opportunities will appear in front of you. If you can grasp
the good fortune in time and take all effort to accomplish the tasks assigned
by your boss, your boss will appreciate what you have done. He will let you
take charge and provide more responsibilities to you by letting you managing
more important projects. You have to cherish it as this is his initial step to
promote you.
This is a very good year to move forward. ‘Tian De’ is a very
good fortune star. It means long life and do not commit any offence. Its virtue
is positive virtue and its effect is obvious. ‘Tian De’ will turn all the bad
luck into good luck. It is different compare to other good stars such as ‘Xie
Shen’ and ‘Di Xie’, because these two stars need to see misfortune first before
turn them into good luck. However, ‘Tian De’ will directly prevent any bad luck
matter from occurring. This enables you to concentrate in completing the work
that your boss delegates to you.
The star of ‘Tian Xi’ is happy star. You may expect to enjoy
some happy events.
The appearance of ‘Xian Chi’ make you to have strong romance,
thus, please be watchful of undesired romance with confused feelings.