Ferry Terminal
An architecture
student from UPM approached to interview me about my view about the feng shui
at the Butterworth
Ferry Terminal. She
said the area used to be very popular and busy spot long ago but why as the
main transportation hub for buses and train, it does not seem to be very
bustling like many years ago. I told her if you refer to my post http://penangfengshui.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-feng-shui-of-2nd-penang-bridge.html
, I said “In feng shui, there is a very
important principle i.e. the mountain governs the people and water governs the
wealth山管人丁水管财, 有好山就有好人才. 有好水就有好财富.
In the olden day, river is important to the farmers for the purpose of
agriculture. Without water, the crop will not be able to grow properly and in
the era which the agriculture is crucial to produce wealth to the men, no doubt
the river is very critical to the men.
Many thousands years ago, men hunted for
living in the forest. Then, men started to do farming and fishing, thus they
started to depend heavily on water. After that, they started to learn doing
trading and they realized that the best places to do trading are near the water
i.e. at the river bank and near the seaside. Men migrated from the forest to
flat land and then to the river bank. You will notice that many popular cities
are all built next to water such as New York, Hong Kong, Singapore and many
In feng shui, the importance of the road is
like the river. Try to look around yourself and you will notice once a new road
is ready to be used, it will bring business to the shops around it. Versa vice,
if a road is closed or the traffic flow in a particular area is to be changed
and it will immediately change the feng shui or the qi of the area. A good
example is what happened to the Pulau Tikus area recently. Also, before the
Penang Bridge was build, the area Gelugor, Bayan Lepas in Penang Island and
Prai, Seberang Jaya in Butterworth were not that prosperous. We shall expect
the same for the Second Penang Bridge (Sultan Abdul Halim Bridge).”
四大文明古国, 古埃及、美索不達米亞、古印度及中国此四處为人类文明最早誕生的地區。四大文明古國都是建立在河川臺地附近,原因是有固定的水源使農業和商業較容易發展。人類固然離不開水.
four ancient civilizations, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China are the
first born areas for the ancient human civilization. Undoubtedly, these four
ancient civilizations were built at the platform near the river because apparently
the water helped in agricultural and commercial development. Again, it proved that water is money and
The smoothest flow among the three paths in between the mainland and the Penang Island is still the Penang Bridge, followed by the Sultan Abdul Halim Bridge, and then only come the ferry.
you look back into the history of Butterworth, the main transportation platform
in between Butterworth and Penang Island was via the ferry before the Penang
Bridge was completed. Then, came the Penang Bridge, and now the Sultan Abdul
Halim Bridge. I told her, in feng shui, it is very easy to understand how
prosperous a place by understanding the road traffic flow. Whichever flow that
provide the smoother flow, and then there is the place that will enjoy better development.
In electrical engineering, whichever electric path that provide easier path to
get accessed, the more the electric current will be transported. I told her the smoothest flow among the three
paths in between the mainland and the Penang Island is still the Penang Bridge,
followed by the Sultan Abdul Halim Bridge, and then only come the ferry. It is
also in line with the prediction of the later bagua which the qi will move to
the South. Hence, the qi of Butterworth is actually moving to the Bukit
Mertajam currently and not to the North.

Wynn Casino in
Beautiful Georgetown
told those who came to my feng shui talk at the DnPLand Sales Gallery that please
do not simply pick any bagua mirror you like. If you have a rich man like
Robert Kuok stays opposite you, then choose a bagua with a concave
mirror as you wish to gather the auspicious qi from him. But, if you
wish to block unwanted qi from the opposite, you have to get a bagua with a
convex mirror instead.
reason for me to propose a building which shape like the Macau Wynn Casino at
the Butterworth Ferry Terminal is to gain the
auspicious qi from Georgetown. As the matter of fact, what Macau Wynn Casino is
trying to do to gain the auspicious qi from the Lisbon Casino that located
opposite it.
Georgetown is located at the auspicious “a jade belt surrounding the waist of an officer 玉带环抱” , the Teluk Air Tawar, north of the Butterworth Ferry Terminal is actually at the 'fan gong shui’ 反弓水 “bend bow water”.
I have said many times in my blog and book http://www.penangfengshui.com/index.php?pages=book_enjoyyourlife_ebook
about a jade belt surrounding the waist of an officer 玉带环抱 and‘fan
gong shui’ 反弓水 “bend
bow water”,
you will notice Georgetown is actually located at the auspicious “a jade belt
surrounding the waist of an officer 玉带环抱” , However, versa vice, the Teluk
Air Tawar, north of the Butterworth Ferry Terminal is actually at the‘fan
gong shui’ 反弓水 “bend
bow water”.
I guess it is clear now to those who follow my blog and my students to
understand what made the difference in between Georgetown and the North of
Butterworth, right?