
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

新年的腳步近了, 教你在立春时做简单的几招包你马上有好风水 Chinese New Year is just round the corner, teach you some simple tips to do during li chun and guarantee you'll have good feng shui immediately

2017年立春 Li Chun 3 Feb 2017 11:34pm立春. 立春24气之首, 春天的第一天, 大地回春, 喜气洋洋. 24气里有立春, 立夏, 立秋和立冬也就是春夏秋冬的第一天立春就是新的一年了因大地已回春了, 很多人都搞2017年立春 Li Chun 3 Feb 2017 11:34pm出生的孩子才生肖为鸡虽27 Jan 17已是农历初一. 立春之后各方面的吉凶也随着变动.
简单的几招: -
2. 打开所有的灯,扇和空年。三支香向上天祈祷.
3. 保持心情愉快.
4. 最好在厨房煮些美食与家人共享.
5.并在周六201724 9 11am,到您的银行ATM机存一些钱到您的银行帐户。这意味着你将在鸡年有充足的钱进入您的银行帐户。不可拿钱出来. 最好不要在24日从您的银行帐户中拿出任何款项。

3 Feb 2017 11:34pm is the beginning of spring or we call it LI CHUN立春. It is the first day of the 24 solar terms and the first day of spring. In the 24 solar terms, there are beginning of spring, beginning of summer, beginning of autumn and beginning of winter立春, 立夏, 立秋和立冬. They are the first day of every season.
Thereafter the beginning of spring is ONLY then the entire New Year. In fact, many people have mistaken about it. They thought the first day of the Lunar New Year is the new year day农历初一. This year on February 3, 2017 11.34pm ONLY the child that born on that time onwards is a rooster zodiac child instead of the first day of the Lunar New Year农历初一. After LI CHUN ONLY all aspects change accordingly.
Simple things to do:-
1.       On Li Chun 3 Feb 2017 11:34pm, arrange your house following
2.       Switch on all the lights, fans and air conditioners to activate the qi and welcome the rooster year. Use 3 joss sticks to pray or tell your wishes to the Heaven.
3.       Keep a peacefully and joyful atmosphere when doing it.
4.       Better cook some dishes and enjoy with your family.

5.        On the next day, 4 Feb 17 9-11am, go to your bank ATM machine to deposit some money to your bank account. It means you will have abundant money to keep in your bank account on this year. Do not take out money from your bank account during that time. It is better not to take out any money from your bank account on 4 Feb 17.

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