
Sunday, June 14, 2020

《伏羲女娲交尾图 》就好像两只蛇缠绕在一起的结构, 这结构跟我们的DNA很吻合 DNA, is a double-helix structure is surprisingly consistent with the image of human ancestors-"Fuxi Nuwa Crossing"





'天人合一'是中国文化中的重要概念, 按照这一概念的要求, 人作为大自然的一份子, 按照天道运行的方式生活, 就化大自然所有为自己所有, 进而达到和自然融合为一体的境界。这种境界是许多古人毕生所求, 而风水是人和大自然调谐共生的学问。所谓'天人合一'从根本上说就是教人如何最有效地利用自然, 而采取方法顺应天道, 这就是'风水'

在古人的眼里 大地给于滋养他们的生命, 就像母亲一样, 大地是有生命的, 人类不过是大地生命的一部分。

易经里的变和佛学里的无常是同样的道理. 阳,空 , Hardware software 阳间与阴间.


中国上古历史相传有三皇五帝, 三皇指的就是神龙氏,伏羲和女娲。 《伏羲女娲交尾图 》就好像两只蛇缠绕在一起的结构, 这结构跟我们的DNA很吻合,也与世界医药的符号很像,伏羲创造了易经八卦; 女娲郤造人, 相传伏羲和女娲是兄妹也是夫妻, 易经的易字是蜥蜴的蜴而来, 蜥蜴在侏罗纪的时代已经存在,也是变色龙,变色龙根据周围的颜色改变颜色。易就是变的意思。





"The unity of man and nature" is an important concept in Chinese culture. According to the requirements of this concept, human beings as a part of nature, live according to the way of the heavenly way of running, so as to transform nature into its own, and then achieve integration with nature As one state. This state is what many ancients sought for life, and feng shui is the knowledge of tuning symbiosis between man and nature. The so-called ‘integration between man and nature' is basically to teach people how to make the most effective use of nature, and to adopt methods to conform to the way of heaven, which is called'feng shui'.

In the eyes of the ancients, the earth gave nourishment to their lives, just like the mother, the earth is alive, and humans are only part of the life of the earth.

The change in the Book of Changes is the same as the impermanence in Buddhism. Color = Yang, Emptiness = Yin, Hardware software Yang and Yin.

DNA, the basic genetic material of life, is a double-helix structure, and this double-helix structure is surprisingly consistent with the image of human ancestors-"Fuxi Nuwa Crossing", which is also a mystery of the world. The archaeologist's discovery confirmed that the earliest figure of Fuxi Nuwa was found in the silk painting of Mawangdui, Changsha, Hunan.

There were three emperors and five emperors 三皇五帝in ancient Chinese history. The three emperors 三皇refer to Shenlong, Fuxi and Nuwa. "Fuxi Nuwa Copulation Map" is like a structure where two snakes are entwined. This structure is very consistent with our DNA and is similar to the symbols of world medicine. Fuxi created the I Ching Yijing Bagua; Nu Wa made humans. Fu Xi and Nu Wa are brothers, sisters, and also husband and wife. The Yi characters of the Yijing come from lizards. Lizards existed in the Jurassic era, and they are also chameleons that change colors according to colors of the surrounding. Yi means change.

In 1973, French scholar M. Schönberg published "The Secret Key of Life: Cosmic Formula, Book of Changes, and Genetic Code", which for the first time clarified the correspondence between 64 biological genetic codes and the sixty-four diagrams of the Book of Changes. It consists of 64 sequences of DNA triplets, and 64 codes surprisingly coincide with the sixty-four hexagrams of Zhouyi, in which the base A adenine corresponds to Shaoyang, G guanine corresponds to the sun, and C cytosine corresponds to the lunar , U/T uracil corresponds to Shao Yin.

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